John Hix- Sara Preston Chart--done in 2003

John Hix- Sara Preston Chart--done in 2003

[This chart was don by Mike & Bushy Hartman Friday, April 18, 2003. The lines (First and second generation) are unproven- that Sarah Preston m. John Hix and they have the following children- and who their parents are. Nathaniel moved to Goochland abd died there in 1735 (Will). John moved there and Daniel, who may be associated with Robert Hix and Katherine "Ruth" Ragsdale [Francis Clark author has Robert as Daniel's father]. Certainly the father of Nathaniel (which is John according to this chart) could be related to Robert m. Ragsdale in 1701, their union would produce offspring c. 1701. Daniel (1735 will) in Goochland is Nathaniel's nephew and Amos and Achibald are cousins. This is proven in Daniel's Will. Samuel Hicks of Goochland is related but were not sure how - yet.

R. Matteson 2014]

First Generation

1. ROBERT?[1] HIX birth date unknown.
He emigrated, bef 1654. Point of origin: Eng.
Robert? HIX had the following child:
2 i. JOHN2 was born 1658.

Second Generation

2. JOHN2 HIX (Robert?1) was born in Henrico? 1658.
He married SARAH PRESTON? aft ca 1678. Lived at Warrany Creek in Henrico. On Mar 4, 1692 he was a doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses at Williamsburg.

In 1720 a John Hix was buried in the churchyard at Bruton Parish in Williamsburg. Is this the father John or perhaps his son John?
Before Apr 8, 1654 a Robert Hicks emigrated. Could he be John's father?

Patent to Hugh Lee, dated April 8, 1654, for 2000 acres, named Aberconaway, Charles City County, for transportation of 40 persons, including Richrd, Sparkes, Hen. Neale, Jno. Crew, Andr. Crew, Richd. Dennis, Wm. Marsh, Morris Joyce, Hen. Allaman, Jno. Browne, Wm. Bernard, Tho. Clark, Tomasin Harris, Jno. Browne, Phill. Pledge, Mary Browne, Jno. Cox, Richd. Warren, Tho. Michell, Jno. Drennett, Barbara Petingall, Cha. Bartlett, Wm. Taylor, Jno. Floyd, Tho. Stanley, Joan Liswell, Sara King, Rebecka Love?, Sara Swetland, Jocabus Jonson, Eliz. Cooper, Tho. Woods, Tho. Dance, Jno. Burges, Tho. Ory?, Addam Bradshaw, Robt. Hyme?, Martha Gibbs, Robt. Hicks, Jno. Allen, and Tho. Alford, on South Side Appomattock River, on North side the 3rd branch of the Black Water; nigh Warrick Path. [Virginia Patent Book 6, page 510 < 6p510.tif>.]

Note: Did John Hix also have a brother Robert Hix who married Ruth Ragsdale? [yes this the related line- wit. marriage Farrar]

John HIX and Sarah PRESTON? had the following children:
i. JOSEPH3 .
ii. SARAH . She married MARTIN MARTIN .
iii. THOMAS .
iv. JOHN .
3 v. NATHANIEL was born aft ca 1678.
Mike & Bushy Hartman Friday, April 18, 2003

Third Generation

3. NATHANIEL[3] HIX (John2, Robert?1) was born in Henrico Co? aft ca 1678. Nathaniel died bef May 20, 1735 in Goochland co. VA. From the LDS Film #031653 Goochland Virginia Deed Books 1-3
Nathaniel Hix, Will, Book 2, Page 89.

In the name of God Amen. I Nathaniel Hix of Gugland County and of St. James Paresh being sick and weak but of perfect sense and memory thanks be given unto Almighty God for the same and calling into mind that wee must yeald unto death whensoever it shall please God to call and constitute and appoint this my last will and testament. I give and bequeath my Soul unto almighty God my Savior and Redeemer to have forgiveness of all my sines and comitt my boddy to the Earth to be .. in such desant and Cristan manor as my exectitors shall think it and as for my Estate I will and bequeth as I Give and bequeath all my land unto my oldes son Arcbd Hix after mothers deceas. I Give five shilins corent money to every won of my children, El ce, An, Amos, Sarah, Stephen & Edeth. I give and Bequea the unto my well beloved wife Rebecker Hix all the remaining parts of my Estate in ginarall to her disposall I constitute and apoint my well beloved wife Rebecker Hix my ... and sole Exectrix of this my last will and testem. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seall this 26 day of November Anno Dom. 1728.
Nathaniel [N-his mark] Hix
Teste. James Homan
Charles Jordan Edward [M-his mark) M...
At a Court held for Goochland County May 20th, 1735, this will was proved by the Oaths of James Holman, Charles Jordan two of the witnessess thereto & was admitted to Record. Test. Henry Wood

He married REBECCA ca 1700. Rebecca died 1762 in Goochland co. VA. Lived at Tuckahoe Creek in Goochland.

Nathaniel HIX and Rebecca had the following children:
4 i. ELCE4.
  ii. ARCHIBALD . Archibald died 1796 in Powhatan Co. Va. He married ELIZABETH SCOTT .
Archibald Inheritance 1735 in Goochland Co. VA. Inherited all his father's land as the oldest son. Eldest son according to his father's will.
  iii. ANN . She married twice. She married RICHARD LIGON 1. She married SAMUEL BUGG 2. Is this a brother to Amos's wife?
  iv. STEPHEN . He married AGNES HANCOCK .
  v. EDETH .
5 vi. AMOS was born 1710.
6 vii. SARAH was born ca 1740.

[James Hester m. Elizabeth Hix Sept 4 1767 Amos Hix sec. Mecklenburg Co.]

