Samuel Hix (Hicks) Sr. b. 1695 and Dianah Willis

Samuel Hix (Hicks) Sr. b. 1695 and Dianah Willis; Goochland Co. formerly Henrico (before 1721)

[The Hicks that came to Goochland, Virginia spelled their names Hix and eventually Hicks. From "The Hicks Family Journal" by Tom Keel: "On May 25, 1637, Samuel Hix arrived from England and stepped upon the shores of the Rappahannock River on the Potomac.  According to the information contained the 'The Hicks Families of Western North Carolina' by John Henry, Mattie Hicks and Barnabas B. Hicks, copyright 1991.  Samuel Hix was the first in the line of the Watauga River, North Caroline Hicks families.  This Samuel Hix was also the first of the line of Hicks who followed the migration routes from Virginia to North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and westward. By the time Samuel arrived, the population of the Virginia colony was approximately 5,000, including two or three hundred Negro slaves." 

So far no one has connected this Samuel Hix (Hicks) 1637 with the Samuel Hix (Hicks) that is kin to Ray Hicks and his pet groundhog. Mary Reynolds (1991) says the father of Samuel Hix (b. 1695- 1772) is probably Henry Hix (Hicks) with a brother named Stephen and that his grandfather also Henry came to the US in 1658. I've identified him (or a likely candidate)  from The Bristol Registers of Servants: Sent to Foreign Plantation December 22 1658: Henry Hicks of Tytherington [Wilts], to same, 6 yrs Virginia, to John Morgan [upholsterer]. Henry would be born c.1638 and would have served about 4 years until 1662 and would be about 25 then.

Robert Willis is Diana's brother, Robert's daughter Zeney (also Betty, Elizabeth, Teney Teany) married Henry Hix. Another Henry was in Goochland, the son of John Hicks of the undocumented John Hixe/Sara Preston Line. We find several Hicks families along Tuckahoe Creek besides John Hicks' family- Nathaniel Hicks' family (also John Hixe/Sarah Preston Line), Daniel Hicks (reportedly the son of Robert Hicks/Katherine Ragsdale) as well as two other John Hicks families. The fun had just begun!

R. Matteson 2014]

                                        Generation No. 1 [Grandfather of Samuel]

[Line of SAMUEL HIX (HICKS) b. 1695 Goochland, authenticated from SAMUEL[3] b. 1695 in Goochland, Virginia. SAMUEL b. 1695 could be 2nd but is probably 3rd generation in US.]

1a. SAMUEL HIX (Hickes, Hicks) - b. about 1617 in England came to Virginia in 1637- which is documented. The name, Samuel, is right but there is no line connecting him to Samuel (b. 1695) or his son David (b. 1719), only conjecture. Some writers have said this Samuel is the father of the Hicks of Western North Carolina line that includes "Big Sammy" Hicks and Old Counce Harmon. Who was his Samuel Hix b. c. 1617 son? Did he live or die as over half of the indentured servants did?

1a[2] JAMES HICKS - A James Hicks also came to Virginia 1637 on the same ship!  He sponsored by Oliver Sprye  of the New Norfolk Co. His name is featured in the Captain Robert Hix line from Surry Co. Why wouldn't he be the father of the Hicks of Western North Carolina line?

[There's another Samuel Hicks from MA: b. about 1651 in Plymouth, Ma. d. 1764 married Ruth Haskins b: about 1653 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA married: Jan 9, 1678 in Plymouth-- moved at some point to Glocester, Co., Va.- undocumented. Another Samuel Hicks b. 1611 married Lydia Doane c. 1645 in MA, see on Early Hicks page for info on that line. Certainly subsequent generations moved south, one chart has
John and Herodias Long Hicks, from Long Island as the parents of John and Rebecca Rives. This is undocumented by me.

1b. ROBERT HIX (Hicks) father of Captain Robert Hicks, was sponsored by Hugh Lee, and had a land holding awarded in 1654 (Surry Co. Virginia) from Lee when he arrived in Virginia. He was born c. 1636 and came into Virginia around 1654. The elder Robert is associated with John Evans (who owned land near Hix) and Robert son, Captain Robert, married Evan's daughter, Winnifred about 1609 in Surry Co. Virginia. Captain Robert was born c. 1658 and it's possible he had a younger brother named Henry or John who might be Samuel's father. In 1665 John Hicks, John Evans and John Harris left Bristol (England) Baptist Church for New England (which at that time meant America) with three sisters (last name Mogg). The name John Evan may be more than coincidental and this could be the same John Evan, father-in-law to Captain Robert. The Henry Hicks could be a brother or son of Robert.

