James Hicks (Hix) Workpage pre 1860

James Hicks (Hix) Workpage pre 1860


James Hicks; immigrated to Virginia in 1637.

[James b. 1774 m. Ann Harrison
Reportedly Father James 1708 - 1761 m. Jane Father son of Captain Robert

James M. Hicks/Hix, b. c1774, born in Goochland Co., VA., who was a head of household in Lincoln Co., NC., by 1810. He remained in Lincoln Co., NC., through the 1870 census and was age 95 at that time. On the 1860 census he gave Goochland Co. VA., as his place of birth.

He may possibly have been living in the home of "John Hicks" in 1800, in Lincoln Co., NC., who was the only Hicks named as a head of household in that county at that time. John Hicks and the other 'male' in his home at that time were both in the same age group (free white males 16 to 25). This is the age group that James would have fit into and they may have been brothers. No others were shown to be in the home.

A neighbor to John Hicks household in Lincoln Co., NC. in 1800 was a man named John Yates. John Yates died by 1805 as a lawsuit regarding his estate is found in the records for that year naming his apparent heirs.

Two involved in the suit were named as Margaret Hicks (also called Peggy in other records regarding this suit) and Susy Hicks (who I believe was Susannah Hicks, who was named in other records as the name of the wife of James M. Hicks).

My theory is that John Hicks and James M. Hicks were brothers, and John was the older of the two. I believe they were living together as bachelors in Lincoln Co., NC., in 1800 together in one home, and living next door to John Yates. I believe both John & James Hicks married daughters of their neighbor, John Yates, "Margaret married John" and "Susannah married James." This part is theory, but circumstantial evidence supports it. [the 1800 census of John Hicks hh showed not only two free white males age 16 thru 25, but also 3 females under 10, 1 female 10 to under 15 and 1 female 26 thru 44.
So, while I still believe John and James were brothers living in this same hh., I do now believe that either one was likely married (John) to the female who was 26 to 44 (likely close to age 26), and that the 3 young females under 10 were his daughters...and the one 10 to 15 could have been a sister.
By 1810, John no longer appears on the census, but James does with a female the age of a wife and has children in his home including 3 females age 10 to 15 who are likely the 3 females under 10 who were in John's home in 1800.]

James M. Hicks and wife Susannah had at least 6 males and 2 females the ages to be their children by the 1820 census. I also believe Susannah died after the birth of the last child, born by 1820 and was not in the home on the 1820 census. The males who I believe for sure were five of their six sons were named:
Miles Hicks, born c1809 (records on his birth vary from 1807-1813
David Hicks, born c1811
William Hicks, born c1813
Joseph Hicks, born c1814
Singleton Hicks, born c1816

The daughters I'm not sure of, but they may have been named Phoebe and Epsey, as they later appear in marriages in this county and fit the age profile.

Miles remained in Lincoln Co., after his brothers William, David, and Joseph moved to McNairy Co., TN., with William going first, then David, then Joseph. Singleton also went to McNairy Co., TN., by 1860, but returned to Lincoln Co., NC., by 1870.
William was in McNairy Co., by 1831, and David and Joseph were on the census there by 1850. These three remained in McNairy Co., until their deaths.

James Hicks m. McPhail:

James Hicks
    Birth 1783 in Campbell, Virginia, United States
    Death 1858 in McMinn Co., Tennessee
This McPhail family came to Cumberland county early in the 1730's and a separate from the McPhail-Geddy line. The descendants settled in McMinn County TN till after 1880. May still reside there. Myrtle Bridges.   September 5th, 2000

This indenture made the 10th day of March in the year of our Lord 1817 and forty second year of American Independence between Mary Mcphail, Sarah Mcphail, James and Mary Hicks, Neil Mcphail and Dugald Mcphail Junr the surviving heirs of Daniel Mcphail Decd of the state of Tennessee and the county of Hawkins of the the one part, and Thomas Murphy Senr of the State of North Carolina and county of Cumberland of the other part Witnesseth that the said Heirs of Danl Mcphail for and in consideration of one hundred and twenty four pounds ten shillings to them in hand paid by the said Thomas Murphy the receipt where of the said heirs of Daniel Mcphail doth herby acknowledgehath granted bargained and sold aliened and confirmed to the said Thomas Murph his heirs and assigns forever a tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and twenty five acres excepting one half acre for a buring place & this half acre is to include the place where the grave yard now stands situated lying and being in said county of Cumberland on a Branch of locks Creek Beginning at a red Oak the east side of said Branch thence So. 45 Et. 200 poles to a pine the upper side of the path on the sandridge thence No. 45 Et. 100 poles to a stake thence No. 45 Wt.200 poles to a stake thence direct to the Beginning and also all the woods ways water and water course and all and every the appurtenances there unto belonging on appertainting the revision and reversions and remaining rents issues & profits of the aforesaid lands and premises and every part there of & the right title claim property or demand whatsoever of the said Heirs of Daniel Mcphail of in & to the lands & premises with the appurtenances to the said Thomas Murphy his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use & behoof of the said Thomas Murphy his heirs and assigns & the said heirs of Daniel Mcphail doth warrant & forever defend the above bargained premises againt the claim or claims of all persons whatsoever to the said Thomas Murphy his heirs & assigns forever in witness where we the said Heirs of Danial Mcphail hath hereunto set our hands & seals this day above written
Signed sealed and delivered
Mary McPhail
In the presence of
Sarah McPhail
Test John Murphy
James X Hicks
Robert McPhail
Mary Hicks
John Critz Justus of
Neil McPhail
The peace of this County
Dugald McPhail