Fourth Generation

4. ELCE4 HIX (Nathaniel3, John2, Robert?1) birth date unknown.
She married JOHN COX in Goochland Co. VA?, aft 1728. John was born in Henrico/Goochland? ca 1710. He was the son of William COX and Sarah COCKE. John died ca 1785 in Goochland co. VA. JOHN COX, Goochland Co, VA; In the name of God Amen, I John Cox, of the county of Goochland, VA, and Parish of Saint James Northam, being weak of body...I give and bequeath to my son Edward Cox, two negros, Sam and Fanny, and their increase and (?) land I now live and all my stock of every kind. I give to my daughter Obedience Hilton, (?) negro Sue ? which she hath in possession. I give to my daughter Glafre (Glaphery) Davis, One negro girl, named Lucky, with her increase, which she hath in her possession. I give to my son Henry Cox 30 shillings sterling. I give to my son John Cox one shiling sterling. I give to my son Edward Cox's daughter, Sally, one negro girl named
Mike & Bushy Hartman Friday, April 18, 2003

Phillis and if said Sally should die without heir then to her brother John Cox. I give to Edward Cox's son Jesse, negro Tom. I appoint my beloved son, Edward Cox, Executor. Witnessed by Jno. Robards, Stephen Murrell, John Williams. Probated Sept 19,1785.

Submitted by Don Cox in Ohio
He bought property in Goochland Co. VA, 1757. Sells 317 acres of land to Noel Burton. When did John Cox acquire this land? His inheritance was about 100 acres.
THIS INDENTURE made this thirteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord Christ, One thousand seven hundred and fifty seven in the thirtieth year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith &c. Between John Cox and Alce his Wife of the County of Goochland in St James’s Northam Parish of the One Part, and Noel Burton of he County and Parish aforesaid of the other part WITNEFSETH that the said John Cox and Alce his Wife for divers good causes and considerations them their unto moving but more Especially for the valuable Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds Tenn shillings current Money of Virginia, to them in hand paid by the said Noel Burton, the Receipt they doth hereby acknowledge and themsefs _ therewith fully staisfy'’ contented and paid, hath fully clearly and Absolutely acquitted and Discharged the said Noel Burton by these presents hath Bargained _ Sold, Aliend Enfeoty’d and confirmed and by these presents do Bargain, Sell alien, Enfeotf, and Confirm unto the siad Noel Burton and his heirs forever, One certain Tract or Parcell of Land containing by Estimation, Three hundred and seventeen acres, be it more or less, Situate Lying and being in the aforesaid County of Goochland, it being the Land and Plantation whereon we the said John Cox and Alce his Wife now lives, the said Three hundred and seventeen Acres of Land being laid of and Bounded as follows to Witt. Beginning; at a corner white Oak of Ralph Graves’s, Matthews and John Woodsons, thence along the line of the said Woodsons to a Corner black Oak of the said Woodsons, Dykes and Wilkenson thence along Wilkensons line to a Corner thence along the said line to the pointers, thence along the Dividing line of Wilkenson and Cox to a Corner white Oak on Matthew Woodsons Land, thence along Woodsons line to a Corner in the old Ferry Road where was a black oak thence along the said line to a Corner in the old Ferry Road where was a black oak thence along the said line to a Corner white oak thence along the said line to a Corner post oak on the Lands of Joseph Farrar Dec’d and Wm Womacks, thence on _ Womacks line to a Corner post Oak, thence along the said line to a Corner pine by the Ordinary, on the said Womacks, Graves’s and Wm Farrars Lands, thence up the main Road to the pointers where now is a Corner red Oak on the said Graves’s Land thence along the said Graves’s line to the pointers where was a Corner pine thence along the said Line to the first Station; Containing by Estimation the above mentioned Quantity of Three hundred and Seventeen Acres of Land be it more or less, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above mentioned parcel or tract of Land and all and singular the privileges and Appurtenances with all Improvements, Buildings, Orchards, and Heriditaments, whatsoever, unto the said Noel Burton to him and his heirs and Afsigns forever, to the only proper use and behoof of him and his heirs and Afsigns forever, and the said John Cox and Alce his Wife, the said Land and Premises unto the said Noel Burton to him and his heirs and Afsigns forever, against us the said John Cox and Alce his Wife and other heirs forever doth warrant and for ever will Defend IN WITTNEFS whereof we the said John Cox and Alce his Wife hath hereunto sett our hands and Affixed our Seals the day and year first above Written Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of John Cox (Seal) Ralph Graves her David Weaver Alce + Cox (Seal) John Bullock mark Mary Farrar MEMORANDUM that on the twelfth day of May, last past peacable and Quiet possession and Seisin of the Land within mentioned to be granted was hand and taken by the within named John Cox and his Wife and by them was deliver’d to the within named Noel Burton in their proper persons according tot he tenor form and Effect of the within Written Deed in presence of
John Cox Ralph Graves her David Weaver Alce + Cox John Bullock mark Mary Farrar
Recd this thirteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord, One thousand seven hundred and fifty seven, the Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds Tenn Shillings Currt Money of Virginia, being the full Consideration for the within sold Land and Premises Witnesses Ralph Graves Recd by me John Cox David Weaver, John Bullock Mary Farrar At a Court held for Goochland County June the 21st 1757 David Weaver, John Bullock, and Mary Farrar, proved this Deed with the Livery of Seizin Endorsed by John Cox, and Alce his Wife, and the Receipt Endorsed by the said John Cox to be their Acts and Deeds which were Ordered to be Recorded. Absolute proof that this John is Henry's father has not been found, however, a preponderance of evidence suggests that he is the one.