1c. HENRY HIX; born before 1640 in Tetherington, England, immigrated to Virginia circa December 22 1658. Documented- see: The Bristol Registers of Servants: Sent to Foreign Plantation 1654-1686: "Henry Hicks  of Tytherington [Wilts], to same, 6 yrs Virginia, to John Morgan [upholsterer]." His age should be. c. 1638 and in Virginia an average of 4 years was served, so he would be free in 1662 and would be approximately 24 years old at that time. It seems likely that another generation would be between Henry and Samuel who was born in 1695. We can assume that this the grandfather of Samuel Hicks (b. 1695) of Goochland, VA. According to some sources online Henry has a brother, Stephen Hix (Hicks) who has a son Daniel. [This line is may be correct but is not documented] On Oct. 4, 1675, Henry Hicks lived at Varina Parish, north of the James River upon Gyllie's path, merridaes path, Mongoles run, west branch of Herring's Creek to the Chickahominy Also and John, more, Jeffrey Harris. Twelve years later, on April 20, 1687,  Henry Hicks still was at Varina Parish, Henrico Co,, south of Chickahominy River.

                                       Generation No. 2 [Father of Samuel]

2a. HENRY HIX- The father of Samuel [3] b. 1695 would need to be born circa 1670. One possibility is the Henry Hix who received land  in Varina Parish, Henrico County, Virginia on April 20, 1687. [Virginia Land Grant and Patent Book Seven, page 556]. Hix was transported by Thomas Cock, Junr., and received a land grant from Cock's 671 acres.

It's also possible that Henry came from the line of Robert Hicks of Surry Co. and was a younger brother. This is all speculative but looking is the first step of finding. In her 1991 book "Ancestors and kin, "Davis, Hicks, Kennedy" Mary Kennedy Reynolds
suggests that Henry is Samuel's father but provides no proof.

2b. JOSEPH HIX-- Joseph is mentioned in one chart line as the brother of Henry who has a son named Daniel.

[There is a Samuel Hix b. 1680 attached to the line of John Hixe (Hix) b. 1658 the doorkeeper of James City who married Sarah [Preston]. Another chart has Samuel Hix (should be John Hix) and Rebecca Reeves (should be Rives but it's spelled Rieves in his will). That is one of the John Hix from Surry Co. b. circa 1685. There is no Samule in that line, nor is there in the other John Hicks (possible father and son) who married Christina. Both have wills in the 1720-1740 time frame.]

                                            Generation No. 3

b. 1695- c.1772 and his wife Dianah Willis. Samuel Sr.'s will was written March 17, 1770, and recorded November 1772.
   [Item- Regarding his will] In his will, Absolom [properly Absalom] is listed as Samuel's son and Absolom's son as Bishop, that Nathaniel Witlow married Diana (Hix) and their son is Solomon. That he has a grandson David, who is the son of Samuel Jr.; that Jacob Woodal married his daughter Agnes Hix and they had a son, James; And that they had a son Henry. Apparently David and Goulder were sons not mentioned in the will because they had moved (Goulder moved or died after 1751). The Affidavit in 1832 given by Solomon Whitlow verifies that David was his brother. It's likely that because David was a "loyalist" to the King that refused to give the Oath of Allegiance and left his family and civilization ending up in Watauga Co. just before and during the Revolutionary War.

   [Item Will of Samuel Hix] Written: March 17, 1770; Recorded: November 1772 Granville County, NC Original Wills, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC; Recorded Copy, Granville County, NC Will Book 1, p. 4.

In the name of God Amen, I, Samuel Hix of Granvile County In the Province of North Carolina being in Perfect Health Mind and Memory but being Well Stricken in years and Calling to mind that I am Mortall and am one Day to Die and being willing to Bestow what Little almighty God hath given me as followeth after My Just Debts and funeral Charges be Paid.

I lend unto my loving wife Daina [Diana] Hix the Plantation whereon I now live During Her life which sd Plantation Begins at a Poplar upon the West of Tabs Creek from the poplar along a line of of choped trees it runs West to Pine from thence to the graet Branch and Down the Branch to the Creek and hence up the Creek to the sd Poplar. I likewise Lend to my sd wife all my whole Personal Estate Besides the sd land During the time of her widow hood & in Case of Mariage only one third of the sd Estate & after her Deceas I lend to Jacob Woodal and his Wife Agnes the sd land During their live[s] upon Condition they pay Quit rents & I give it to the sd Jacob Wodals Son James & his Heirs forever & after my wifes Deacease I give to Agnes Woodal a feather Bed and all that Bellongeth thereto.