State of North Carolina Cumberland County, Court of Pleas and Quarter sessions June term 1817 Then was the Execution of this deed proven By John Murphy one of the subscribing witnesses And orderd to be recorded~ from the minutes Robinson Mumsford C.C. By Jno. Armstrong

Generation No. 1

1. JAMES1 HICKS was born 1783 in Va., and died 1858 in McMinn Co., TN. He married (1) MARY MCPHAIL, daughter of DANIEL MCPHAIL and MARY PURCELL. He married (2) SARAH STANSBERRY 1849 in McMinn Co., TN.

Notes for JAMES HICKS:


I James Hicks, do make and publish this as my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at onetime made. First, I direct that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of as may first come into the hands of my Executor. Secondly, I give and bequeath to Sarah Hicks my beloved wife her natural lifetime, Vis, one hundred and sixty-five acres of my home track of land - Thence South with the Township line one hundred and sixty poles, thence West with Garret Newman line to the road, thence South to a Bogasses line, thence East with said line to the Township line to the creek, thence East with Bogasses line eighty poles to a black oak and pines near Carlisle Carding machine, thence North one mile to the East and West line on the North of my tract, thence West eighty poles to the beginning. Also I give and bequeath the same Sarah Hicks my wife one mare and colt, two cows, and one white heifer and all the house and kitchen furniture and all the cash or cash notes after my debts and funeral expenses is paid. Thirdly, I give and bequeath to Mary C. Hicks and Jureah M. Hicks my infant daughters by Sarah Hicks my wife all the above named and described tract of land bequeathed by me to Sarah Hicks my wife after the death of Sarah Hicks their mother to be equally divided between the said Mary C. Hicks and Jureah M. Hicks. Fourthly, I direct that after my death as soon as possibly my Executor advertise and sell on twelve months credit and equally divide the proceeds between my following married heirs Daniel Hicks my son and Abel P. Hicks my son and Sarah A. Ragsdale my daughter and Fifthly, I direct and hereby empower my Executor to advertise at three public places and sell on a twelve months credit all my land not given away in this will and when money is paid to make purchasers a deed in fee simple as my Executor and then I further direct my Executor after all necessary expenses is paid to equally divide the proceeds of said sale between Daniel Hicks, Abel Hicks and Sarah A. Ragsdale . And lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint Heil Buttram Executor in witness whereof I do this my will set my hand and seal this 6Th day of July 1857.
(his) X (mark)
James Hicks (Seal)

Signed sealed and published in our presence and we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the testator this 6 day of July 1857.
Wm. A. Buttram
B. P. Nance

Proven December Court 1858
McMinn County, Tennessee

Transcribed by Randall (Randy) Paul Hicks (ggggson) , April 30, 2000.
From will Book "F", pages 101-102, McMinn Co. TN


Children of JAMES HICKS and MARY MCPHAIL are:
2.     i.           DANIEL2 HICKS, b. January 06, 1816; d. June 1865, McMinn Co. TN.
      ii.           JOHN HICKS.
      iii.           JAMES HICKS.
3.     iv.           LEONARD HICKS, b. 1822, McMinn Co. TN; d. January 11, 1902, Cundiff Tx Jack Co. Tx..
      v.           NEIL MCPHAIL HICKS.
4.     vi.           SARAH ANN HICKS, b. Abt. 1822, Va.; d. 1863, Arkansas.
5.     vii.           STEPHEN HICKS.
6.     viii.           JOSEPH TOM2 HICKS, b. 1831.
      ix.           JOSIAH HICKS, b. 1834, Tn..
     Notes for JOSIAH HICKS:
See notes with Joseph Tom Hicks.

7.     x.           ABEL P. HICKS, b. 1834, Tn.
      xi.           MARY C. HICKS, b. Abt. 1850.
      xii.           JURIAH M HICKS, b. Abt. 1852.