1) Daughter Glaphyra married Joseph Davis. Joseph Davis is witness on Henry and John Cox deeds (probable  Mike & Bushy Hartman Friday, April 18, 2003 brothers of Glaphyra).
2) Time line fits
3) Will names sons Henry, John and Edward. Edward being the elder and inheriting the home property, leaving Henry and John to buy elsewhere.
4) Will is in Goochland where home property is located. Henry is first found in Goochland with sale of Elizabeth Richardson's property on Lickinghole Cr. Obedience (sister of Henry) marries John Hilton who lives on Lickinghole Cr.
5) John dies in 1785 leaving everything to Edward. It is shortly after 1785 that Henry leaves VA for TN

Elce HIX and John COX had the following children:

i. OBEDIENCE5 . She married JOHN HILTON in Goochland Co. VA, 1757. John was born ca 1737. He was the son of George HILTON. Of Lickinghole Cr.
ii. JOHN was born aft ca 1728.
iii. HENRY was born in Goochland Co. VA? ca 1730. Henry died 1809 in Blount Co. TN. He married twice. He married ELIZABETH RICHARDSON in Goochland Co. VA?, bef 1761 Marriage had to take place after 1753 as she was still single at the time of her father's death. It has long been thought that Elizabeth Richardson's husband was an unk Lumpkin due to the fact that a grandchild Martha Lumpkin is named in her mother's will in 1788 and Elizabeth is missing and presumed deceased. However, further evidence suggests that Martha may be a daughter of one of the other sisters and that Elizabeth in fact was married to Henry Cox, father of Curd Cox. It is possible, however, that Elizabeth was married to a Lumpkin who died and married Henry Cox second. Or it is possible that Martha is hers or one of the other sisters and that Lumpkin is HER married name.
One piece of evidence of this marriage comes in a deed between Henry Cox and Thomas Dawson dated 1761 Goochland Co. VA. This land (100 acres) appears to be land which Elizabeth inherited from her father in his will of 1753. Elizabeth Cox also signed the deed. Elizabeth and her sister Martha who married Thomas Dawson were the only two Richardson children who inherited land in Goochland Co. Then there is another deed at the same time for 200 acres being sold to John Cox. Elizabeth also signed this deed. Elizabeth had inherited 320 acres and Henry Cox sold it 100 acres to Thomas Dawson and 200 acres to John Cox. Elizabeth was born in Goochland Co. VA? aft 1733. She was the daughter of John RICHARDSON and Mary CURD. Elizabeth died bef 1773 in Charlotte Co. VA?. Not named in her mother's will of 1788. Henry Cox remarried Ann Madison in 1773.
Elizabeth Inheritance 1753 in Goochland Co. VA. ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Richardson, 320 acres of land lying on Lickenhole Creek in Goochland County to her and her heirs forever. Elizabeth is mentioned in her father's will of 1753 as Elizabeth without a married name. She is not mentioned in her mother's will of 1791 presuming that she died prior to 1788.
He married ANN MADISON in Charlotte Co. VA, Apr 5, 1773. Ann was born ca 1753. She was the daughter of Roger MADISON and Elizabeth TALIAFERRO.
He bought property in Goochland Co. VA, Mar 17, 1761. It is interesting to note that Elizabeth Richardson and her sister Martha (who married Thomas Dawson) were the only two of John's children who were given land in Goochland It is also interesting to note that Wm Pledge Jr. and Wm Clarkson who are two of the witnesses on this deed are connected to Redfords who have a long standing connection with the Cocke family from Charles City Co. & Henrico. Wm Pledge Sr. married second Ann Radford. She is thought to be the daughter of John Radford and Martha Milner. Her brother John married Mary Cocke, sister to Sarah Cocke, Henry's grandmother. It is also possible that either her sister, or perhaps her brother John's daughter is the Judith Redford who married another Henry Cox in Chesterfield Co. William Clarkson is the son-in-law of Wm Pledge Sr. having married his daughter Martha. Another son of this William Pledge Sr., Francis was an ensign and 2nd Lt. in Edmund Curd's Co., Goochland Militia VA in the American Rev. Plus Ann Curd (daughter of Richard, brother of Mary Richardson Curd married Edward Radford whose parentage has not yet been established.

THIS INDENTURE made this Seventeenth day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Sixty one Between Henry Cox of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Thomas Dawson of the County of Goochland of the other part Witnefseth that the said Henry Cox for and in consideration of Forty pounds Lawfull Money of Virginia by him the said Thomas Dawson to him the said Henry Cox in hand paid before the sealing and delivery hereof the Receipt whereof he said Henry Cox doth hereby acknowledge and there of doth Acquit and discharge the said Thomas Dawson his heirs Executors & Administrators hath Granted bargained and Sold and by these presents doth Grant bargain, Sell, Enfeeoff and Confirm unto the said Thomas Dawson his heirs and Afsigns One certain Tract or parcel of Land in the said County, on Lickinghole Creek Containing One hundred Acres and Bounded as follows (to wit) BEGINNING at a Corner Gumm on Alex [r] Logans line and running with the same East forty poles to a corner pine, South, one hundred and Eighty tow poles to a white Oak on the said Creek, then Down the said Creek thence according to it’s meanders to Bollings Corner Hickory on the said Creek thence along Bollings lines North twenty four degrees East one hundred and eighty four poles to a Corner, North forty five degrees west Forty poles to a pine North twenty degrees West one hundred and thirty two poles to a corner west twenty two degrees South Sixteen poles to pointers thence a new line South fifteen degrees West to the first station, with all Houses, Orchards, fences, Ways, waters, and water Courses, and other appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the said One hundred acres of Land & the before recited premises, with their appurtenances, and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents Issues & profits thereof and of Every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances unto the said Thomas Dawson his heirs and Afsigns to the only use & behoof of him the said Thomas Dawson his heirs and afsigns forever and the said Henry Cox his heir s Executors & Administrators, the said Messuage Plantation & Tract of land with the Appurtenances, Unto him the said Thomas Dawson his heirs & Afsigns shall & will Warrant, and Forever defend, by these presents against the Claim & demand of him the said Henry Cox his heirs & afsignes or any other person whatsoever and the said Henry Cox for himself his heirs Executors & Administrators doth convenant promise and Agree to and with the said Thomas Dawson his heir s Executors & Administrators that the premises and every part thereof are free and discharged from all manner of Encumbrances and that the said Thomas Dawson his heirs and Afsignes, for and Notwithstanding any Act or thing by him the said Henry Cox his heirs and afsigns, or any other Person Committed Done or Suffered shall and lawfully may forever, hereafter Have Hold Use, Occupy, Possess and Enjoy, the same and every part thereof with the Appurtenances, without the Lawfull Lett, Molestation or Enichion of him and the said Henry Cox, his heirs or afsignes, or any other person whatsoever IN WITNEFS whereof the said Henry Cox to these presents, hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day & Year above Written Sealed and Delivered In Presence of Henry Cox (Seal)Joseph Davis her William Pledge Junr Elizabeth / Cox (Seal) Wm Clarkson Jno Danil Coleman Memorandum, that on the day of the date of the within written Indenture, full and peaceable Seizen and possession of the within mentioned Premises, with the appurtenances was had and taken by me the within named Henry Cox and by me Given and delivered to the within named Thomas Dawson, WITNEFS my hand Henry Cox (Seal) Test Joseph Davis Wm Pledge Junr Wm Clarkson Jno Danil Coleman RECEIVED on the Day of the Date of the witiin written Indenture of the within named Thos Dawson the Sum of Forty pounds Current Money, Being the Consideration Money within Expressed Rec’d to me Henry Cox Witnefs Joseph Davis William Pledge Junr Wm Clarkson Jno Daniel Coleman At a Court held for Goochland County April 21st 1761 William Pledge Junr, Wm Clarkson, and John Daniel Coleman, proved this Deed with the Livery of Seizing & Receipt endorsed to the Acts & Deeds of Henry Cox which were ordered to be Recorded
Teste Val Wood CCCurd