I lend to Nathaniel Whitlow and his Wife Diana the other part of the land viz from the great Branch mov up to the Back line frome thence along the line to a corner Pine from thence to [to crossed out] along the line to a black Wallnut upon the Creek from thence up the Creek to the great Branches Mouth Upon Condition the[y] Pay Quit rents if required.

I give and Bequaeth to Agnes [Agnes crossed out] nany hix Whitlow Dauhter to Nathaniel Whitlow a feather Bed and all Belonging thearto.

I next give and Bequaeth to David Hix Son to Samuel hix Junr one Cow and Calf after the Deaceas of my wife like wise one Riphel Gun: one Sow.

I give and Bequaeth to Beeshop [Bishop] Hix Son to Adslom Hix one Heifer at the Deacease of my wife The land I lent to Nathaniel Whitlow I give and Bequaeth to his Son Sollomon after at the Deaceas of his sd Parents Nathaniel & Diana Whitlows
All my Cattle and Hogs and Houshold goods Exept the before Mentioned legacies I at my sd wifes Decease I Desire to be equaly Divided Bettwen Samuel & Henry Hixs whom I apoint as Executors To this my last will and testament in Wittness Whereof I have Set Hereunto Set my hand and Seal to this my last will this 17th Day of March 1770.

Robert Allison Wittness Jurat his John Allison witness Samuel (S) Hix Mark [signature mark is an S turned horizontally]

Granville County November Court Anno Dom. 1772; This Will was prov’d by the Oath of Robert Allison a Subscribing Witness thereto and on Motion was Order'd to be Recorded. then Samuel Hix Qualified as Executor which was Order’d to be Certified.
Test. Reuben Searcy C. C.
Additional Comments: Transcribed verbatim from the original Granville County, NC will of Samuel Hix (Devised March 17, 1770, Proven November Court, 1772) [North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC.]

   [Item 3 Solomon's Affidavit] Solomon Whitlow, aged 70 years on April 22, 1832 [thus born April 22, 1762], made an affidavit on September 11, 1832 in Orange County, NC Superior Court on behalf of his first cousin Harris Hicks, son of Absalom Hicks, regarding Harris Hicks' Revolutionary War service [Revolutionary War Pension Application W4989]. Solomon Whitlow stated:

"That at about the age of three years his parents removed from Hanover County in the State of Virginia and settled on Tabbs Creek in the County of Granville & State of North Carolina. That his mother was the sister of Absalom Hicks who had married and settled in the neighborhood of his father and within about a mile or mile and a half of him – That said Absalom Hicks died and left 3 sons, Bishop Hicks, Absalom Hicks, and Harris Hicks. . . he well remembers that said Harris Hicks, being a young active man without a wife or family or other encumbrance, he was, with but little or at least very short animation in service, almost in constant service in the Army either by draft or as a substitute – This affiant well remembers that he performed a tour of 3 months duty for Jeremiah Frazier Senior but where he was called in this service, he is unable to say but he knows that said Harris received of the said Frazier a mare and 2 cows and calves for taking his place in the Army. He also remembers that Harris Hicks performed part of another tour as a substitute for David Hicks his uncle – David Hicks was in service and desirous of going home to his family. A tour of Harris had just expired and he was prevailed upon to take his uncle's place and did so for some compensation but what this affiant cannot remember – The Term of service of Harris in this Tour this affiant thinks was for 2 months."

                The children of Samuel Hix (1695-1772) and Diana were:

   i. DAVID[4] HICKS (Sr.) b. 1719 Goochland Va. – d, 1793 Valle Crucis, NC (see more of this NC line below)
        a. Big Sammy Hicks b. 1753 (moved to NC near his father circa 1777)