Descendants of James Hicks

Generation No. 2

2. DANIEL2 HICKS (JAMES1) was born January 06, 1816, and died June 1865 in McMinn Co. TN. He married ??.
Children of DANIEL HICKS and ?? are:
8.     i.           MARY ANN3 HICKS, b. July 29, 1837.
      ii.           SARAH ELIZABETH HICKS, b. 1841.
      iii.           HENRY J. HICKS, b. 1843.
      iv.           ARMAND C. HICKS, b. 1848.
      v.           WILLIAM HICKS, b. 1853.
      vi.           ARTISSIMA ADELINE HICKS, b. 1856.

3. LEONARD2 HICKS (JAMES1) was born 1822 in McMinn Co. TN, and died January 11, 1902 in Cundiff Tx Jack Co. Tx.. He married MARY ANN E. ROBESON February 02, 1845.
      i.           ELIZABETH3 HICKS, b. 1846.
      ii.           CATHERINE HICKS, b. 1848.
      iii.           CYNTHIA HICKS, b. 1849.
9.     iv.           THOMAS HOYLE HICKS, b. February 16, 1857, Athens, Tn.; d. February 14, 1940, Seagraves, Tx.
      v.           JAMES CARLISLE HICKS, b. May 19, 1859; m. JOSEPHINE ROUDEN.
      vi.           CAROLINE DAVIS HICKS, b. August 1861.
      vii.           MANERVY C. HICKS.
      viii.           SUSAN P. HICKS.

4. SARAH ANN2 HICKS (JAMES1) was born Abt. 1822 in Va., and died 1863 in Arkansas. She married (1) ? SCOTT. She married (2) STERLING RAGSDALE Abt. 1846 in Monroe Co. Tn., son of EDWARD RAGSDALE and RUTH FARRIS.
Child of SARAH HICKS and ? SCOTT is:
      i.           ELIZA C.3 SCOTT, b. October 10, 1841; d. March 23, 1858, tn.
      ii.           MILTON CLAY3 (CASSIUS, CAMUS) RAGSDALE, b. March 29, 1847.
      iii.           JAMES RAGSDALE, b. Abt. 1844.
      iv.           WILLIAM RAGSDALE, b. Abt. 1849.
      v.           ELIZA RAGSDALE, b. Abt. 1842.

Children of STEPHEN HICKS are:
      i.           MARY MARGARET3 HICKS.
      ii.           JOHN ALEXANDER HICKS.
      iii.           MARTHA A. HICKS.
      iv.           CAROLINE HICKS.
      v.           WILLIAM HICKS.
      vi.           ABEL HICKS.

6. JOSEPH TOM2 HICKS (JAMES1) was born 1831. He married MARTHA ELIZABETH POLK December 30, 1855 in TN.

4/12/01 - note : Joseph's (also Abel & Josiah) parents are in question, but they are listed here until further information is found. He was not Sarah's son. Further research is required to find / prove his-their parents. He may have been a nephew, some other relative of James, not his son or maybe a son by another wife, all of this is questionable. He is shown on the 1850 census with James & Sarah, but Sarah & James were married in 1849. I am descended from Joseph thru his son Monte Calvin, that I am sure, I'm uncertain beyond that, at this time. (note by : Randy Hicks)

Occupation: 1860, a woodchopper
Children of JOSEPH HICKS and MARTHA POLK are:
      i.           MARY CORDELIA3 HICKS, b. May 09, 1858; m. J.M. LASTER, May 29, 1877.
      ii.           VIRGINIA CALDONIA HICKS, b. 1859.
      iii.           ALICE HICKS, b. 1864.
      iv.           MARTHA ADALINE HICKS, b. 1865.
      v.           ZEAMAN BUCK HICKS, b. 1869.
      vi.           BELLE HICKS, b. 1870.
      vii.           RUSSELL HICKS, b. 1872.
      viii.           CLARK HICKS, b. 1874.
      ix.           IDA HICKS, b. 1876.
10.     x.           MONTE CALVIN HICKS, b. August 12, 1877, Alabama; d. 1952, Ft. Worth, Tx (buried Springtown, Tx).
      xi.           THOMAS HICKS, b. 1879.

7. ABEL P.2 HICKS (JAMES1) was born 1834 in Tn. He married MARY SLIGER January 1853 in Tn.

Notes for ABEL P. HICKS:
See notes with Joseph Tom Hicks. Abel was in James Hicks' will (the only one of Joseph, Josiah and Abel), and some research shows him as a son of Mary McPhail and James, but not proven.

More About ABEL P. HICKS:
Census: 1860, resided in McMinn Co. TN
Children of ABEL HICKS and MARY SLIGER are:
      i.           SARAH3 HICKS, b. 1855.
      ii.           JEANETTE HICKS, b. 1857.
      iii.           JAMES HICKS, b. 1859.

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