NOTE: In two of Jno Daniel Coleman’s signatures the "e" was missing.
He bought property in Cumberland/Goochland Co. VA, Mar 17, 1761. It appears that Henry is selling the remaining 200 acres of Elizabeth's inheritance to John Cox the same day he sells 100 acres to Thomas Dawson. This would dispose of their land in Goochland and it then appears he bought land in Lunenberg. It is not known who John Cox is in relation to Henry.
THIS INDENTURE made the Seventeenth Day of March ANNO DOM one thousand seven hundred and sixty one BETWEEN Henry Cox of the parish of Cumberland in The County of Lunenburg of the one part and John Cox of the parish Saint Jameses Northam in the county of Goochland of the other part WITNEFS That the said Henry Cox for and in the Consideration of the Sum of one hundred and twenty Pounds to him in hand paid by the said John Cox the Receipt whereof the said Henry Cox Doth hereby acknowledge nd thereof and every part and parcel thereof Doth Clearly acquit and discharge the said John Cox his Heirs Executors and Administrators, by these presents HATH Given granted bargain’d Sold Alien’d Enfeoffed and Confirm’d and by these presents DOTH Give grant, Bargain, Sell Alien Enfoff and confirm to the said John Cox his Heirs Executors administrators and Afsigns forever one certain parcel of Land Situate lying and being on the branches of Licking Hole in the County of Goochland Containing two hundred acres more or less which said two hundred acres, is thus Bounded BEGINNING at several pointers on Thomas Edwardses line thence running on the said Edwardes line to his corner and from thence running along the said Thomas Edwardese line to Robert Pleaseants corner thence along the said Pleasants line to John Bradshaws thence along the said Brashaws line to Thomas Dawsons line thence along the said Dawsons line to Anthony Logans Line thence along the said Logans line to a Corner Black Gum and from thence on a new line of Thomas Dawsons to the first Station where it began Together with all Houses Gardens Fences, Woods, underwoods, Waters &c. Belonging to the said Land or in any wise appertaining thereto and all the Estate right title Interest, property, Claim, and demand whatsoever, of him the said Henry Cox, of in and to the said Bargain’d and released premises, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the said John Cox his heirs & Afsigns against him ye said Henry Cox hi heirs Executors administrators and afsigns against all other persons or person shall and will warrant and by these presents forever Defend, and the said henry Cox doth further. Covenant, Grant and agree to and with the said John Cox his heirs and afsigns that they shall at all Times forever hereafter peaceably and Quietly have hold use and Enjoy all and Singular the above Granted and sold Land and Premises with their and every of their appurtenances free’d and discharged of and from all other Gifts, grants, Bargains, Sales, Feoffments Jointures Dowers Estates Entails, and all manner of encumbrances whatsoever. In WITNEFS whereof the said Henry Cox hath set his hand and affixed his Seal the Day and Year above Written Signed Sealed and Delivered Henry Cox (Seal) In the presence of her Joseph Davis Elizabeth / Cox (Seal) William Pledge Junr mark William Clarkson Jno Daniel Coleman