   ii. GOULDER[4] Hicks 1720? – He and apparently Goulder Davidson were named for Samuel Goulder who lived in Hanover and Goochland Counties. The Goulder name continued in the NC line as a first name (Goulder Harmon). Only 2 references were found for Goulden/Goulder Hix; 1. Colonial tax records dated 1747 and 1751 where he appears as an adult in the Tuckahoe Creek area near his father, and 2, in March 1747, Goochland County Court record in which he was charged with "trespass", which was dismissed in court. No further records on him. He may have moved westward where new settlements were opening, or he may have died early in life. Several Hicks/Harmon sons were named in his memory/honor. {Info from Donna Hanson on for the Roy Family}. {Note: sister, Diana Hicks Whitlow, named a son for him}.
    iii. SAMUEL[4] HICKS Jr. b. 1732  m. Elizabeth Woodlock [Woodall] in 1751. Their son, David, was named in the will. Children include David, 1754 and Frederick b. 1756. Children from this marriage were:
          a. DAVID [5] was born about 1754 in VA, USA, died in 1832 in Elbert Co., GA, USA about age 78. David married Jane (HICKS) in 1775 in Granville Co, North Carolina.  The child from this marriage was:
                   i. JEFFERSON [6] Johnson HICKS (born on 15 Nov 1787 in Granville Co, North Carolina -died on 3 Dec 1860 in Tallapoosa County, AL, USA). Jefferson married Martha BOOTH. Jefferson next married Nancy Cook (or Good) REAGAN on 19 Jul 1832 in Madison County, Georgia. Nancy was born on 19 Jul 1832 in Granville Co, North Carolina, died Dec 1890 in Tallapoosa County, AL, USA, and was buried in Liberty Methodist Church, 9 miles East of Goodwater, AL, USA. David next married Mary JOHNSON, in 1775 in Granville Co, North Carolina.
           b. SAMUEL [5] HICKS
           c. John Wyatt[5] HICKS
           d. Mary (Daughter)[5] HICKS
           e. DAVID (Jr) [5] HICKS
            f. FREDERICK [5]HICKS  b. Mar 12, 1756, Bapt. Jun. 7, 1756

    iv. HENRY[4] HIX b. 1722 owned land in 1751 married Betty (Zeney, Teney?) Willis, daughter of Robert Willis- children:
            i. Henry b. October 20, 1756
            ii Harman b. March 5, 1760
            iii. Elizabeth b. Jan 21, 1762

    v. DIANA [4] m. Nathaniel Witlow [also sp. Whitlock, see: Douglas Regisiter] on Sept. 7, 1756
            a. Solomon
                i. Solomon Witlow Jr. b. August 20, 1800 (Granville Co. NC) m. Mary about 1820, moved from Granville Co. NC about 1817 with his father.

     vi. AGNES [4] m. Jacob Woodall 1763
           a. Absalom
           b. James

    vii. ABSALOM[4] Hicks b. 1733 m. on April 20, 1760 to Mary Harris (1742-1770), daughter of Sherwood Harris. [also spelled Absalom Hicks] was the youngest son of Samuel Hicks, Snr. and Dianah Willis. He was born in Virginia. He was under the age of 16 in 1747, so he was probably born around 1733.
[Item 1] Sandra Wade of Mobile, Alabama: Absalom Hicks was born about 1740 in Goochland County, Virginia. Absalom
married Mary Harris, the daughter of Sherwood Harris, on April 20, 1760, and moved to Granville County, North Carolina, about 1763. This was shortly following the death of Mary's grandfather, Captain Sherwood Harris, who left a large estate in Granville County. In fact, Absolom's father and mother (Samuel and Frances), his grandfather and grandmother (Samuel and Diana), his sister (Agnes and her husband Jacob Woodall), and his sister (Diana and her husband Nathaniel Whitlow), together with Absalom's uncle, Henry, all appear to have followed Absalom and Mary to Granville County. Except for Mary and Absalom, all lived, at least initially, on the 100 acres purchased by Samuel and Diana. Absalom and Mary had six children: Jeannie, Dianah, Bishop, Agnes, Absalom, Jr., and Harris.

                                   Children of ABSOLOM and MARY were:
         i.  Bishop  1756
         ii. Absalom Jr.
         iii. Harris- served in the Rev. War for David, he was a lieutenant in the Tennessee militia, who later moved to Christian County, Kentucky.
        iv. Jeannie b. 1760
        v. Dianah b. 1761
        vi. Agnes

In 1750 the tithe list of Thomas Starke includes Samuel, Samuel Jr. and Absolom. 1747 lists Samuel, Henry  and Sam Jr. three tithes and Goulder one tithe.

This document proves that David was Samuel's (not mentioned in the will) son:

Solomon Whitlow, aged 70 years on April 22, 1832 [thus born April 22, 1762], made an affidavit on September 11, 1832 in Orange County, NC Superior Court on behalf of his first cousin Harris Hicks, son of Absalom Hicks, regarding Harris Hicks' Revolutionary War service [Revolutionary War Pension Application W4989]. Solomon Whitlow stated:

"That at about the age of three years his parents removed from Hanover County in the State of Virginia and settled on Tabbs Creek in the County of Granville & State of North Carolina. That his mother was the sister of Absalom Hicks who had married and settled in the neighborhood of his father and within about a mile or mile and a half of him – That said Absalom Hicks died and left 3 sons, Bishop Hicks, Absalom Hicks, and Harris Hicks. . . he well remembers that said Harris Hicks, being a young active man without a wife or family or other encumbrance, he was, with but little or at least very short animation in service, almost in constant service in the Army either by draft or as a substitute – This affiant well remembers that he performed a tour of 3 months duty for Jeremiah Frazier Senior but where he was called in this service, he is unable to say but he knows that said Harris received of the said Frazier a mare and 2 cows and calves for taking his place in the Army. He also remembers that Harris Hicks performed part of another tour as a substitute for David Hicks his uncle – David Hicks was in service and desirous of going home to his family. A tour of Harris had just expired and he was prevailed upon to take his uncle's place and did so for some compensation but what this affiant cannot remember – The Term of service of Harris in this Tour this affiant thinks was for 2 months."