MEMORANDUM That the Seventeenth Day of March Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and sixty one Quiet and peaceable possession of the said Land and Premises within mentioned was had by the within mentioned Henry Cox and by him was delivered unto the within mentioned John Cox to hold to him the said John Cox his heirs and afsigns forever. According to the true intent & meaning of the within Written Deed Sign’d Seal’d and Deliver’d Henry Cox (Seal) In the presence of Joseph Davis (there appears to have been a signature by Elizabeth William Pledge Junr but it is all faded but / and (Seal) Wm Clarkson Jno Daniel Coleman
March the Seventeenth Anno Dom. One thousand Seven Hundred an Sixty one Received of John Cox the full and just Sum of one hundred and twenty pounds current money being in full the Consideration money for the Land and Premises in the within Deed Mentioned Test Wm Pledge Junr Wm Clarkson Henry Cox
At a Court held for Goochland County April 21st 1761 William Pledge Junr, William Clarkson, and John Daniel Coleman, proved this Deed with the livery of Seizing & Receipt Endorsed to be the Acts of Deeds of Henry Cox, which were ordered to be Recorded.
Teste Val Wood CC Curd
He resided in Lunenberg co. VA 1761. Deed of 1761 says he is of Lunenberg. Later he is from Charlotte, however, Charlotte was formed from Lunenberg in 1764. It is not likely that Henry moved, but the county changed.
He bought property in Charlotte Co. VA, May 6, 1765. It appears likely that this deed belongs to our Henry. It is not known who the witness John Phillips is, but he is likely related to the James Phillips who married Nancy Jackson niece of Elizabeth Richardson.
THIS INDENTURE made this Sixth day of Mary in the fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the third and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty five. Between Godfrey Jones of the County of Charlotte of the one Part and Henry Cox of the County of Charlotte of the other part WITNEFSETH that the said Godfrey Jones for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred Pounds Current Money of Virginia to him in hand Paid at or before Ensealing and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt where of is hereby acknowledged the said Godfrey hath granted Bargained Sold Alien & Released and Confirmed and by these Presents Doth grant Bargain Sell alien Release and Confirm unto the said Henry Cox all that Tract Piece or Parcel of Land Situated Lying and being in the County of Charlotte on the Branches of Arecamp Beginning along Ellm on a Great Branch of ash Camp thence a new line North five Degrees west East one hundred and Sixteen Poles to Reads Corner Pine thence along his line South fifty three degrees East one hundred and eighty one Poles to the said Branch thence down a sit meanders to the first station all houses ought Houses Buildings Woods under woods ways Waters Watercourse Profits Commodities Advantages Hereditiments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Tract Piece or Parcel of Land and Premises above mentioned Belonging or in any wise appertaining and also the Revisions and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents and of the said Premises above mentioned and of every Part and Parcel thereof with the appurtenances and also all the Estate Right Title _ Claim and Demand whatsoever Ruther in Equity or in Law of him the said Godfrey Jones Thomas Jones and their Heirs of in or to the said Tract Piece or Parcel of Land and Premises above mentioned or any Part or Parcel thereof with the Appurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract Piece or Parcel of Land and Premises above mentioned and every Part and Parcel thereof with the appurtenances _______unto the said Henry Coxhis heirs and afsigns to the only Proper use and behoof of the said Henry Cox his heirs and afsigns forever And the said Godfrey Jones and Thomas
Jones for themselves and their Heirs do Covenant grant and agree to and with the said Henry Cox heirs and afsigns by those Presents that they the said Godfrey Jones and Thomas Jones the said Tract Piece or Parcel of Land and Premises above mentioned and every Part and Parcel there of with the Appurtenances unto the said Henry Cox his heirs and afsigns against them the said Godfrey Jones and Thomas Jones and their heirs and all and every other Person and Persons whatsoever Shall and willwarrent and forever Defend by their Presents IN WINEFS whereof the said Godfrey Johnes and Thomas Jones to these Presents Set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and year first above written Godfrey Jones (SS) Seal and Delivered in presence of John Philips Charlie Lnillivant Semcock Cannon MEMORANDUM that on the day and year within Mentioned Quiet and Peaceabel Possession and Seizen of the within mentioned Land and Premises was by the within named Godfrey and Thomas Jones delivered to the within named Henry Cox according to the True Intent and meaning of the witin written Deed Wifnefs John Phillips Godfrey Jones (SS) Charles Lnillivant, Semcock Cannon At a Court held for Charlotte County the Sixth day of May 1765 The within Written Indenture and the Memorandum shown Endorsed or a Proved by the Oaths of all the Witnefes thereto _ to the act and Deed of the said Godfrey Jones of the same is ordered to be Recorded
Teste Samuel Cobb Clk
He bought property in Charlotte Co VA, Aug 19, 1767. This deed appears likely to be our Henry Cox, but it is not proven. Since there is no signature of a wife on this deed, it is possible that Elizabeth had died by this time.
NEILL BUCHANANAN JR. & CO. AND HENRY COX 1767 CHARLOTTE CO., VA Deed Book 1 page 389 This Indenture made the Nineteenth Day of August in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Seven Between Neill Bukananan Junr & Company of the one part and Henry Cox of the County of Charlotte of the other part whereas the said Henry Cox is indebted to the said Neil Buchanan Jur. & Company in the sum of one hundred & two pounds four shillings & ten pence farthing & for secureing the payment thereof with Interest he the said Henry Cox hath agreed to makeover afswee Convey and Confirm unto the siad Neill Buchanan Junr. & Company one Negro Woman Slave named Befs aged about Forty five & one Negro Girl Slave named Sarrah aged Sixteen years together with their increase from the Date of these presents and all that Tract piece or parcel of Land and premises situate lying and being in the aforesaid County of Charlotte being the same Tract wheron the said Henry Cox now lives Containing by Estimation One Hundred and Ninety Six Acres Allso all that Tract piece or parcel of Lands and Premises Situate lying & being in the aforesaid County of Charlotte on Maherin adjoining the land of Samuel Wimbish & James Skelton certaining by Esteemation one hundred & fifty Acres IN Trust for the use and purpose aforesaid & untill the aforesaid Sum One hundred & two pounds four shillings & Ten pence farthing current money of Virginia shall be fully Satifyed & paid Now This Indenture Witnefseth that the said Henry Cox for and in the Consideration of the said Sum of One Hundred and two Pounds four Shillings & Ten pence farthing current money of Virginia shall be fully Satifyed & paid Now This Indenture Witnefseth that the said Henry Cox for and in the Consideration of the Said Sum of One Hundred and two Pounds four Shillings & Ten pence farthing to him in hand paid by the said Neil Buchanan Junr and Company the Receipt whereof is hereby auknowledged he the said Henry Cox hath granted Bargains sold confirmed and firmly made over and by these presents doth grant Bargain sell confirm and firmly make over unto the said Neil Buchanan Junr. And company the aforesaid Negro Woman Slave, and Negro Girl Slave together with there increase as above mentioned as allso the aforesaid Tracts pieces or parcells of Lands and premises above mentioned. And all houses out houses Buildings Trees woods under __ Profits Comodities Advantages Hereditament and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Tracts peices or Parcels of Land and Premises above Mentioned belonging or in any ways appertaining And allso the Reversion and Reversons Remainder and Remainders Rents Ifsues and profits of the said premises above mentioned and of every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances And Allso all the Estate Right __ Interest Claim & Demand whatsoever either in Equity or in Saw of him the Said Henry Cox & his Heirs of in or to the said premises above mentioned & every part or parcel thereof with the appurtenances To have and to hold the said Tracts pieces or parcels of Land and premises Above Mentioned and every part & parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Neil Buchanan Junr & Company their Heirs or Afsigns To the Only proper use and behoff of him the said Neil Buchanan Junr. & Company their Heirs & afsigns forever IN TRUST never the Lefs for the use and purpose aforesaid And the Said Henry Cox for himself and his heirs doth convenent grant And agree to and with the said Neill Buchanan Junr. & Compy their Heirs & Afsigns by these presents that he the said Henry Cox the said Negro Woman Slave & the said Negro Girl Slave with their increase as Aforesaid together with _ Said Tracts pieces or parcels of Land & premises Above Mentioned and every part or Parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Neil Buchanan Junr & Compy their Heirs and afsigns against him the said Henry Cox & his Heirs & all & every other person or persons whatsoever Shall & Will Warrant and forever Defend by these presents In Trust for the use and purpose aforesaid And the said Henry Cox for himself & his Heirs doth farther Covenant grant & agree to & with the said Neil Buchanan Junr. & Compy their Heirs & afsigns by these presents that he the said Henry Cox Shall & will well & truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Neil Buchanan Junr. & Compy their Heirs __ Exors Admors or Afsigns the aforesiad Sum of One Hundred & two Pounds four Shillings & ten Pence farthing with Lawfull Interest thereon & or before the first Day of Feby next ensuing without fraud avin or further Delay In Witnefs whereof the said Henry Cox hath here unto Set his hand & affixed he Seal the Day & Year first Within Written
Henry Cox S.S. Sealed Signed & Delivered in presence of Will Jameson Will Barsk ill Thomas Blackstck At a Court held for Charlotte County the first Day of February 1768 The within written Deed of Trust was proved by the Oaths of William Jameson William Barksdale & Thomas Blackstock three Witnefes here to Subscribed & ordered to be Recorded EC Teste Saml Cobbs Clk
Truly Recorded Test _ Thomas Read tek
He bought property in Halifax Co. VA, Aug 19, 1779. Dyer, Frankey & H & c to Henry Cox --B&S--Book #11 p#323,324 Date recorded was Aug 19, 1779 - area and location was: 200 acres Childres Ck.
Dyer, Monoah & c to Henry Cox - B&S - Bk #11 p#323,324 the date recorded was also Aug 19, 1779 and the area and location were again 200 acres Childres Ck.
It appears that on this date Henry may have bought 200 acres from brothers who the land jointly.
An exerpt from the entry in Bk #ll: This Indenture made this 1st day of October in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sseventy-eight between Minoah Dyer with Haman Dyer and Frankey his wife, jointly of Halifax Co. for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pound current money of VA to them have granted, bargined sold to the said Henry Cox and to his heirs forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing 200 acres more or less lying and being in Halifax Co. and on both sides of Childres Ck.
Above Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of: Joseph Collins, Joel Collins, Roger Madison, Benjamin Branham and Jeremial Collins.
On March 10, 1779 deed was ordered to be certified by Test-Geo Carrington On August 19, 1779 - deed was ordered to be certified by same.
He bought property in Halifax Co. VA, Feb 1, 1781. It appears likely that 1781 is around the time our Henry moved to Halifax Co.
Thomas Jefferson Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all to whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that in Consideration of the Ancient Composition of forty Shillings Sterling paid by Henry Cox into the treasury of this Commonwealth there is Granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Henry Cox a Certain tract or parcel of land containing three hundred and Seventy four Acres by Survey bearing date the thirtieth day of May one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven lying and being in the County of Halifax on the branches of Bulls Creek and is bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at a pin in Brumfields line South fifty five degrees west one hundred and eighty poles crossing a bold branch to pointers thence new line the same Course continued forty poles to Shrub white oak thence South forty two degrees east two hundred and Seventy poles crossing a branch to a pine Near Turkeys _ thence north fifty five degrees east two hundred and Twenty six poles to a red oak thence north forty two degrees west two hundred and seventy poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Henry Cox and his heirs for ever IN WITNEFS whereof the said Thomas Jefferson Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and caused the lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the first day of February in the year of our lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty one and of the Commonwealth the fifth
Tho Jefferson
He resided in Blount Co. TN 1796. This is the date of the first deed found to Henry Cox in TN.
In 1777, apparently after the treaty of Long Island, TN was one county by the name of Washington. In 1779 the county divided and Sullivan Co. was formed. In 1783 more of Washington became Green Co. In 1786, Hawkins was formed out of part of Sullivan. In 1792 Knox and Jefferson Counties were formed out of Green and Hawkins. In 1795 part of Knox became Blount. It was in Jefferson Co. where the Coxes first settled. The Nolachucky formed its southern boundary. All of these counties encompassed more area than they do today. In later years they continued to divide until TN became a state of 96 counties.
He bought property in Blount Co. TN, Nolachucky River, Nov 4, 1796. In July of 1777 the Cherokee met, at what is today Kingsport, with reps from VA, NC and the Watuagua settlements of negotiate the treaty of Long Island. After several days of rowdy merrimaking, a murder, and some earnest diplomacy, they reluctantly ceded more land to the whites. The western boundary was pushed down the Holsten River to the mouth of Cloud Creek. From there it ran to the highest point in the Cinch Mtns. The southern boundary was extended to the Nolichucky River.
This opened the area for more white settlement. In 1796, only 19 years later, Henry Cox bought 87 acres for $666 from John Garrett on the north bank of the Nolachucky River adj. Thomas Garret; Daniel Hill. The deed was witnessed by Samuel Jack, Daniel Hill and Lam Durossell. These were undoubtedly some of the first new settlers in to the area. Further research will reveal if it is this Daniel Hill's family which married later into the Cox family.
In 1797, Henry Cox sold this land to his son for the same amount that he paid for it. In 1804 John Cox sold the land to Jessee Moore. At this same time Jessee Moore bought 60 more acres from Samuel Hill. Henry Cox witnessed the deed. There is a marriage in Halifax Dec. 20, 1791 Bk #1, p#20 of a Henry Cox to Patsy Wood. Did Henry have a son who did not go to TN with the rest of the family?
iv. GLAPHERY was born in VA abt 1735. Glaphery died bef Mar 11, 1816 in Wake Co. NC. She married JOSEPH DAVIS in St. James Northam Parish, Goochland co. VA, Sep 16, 1759. Joseph was born in Isle of Wight Co. VA abt 1720. He was the son of John Sr DAVIS and Ann DREW. Joseph died 1790 in Wake Co. NC.
v. EDWARD was born in Goochland Co. VA ca 1742. He married CICILY GILLIAM in Goochland Co. VA, Dec 10, 1767. Recorded in the Douglas Register.
Cicily was born in Prince Edward Co. VA 1751. She was the daughter of John GILLIAM and Sarah FARRIS. Cicily died 1816 in St James Parish, Goochland Co. VA. Five of her children are recorded in the Douglas Register. It is not known why John is not, but he is proven by being mentioned in his grandfather's will. It is suspected, but not proven that Cicily is a sister to John Gilliam who married Susannah Richardson. Bill Childress gives info on the wife and children of an Edward Cox from Goochland who appears to be this Edward. There is no son John in his list of children, but there is a Sally and Jesse and three other daughters and the wife. The dates fit this Edward, as well as the fact that his Edward married a Gilliam. Being brother of Henry who married Elizabeth Richardson, whose sister also married a Gilliam, they appear to connect. However, this is not proven and needs more research.