Solomon Whitlow was the son of Nathaniel Whitlow and Diana Hicks/Hix, and is named as Nathaniel Whitlow's son in the March 17, 1770 will of Samuel Hix of Granville County, NC (Proven November, 1772). His affidavit establishes that his mother Diana (Hicks) Whitlow was the sister of Absalom Hicks, who had sons Bishop, Absalom, and Harris Hicks. It also indicates that David Hicks was the uncle of Harris Hicks, and thus the brother of Absalom Hicks and Diana (Hicks) Whitlow.

                     Generation No 4: Children of Samuel Hix and Diane Willis

DAVID[4] ("the Tory") HICKS (SAMUEL [3]), born ca. 1719 in Goochland Co., Virginia "on Tuckahoe Creek which is now within the City of Richmond." He died in 1792 or 1793 in Wilkes Co., NC. He married Sarah Dennis (1720-1790) in 1740.
[Item 1 Will] [upcoming]

[Item 2] David disappears from Goochland records by the 1940s. In "Virginia Colonial Militia," edited by William Armstrong Crozier, 1651-1776, we find David Hix as a private enlisted in the militia of Bedford County, 1758. We know that Harris Hix severed a stint for him during the Revolutionary War.

        David was the father of at five children:

   1. SAMUEL[5], "Big Sammy" b. 1753-1835
   2. DAVIS [5] JR (1756-1840)
   3. Catherine, (1758-1825) m. John Holzclaw.
   4. Sarah D. (b. 1760), 1st m. Charles Asher, Jr., and 2nd James D. Holzclaw.
   5. Dinah (b. 1764-1793), m. 1st Thomas Asher and 2nd Henry Heatley.

HENRY[4] HIX b. 1722 owned land in 1751 married Betty (Zeney, Teney?) Willis, daughter of Robert Willis.

                 Their children are:

            i. Henry b. October 20, 1756
            ii Harman b. March 5, 1760
            iii. Elizabeth b. Jan 21, 1762

SAMUEL[4] HICKS JR. b. 1732  m. Elizabeth Woodlock [Woodall] in 1751. Their son, David, was named in the will. Children David, 1754 and Frederick b. 1756.
[Item] Around 1764 Samule Jr. moved with his father and mother and brother Absalom and his family.

                          Children from this marriage were:

          i. DAVID [5] was born about 1754 in VA, USA, died in 1832 in Elbert Co., GA, USA about age 78. David married Jane [?] in 1775 in Granville Co, North Carolina.  The child from this marriage was:
                   a. JEFFERSON [6] Johnson HICKS (born on 15 Nov 1787 in Granville Co, North Carolina -died on 3 Dec 1860 in Tallapoosa County, AL, USA). Jefferson married Martha BOOTH. Jefferson next married Nancy Cook (or Good) REAGAN on 19 Jul 1832 in Madison County, Georgia. Nancy was born on 19 Jul 1832 in Granville Co, North Carolina, died Dec 1890 in Tallapoosa County, AL, USA, and was buried in Liberty Methodist Church, 9 miles East of Goodwater, AL, USA. David next married Mary JOHNSON, in 1775 in Granville Co, North Carolina.
           b. SAMUEL [5] HICKS
           c. John Wyatt[5] HICKS
           d. Mary (Daughter)[5] HICKS
           e. DAVID (Jr) [5] HICKS
            f. FREDERICK [5]HICKS  b. Mar 12, 1756, Bapt. Jun. 7, 1756

ABSALOM[4] HICKS (SAMUEL[3]) b. 1733 m. on April 20, 1760 to Mary Harris (1742-1770), daughter of Sherwood Harris
[Mary Kennedy 1991] Absalom Hicks was the youngest son of Samuel Hicks, Snr. and Dianah Willis. He was born in Virginia. He was under the age of 16 in 1747, so he was probably born around 1733. He married Mary Harris, daughter of Sherwood Harris. Mary was born cl740 so the marriage probably took place in the late 1750's.

Absalom died in Granville Co. North Carolina. His will was dated February 8, 1770 and proved during the April term of Court the same year. He left all of his estate to his wife Mary. One of the witnesses to the will was Sherwood Harris, Jr., Mary's brother.