5. AMOS4 HIX (Nathaniel3, John2, Robert?1) was born in Henry Co. VA 1710. This researcher is unsure of this date and place. Amos died 1786 in Mecklenburg co. VA. He made his will in 1785 in Mecklenburg Co, naming his children and his grandson Sherwood Bugg
Will of Amos HIX 1785/1786
Mecklenburg Co., VA Will Book 2, page 247
Submitted 11-3-98 by Barbara Eakley
In the name of God amen. I, Amos HIX of Mecklenburg County, being in
my perfect sences & memory, and calling to mind that all men must
die, do hereby make this my last will and testament: First, I bequeath
my soul to God from whence it came, & body to the earth to be buried
in a Christian and desent like manner. As to my wordly (sic) estate my
will & daesire is that it shall be divided amongst my children as
follows, viz:
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Shearwood HIX & to his heirs &
assigns forever four negroes, slaves named Dick, Amy, Sterling and
Rose with all their increase from the 22nd day of April 1784; Item, I
give and bequeath to my son John HIX & his heirs forever three
negroes, slaves named Andrew, John & Barbary with all their increse
from and after the 22nd day of April 1784, I also give and bequeath to
my said son John HIX & his heirs & assigns forever two of my best
beds & ferniture, six plates, six spons, 4 dishes & half a dowzen chars;
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Daniel HIX & his heirs & assigns
forever three negroes, slaves named Ned, Moses and Betty with all
their increase from & after the 22nd day of April 1784; Item, I give and
bequeath to my sons Sherwood, Daniel & John HIX & to their heirs &
assigns forever all the remaining part of my household goods, the
whole of my stocks of cattle, horses, sheep & hoggs, together with my
crop of corn, tobacco and plantation utensils , which is to be equally
divided amongst them, but it is to be remembered that in (blank) of this
last gift that my said three sons, Sherwood, Daniel & John are to pay
the whole of the debts that may be due from the estate & are also to
pay the whole of the taxes for the present year, and it is further
remembered that my said three sons are to pay to each of sons
Nathaniel & James HIX & to my grandson Sherwood BUGG , or to theirs
(sic) heirs the sum of five pounds current money of Virginia; Item, all
the lands of which I may die possesed are to be sold to the highest
bidder, lawfull notice being given of such sale for money or tobacco as
may appear to be most eligible, & the (blank) or tobacco arising from
said sale of my lands to be equally divided amongst my sons Sherwood,
Daniel & John HIX and my daughters Sarah JEFFRIES, Mary
their heirs & assigns forever, but it is to be remembered that if my
dauughter Lucy PERDIEU should be dead or should die between this &
the 25th day of December next, that her husband or any of her children
shall not become a shear in the sale of the lands above mentioned. I
appoint my sons Sherwood, Daniel & John HIX executors to this my
Last Will and Testament. In witness whareof I have hereunto set my
hand & seal this twentyfifth day of November 1785.
Amos A Hix (LS)
Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of Thomas Vaughan Francis Lewis
At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of February 1786
this will was proved by the oaths of Thomas Vaughan & Francis Lewis,
the witnesses thereto, & ordered to be recorded & on the motion
Sherwood HIX, Daniel HIX & John HIX the exors therein named, who
made oath thereto & together with Edward WALTON, John MARSHALL
& Field MOORE their securities, enter'd into & acknowledged their
bond in penalty of three thousand pounds conditioned as the law
directs. Certificate was granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in
due from (sic).
John Brown, Ct Clerk __

He married MARY FRANCES BUGG in Lunenburg Co. VA?, aft 1756. He bought property in Lunenburg Co. VA, Aug 3, 1756. . On 3Aug1756 Amos Hix of Amelia Co VA purchased 1430A from Henry Howard, near Samuel Bugg in Lunenburg Co VA. Amos Witness Dec 13, 1756 in Lunenburg Co. VA. Note: Amox Hix witnesses following will:
(2) Lunenburg County, VA:
"BUGG, Samuel, Senr. Will Book 1, Page 249
Names: Wife - Sarah BUGG
Son - Jacob BUGG - negro
Daughter - Sarah TOWLER - negro and after her death to her children
Daughter - Agnes LEE - negro
Daughter - Ruth BUGG - negro and furniture
Son - Sherwood BUGG - 10 pounds money
Grandsons - John, Benjamin, Jesse and Sherwood BUGG - 10 pounds each
Son - Edmund BUGG - livestock
Son - Samuel BUGG - 20 shillings Steling
Son - Anselm BUGG - of my estate both real and personal
Lend all of my estate to my wife Sarah during her natural life, and at her
decease to be divided as stated.
Executor: Son Anselm BUGG
Witnesses: Amos HIX/HICKS /s/ Samuel (mark) BUGG
Will dated 13 Dec 1756 Recorded 1 May 1759
Note at bottom of abstract: "Anselm BUGG qualified as executor with Samuel
YOUNG and Sherwood BURR his securities