For a long time I thought that Bishop Hicks was the only son of Absalom Hicks and his wife Mary Harris Hicks, since Bishop was the only son of Absalom's who was mentioned in the will of Samuel Hicks, Snr. However, John T. Odom gave me copies of two affidavits proving that Absalom had two other sons: Absalom, inr. and Harris Hicks.

During the 1832 Fall Term of the Granville Co. NC Superior Court, James Gisham [Grisham], Snr. in a signed affidavit under oath, stated that Jeremiah Frazier Snr. gave a mare, two cows and calves to Harris Hicks in order that Harris Hicks would serve as a substitute for him in the American Army during the Revolutionary War. Said mare, cows and calves were carried and left with Bishop Hicks, the brother of the said Harris Hicks, who was then deceased. (Note: Bishop Hicks died near Horse Creek, Wake CO. NC in September of 1798. James Gisham signed his affidavit on September 7, 1832.

During the 1832 Fall Term of the Orange Co. NC Superior Court, on September 11, 1832, Solomon Whitlow in a signed affidavit, under oath stated that he was age 70 years the 22nd of April, 1832, and that he was a resident of Person County, NC. Solomon Whitlow declared that he remembered the facts as follows:

"That at about the age of three years his parents removed from Hanover Co. VA and settled on Tabbs Creek in Granville County, NC; that his mother (Dianah Hicks Whitlow) was the sister of Absalom Hicks (Snr.) who had married and settled in the neighborhood of his father and mother, about one mile and a half from where the said Absalom Hicks (Snr.) died (in 1770) and left three sons: Bishop Hicks, Absalom Hicks and Harris Hicks.

Bishop Hicks was bound apprentice to Thomas Norman and Absalom Hicks and Harris Hicks were bound to Harry Melton to learn the art and mystery of a blacksmith; that before the completion of his apprenticeship, the said Harris Hicks, contrary to the wishes of his master, eloped from him and enlisted as a soldier in the Army of the United States."

The affiant, Solomon Whitlow, stated that Harris Hicks was substitute for a term of three months duty for Jeremiah Frazier, Snr; he (Solomon Whitlow) knew that the said Harris Hicks received a mare, 2 cows and calves for taking his (Jeremiah Frazier Snr.) place in the army.

He (Solomon Whitlow) also remembered that Harris Hicks performed part of another term of duty as a substitute for David Hicks, his uncle; David Hicks was in service and desirous of going home to his family. The previous term of Harris Hicks had just expired and he (Harris Hicks) was prevailed upon to take his uncle's place and did so for some compensation.

This affiant (Solomon Whitlow) was a soldier with the said Harris Hicks in the tour of duty in Charleston. After the war his old master Harry Melton wanted Harris Hicks to come and work in his blacksmith shop and learn more about the trade; Harris Hicks declined.

So, from the above affidavits, plus the Douglas Register of Goochland Co. VA, we know that Absalom Hicks, Sr. and Mary Harris Hicks had three sons and three daughters.

                       Children necessarily listed in chronological order:

1. Jeannie (Jane) Hicks, born April 20, 1760.
2. Dianah Hicks, born December 5, 1761.
3. Agnes Hicks; married Thomas Parham on April 19, 1785 (Granville Co. NC Marriage Records)
4. Absalom Hicks. Jnr. married Elizabeth, last name unknown and they had:
     A. Absalom Hicks III F. Hannah Hicks
     B. Willis Hicks G. ELiza Hicks
     C. James Madison Hicks H. Sarah Hicks
     D. Young E. Hicks I. Martha Hicks
     E. Susannah Hicks J. Jennette Hicks
5. Harris Hicks; married Temperance Sears April 10, 1784 in Granville County, NC. They had nine children.
     A. Absalom Hicks, born June 10, 1786. Married Sarah Ann Allen in Warren Co. NC December 7, 1809. Stephen Hester was the bondsman.
     B. Jane Hicks, born July 1, 1788. Married Mills Taylor in Granville Co. NC on February 18, 1808.
     C. John Hicks, born May 20, 1790. Married Polly Lamar in Granville Co. NC on October 23, 1816.
     D. Elizabeth Hicks, born September 1, 1794. Married to Joseph Howell in Granville Co. NC November 26, 1819. Ransom Smith was the bondsman.
     E. Willis Hicks, born May 4, 1897. Married Polly Harris in Granville Co. NC September 10, 1817. Bondsman was Anderson Sears.
     F. Mary "Polly" Hicks, born January 20, Granville Co. NC. Married Ransom Smith on November 29, 1820, Granville Co.
     G. Robert Hicks, born October 17, 1802. Married Sarah Grisham in Granville Co. NC on December 21, 1821.
     H. William Hicks, born August 29, 1805. Married Jane Creth in Granville Co. NC on May 17, 1825.
     I. Peyton Hicks, born March 7, 1808. Married Eliza Jourdan in Halifax County on April 13, 1831.
6. Bishop Hicks, sixth child and third son of Absalom Hicks and Mary Harris.
[Item- Mary Reynolds 1991] Bishop Hicks (not to be confused with Willis Bishop Hicks) was the son of Absalom Hicks. John T. Odom, Mena, Arkansas believes that Bishop was born shortly after Absalom and Mary Harris Hicks moved to Granville County, NC. When Samuel Hicks (Absalom's father) wrote his will, the only child of Absalom's that was mentioned was Bishop Hicks. The will was dated 1770 so Bishop was at least 21 years old that year.