Don in Ohio
He bought property in Lunenburg Co. VA, Jan 16, 1758.
On 16Jan1758 at Lunenburg Co he and his wife Mary deeded 300A on north side of Roanoke River to Nathaniel Hix.
Amos served in the military in Rev War Mecklenburg Co. VA, bef 1782. In 1782 he made a claim in Mecklenburg Co VA for supplies to the Rev army. Of Amelia Co. directly before Lunenburg.
Amos HIX and Mary Frances BUGG had the following children:
i. DANIEL5 was born in Lunenburg Co. Va? Oct 8, 1761. Daniel died Jan 13, 1822 in Clark Co. GA, at 60 years of age. He married SUSANNAH JEFFRIES in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Apr 12, 1784. Susannah was born ca 1765. She was the daughter of Swepson JEFFRIES and Sarah HIX. She married MILES T. CROWDER in Mecklenburg Co. Va, Nov 5, 1806. Either Daniel Hix's death date is wrong, this marriage date is wrong, or the first marriage ended in divorce. Needs more research.
ii. SHERWOOD was born in Lunenburg Co. VA? ca 1762. Sherwood died 1814 in Henderson Co. KY. He married SARAH ANN GORDON in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Jan 18, 1782.
iii. MARTHA was born in Lunenburg Co. VA? ca 1763. Martha died in Mecklenburg Co?. She married DABNEY PHILLIPS . Dabney was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1760. Dabney died Sep 8, 1806 in Mecklenburg Co. VA.
iv. JOHN was born ca 1764.
v. ELIZABETH was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA? ca 1770. She married JAMES HESTER . James was born ca 1770.
vi. JAMES was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA? ca 1770.
vii. LUCY was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1770. She married twice. She married WILLIAM BUGG . William died bef 1785. She married UNK PERDIEU bef 1785.
viii. MARY was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA? ca 1770. She married WILLIAM W. JOHNSON ca 1785. William was born ca 1760. He was the son of Phillip JOHNSON. William died 1803 in Mecklenburg Co. VA. William served in the military in Mecklenburg Co. VA, bef 1782. He made a claim in Mecklenburg for 275 pounds of beef to the Rev Army. Lived at Buckhorn Creek in Mecklenburg Co,
ix. NATHANIEL was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1770. He married RUTH BUGG . She was the daughter of Samuel BUGG and Sarah BACON.
x. SARAH was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA? ca 1770. She married UNK JEFFRIES .
6. SARAH4 HIX (Nathaniel3, John2, Robert?1) was born ca 1740. Sarah died bef 1788 in Mecklenburg co. VA.
She married SWEPSON JEFFRIES in VA, ca 1765. Swepson was born in Brunswick Co. VA? ca 1738. He was the son of John JEFFRIES and Ann SWEPSON. Swepson died ca 1803 in Mecklenburg Co. VA.
Sarah HIX and Swepson JEFFRIES had the following children:

i. SUSANNAH5 was born ca 1765. She married twice. She married DANIEL HIX in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Apr 12, 1784. Daniel was born in Lunenburg Co. Va? Oct 8, 1761. He was the son of Amos HIX and Mary Frances BUGG. Daniel died Jan 13, 1822 in Clark Co. GA, at 60 years of age. She married MILES T. CROWDER in Mecklenburg Co. Va, Nov 5, 1806. Either Daniel Hix's death date is wrong, this marriage date is wrong, or the first marriage ended in divorce. Needs more research.
ii. ELIZABETH was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1768. Elizabeth died ca 1848. She married THOMAS BURNETT in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Aug 4, 1785. Thomas was born ca 1765.
iii. SWEPSON was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1770. Swepson died ca 1848. He married ELIZABETH COLEMAN in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Mar 6, 1788. Elizabeth was born ca 1770.
iv. SARAH was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1772. Sarah died ca 1848. She married EDMUND BUGG in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Dec 13, 1792.
v. MARTHA was born in Mecklenburg Co. Va ca 1775. Martha died ca 1848. Note: If these 1848 death dates are correct, it appears likely the cholera epidemic was striking in VA also.
vi. JANE was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1777. Jane died ca 1848. She married BROCKETT BARNES in Mecklenburg Co. VA, May 11, 1797.
vii. LUCY was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1780. Lucy died ca 1848. She married JOHN BROWN in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Nov 22, 1800.
viii. ACHILLES was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA Sep 3, 1783. Achilles died 1850 in MO?. Had Achilles gone to MO also or did Susanna leave after he died? He married SUSANNAH PRICE WILLIAMSON in Charlotte Co. VA, Mar 27, 1804.
Susannah was born in Charlotte Co. VA Jan 14, 1783. She was the daughter of Cuthbert WILLIAMSON and Susannah WHITE. Susannah died Oct 1, 1870 in Franklin Co. MO, at 87 years of age.
ix. JOHN was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1784. John died ca 1855. He married REBECCA RICHARDS in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Sep 8, 1806.

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