Bishop Hicks married Catherine "Caty" Jeter around the year 1780. Caty was the daughter of Samuel Jeter and Mary Dudley and was born ca. 1759, making her approximately 21 years old at the time of her marriage to Bishop.

By 1790 Bishop and Caty were living in Granville County, NC. They were listed in the Census in that county, and also witnessed a deed in Granville County that year.

On August 4, 1795, Samuel Jeter (Caty's father), distributed his property by deeds of gift. He gave Caty two slaves, Lucy and Delia. He also gave a slave named Bob to his grandson James Hicks, Caty and Bishop's son,"reserving the use of said Bob to Bishop Hicks and his wife Caty until grandson James comes of age of 21 years".I thought James might have been the oldest son but John Odom says that Anderson was the oldest.

Bishop Hicks was not listed on the 1796 Tax Polls, Granville County, which means that by that time they were in Wake County.

The Jeter Mosaic by Grata Jeter Clark states that "after Samuel Jeter's death Mary Dudley Jeter moved to Wake County, North Carolina where her daughter Catherine "Caty" Hicks and her son Dudley Jeter then resided".

Land records of Wake County show that Bishop Hicks acquired a large tract of land on Horse Creek, Newlight District in that county. He died intestate in September of 1798. The attached Estate papers of Bishop Hicks show that he was by no means a poor man. He owned at least 450 acres of land and his seven slaves were valued at $1700.00.

Willis Bishop Hicks was the youngest child of Caty and Bishop having been born approximately eight months prior to his father's death. In the Hicks Family Bible his date of birth was recorded as January 22, 1798.

On March 28, 1801, Caty Jeter Hicks, Bishop's widow, married Jehu Lowery. Wake County Probate Records show that Jehu and Wm. Allen were guardians of Caty's minor children.

According to Settlement of Estate Records, Book Nine,1809-11, Wake County, the tract of land near Horse Creek, Newlight District, owned by the late Bishop Hicks, was partitioned among eight heirs, as follows: Mary "Polly" Allen (wife of William Allen), Martha "Patsy" Allen (wife of Benjamin Allen), Jeter Hicks, Josiah R. Hicks, Willis Bishop Hicks, James Hicks and Caty Lowry.

You will note in the Estate Papers that Jeter is sometimes called Jethro and sometimes Peter; Willis Bishop is sometimes referred to as William B. Hicks.

Caty Jeter Hicks had a brother, Barnett Jeter, who apparently never married. When he made his will August 31, 1823, Caty and her children were among those tho were named as heirs to a portion of his estate. The children were listed as Anderson Hicks, Jeter Hicks, James Hicks, Josiah Hicks, William (the usual error) Bishop Hicks, Patsy Allen and Polly Allen.

The information on the seven children of Bishop Hicks and his wife Caty was provided by John Thomas Odom, a descendant of Mary "Polly" Hicks, wife of William Allen.

1. Martha "Patsy" Hicks
2. Anderson Hicks
3. Mary "Polly" Hicks
4. James Madison Hicks
5. Josiah Rux Hicks
6. Jeter Hicks
7. Willis Bishop Hicks

     Generation 5: Samuel's Children: David; Samuel Jr.; Absalom; Henry; Diana (Hix) Whitlow; Anges (Hix) Woodall There is no record of Goulder Hix (no will etc)

SAMUEL[5] "BIG SAMMY" HICKS  (DAVID [4], SAMUEL [3]) was born in 1753 in Goochland Co., Virginia. He came to the Watauga area in 1779 or 1780 (note that Avery Co. was not formed until the 20th century), and married Sarah Harmon. Big Sammy died about 1835 in Ashe Co., NC. He and Sarah had nine known children:

   1. DAVID [6] (b. 1782-83; living in 1870), m. 1st [Miss] Presnell (2 children- Hiram and John Wesley) and 2nd Susannah Asher (8 children Adam, David, Sally, Millery, Templa, Daniel and Luvenia). According to Smith, David fought in the War of 1812 (Battle of New Orleans). His oldest son was Hiram, whose son Ransome married Emoline (Emily) Harmon-- Ransome and Emily's daughter was Jane Hicks (Gentry), Cecil Sharp's finest informant.
   2. Goulder (b. 1790-95)
   3. Samuel (Little Sammy) (b. 1798-1800) M. Rebecca Harmon (1841-1919) Seven Children:
          1. Susie Hicks
          2. John Benjamin Hicks (Ben) 1870 –
          3. James Brownlow Hicks 1872 – 1949
          4. Alice Adelaide Hicks 1875 –
          5. Andrew Jackson Hicks (Andy)   1877 –
          6. Roby Monroe Hicks   1882 –
          7. Nancy L Hicks    1884 –
   4. Harmon (b. 1802)
   5. William (b. 1805)
   6. Sabra (b. ca. 1785), m. 1st Andrew Harmon (4 Children- Council, Goulder, Mathias, Rachel) and 2nd Duke Ward.
   7. Sallie m. Barney Oakes
   8. Fanny (b. 1788), died unmarried.
   9. Elizabeth (b. 1806) died unmarried.

6. Sabra (b. ca. 1785) Hicks married Andrew Harmon
    1. Council Harmon
    2. Goulder Harmon, 1807-1900 m Rebecca Louis Ford 1833
    3. Mathias
    4. Rachel

SGT. DAVID[5] HICKS (SAMUEL JR.[4] SAMUEL[3]) b. 1754 in Goochland, Va. m. Jane [ ] in Granville Co. NC in 1775.
[Item] Moved with his father Samuel Jr. to Granville County in 1764 when he was around 10 years old. His grandfather Samuel and grandmother Diana also came to Granville Co. on Tubbs creek along with his uncle Absalom's family.

[Item] Sgt. David HICKS 1739-1832, served one tour in the Revolutionary War, completing enlistment in SC. He brought his family to Elbert Co., GA ca 1800; died in Elbert Co., GA. David and family are well documented in GA prior to the Civil War.

[Item Will of David Hicks] Written: February 11 1820 Recorded: April 10 1832
"In the name of God Amen....being in sound mind and memory" 1st......all just debts to be paid 2nd....To my wife Jane Hicks 101 1/4 acres land where I now reside, known as west half of lot 181 in 9 th district , orginally Monroe, now Pike with all stock, household furniture, lifetime estate. At her death, to go to son-in-law, John Statum [Tatum], who already lives on land and is to take care of widow during her lifetime. 3rd...To my sons Frederick, John, William, Haw__, Wyatt and Samuel Hicks and to daughter Elizabeth Pinkam? one dollar each. 4th...Appoints son-in-law John Statum and friend William V. White executors. Signed David ( his mark) Hicks Witnessed Zachaus S. McKling, Nancy White, Pleasant White Dated 11 Feb. 1820; Proven by William V. White and Zachaus S. McKling Proof Dated: 23 Mar 1832 Recorded 10 Apr. 1832
[Item- in some charts David m. Mary Johnson in 1775 in Granville Co. and has child Jefferson Johnson Hicks.]

                 Children of David and Jane were:

      Harrison W. Hicks,
      Samuel Hicks,
      Frederick Hicks,
      William C. Hicks,
      John B. Hicks,
      Johnson Hicks,
      Elizabeth Hicks,
      Jefferson Wyatt Hicks 
      Nancy Hicks

Died August 16, 1832 in Elbert, Georgia.

John Statum brought into court the last will & testament of David Hicks dec’d and made the necessary proof thereof by Wm. V. White & Zacherus S. McKleroy two of the subscribing witnesses. It is therefore ordered that the said will of David Hicks be admitted to probate & placed upon record as a will for personal & real estate & that letters testamentary due issue to the said John Statum executor of the said will, thereupon he was qualified in terms of the law & warrant of appraisement was granted

1805 GA Land Lottery
Daniel Hicks (1)
David Hicks (1)
Edmond B. Hicks (1)
Frederick Hicks (1)
John Hicks (4)
Nathaniel Hicks (1)
Nicholas Hicks (1)
James Hix (1)
Ralph Hix (1)
Robert Hix (1)
Samuel Hix [orphans of] (1)
Solomon Hix (1)

David died in Elbert Co, GA at the home of his son. Will recorded in Pike Co where he owned land.

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