Captain Robert- Bond For Trading with Indians

Captain Robert- Bond For Trading with Indians

[The Bond is found near the bottom of this page. Robert Hix, John Evans, David Crawley, Richard Jones and Nathaniel Urven are named. Robert Hix married Evan's daughter Winnifred and his son Robert Jr. (known as Robin) married Urven's (Irven, Erven)  daughter.

R. Matteson 2014]

The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 13:
“In July, 1712, Robert Hix, of Surry, and John Evans, David Crawley, Richard Jones, and Nathaniel Urven, of Prince George county, Va., received a license from Governor Spotswood to trade with the “Western Indians.” They gave a penal bond of three hundred pounds not to trade with the Tuscaroras or any other Indians in league or alliance with them. (Calendar of Virginia State Paprzrs, Vol. I., p. 155.) In his letter of Jan. 25, 1719-20, to the Governor of New York, Governor Spotswood stated that during the Tuscarora War (1711-1713) two > hundred of the New York Indians had set upon and robbed a caravan of Virginia, Indian traders as.they were going south, killing one of the I and nearly all of their horses. At the Treaty of Albany (1722') the Deputies of the Five Nations admitted that they had robbed “that honest man, Captain Hicks,” and promised to make reparation.


The Catawba Indians: The People of the River - Page 104; Douglas Summers Brown - 1966 :

In 1712 Virginia licensed them to trade with "the Western Indians" but required they post bond of £300 sterling not to trade with the Tuscaroras, who were warring with the Carolina colonists.


Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Manuscripts

Received Feb. 16th 1712

Petition of people of N. Carolina for aid against the incursions of the Tunarora Indians

Vergeney ss:

To ye Right Honrable Allexander Spottswood, her majesty's' Leftenant Gouvernour of ye sd: Collony, and ye Reft of yr most Honblo Council of State—

The humble pe'tion of ye pore Distressed inhabittance of Nuse River in Countey in North Carrolina most humbley sheweth yr Ex ellency—

That wharas there hath by ye permition of Allmighty God for our fins and Disobedance : bin a most horred Massecre Committed by ye tufkarora Indans upon her Majestys' pore Subjects in ye sd: province of North Carrolina, And we her Majestys' pore Subjects who by gods' providence have survived, are in Continuall Dread and Do suffer Dayley Destruction in our stocks and horses and fenceing being burn'd—which if not speedally prevented, wee must all Likewife Perrish with our breathern> for wee have not forse, nor Indeed any speedy care taken to prevent it in our Country—But for as much as we are her Majesteys' Subjects, and Readey at all times to be obfervant to her Majestys' Royal Commands: We do theirfore with one voyse, Knoweing yor Excelancys' Care and parternal Tenderness towards all her Majesteys' Subjects, most Humbley beseech and Implore yor Honr as you tender the wellfer of her Majestys' pore Subjects, forthwith to send to our Releafe sum Confiderable forse of men, armes and ammunition to Detect ye Barbarous Insolency of thofe Rebelous Rogues, and as for provifion, we ar Ready to ye uttermost of our abilety to assist ye armey If yr Exellency pleases to fend them—which wee shall Dayley pray for: So hoping yr Exellency will take into yr sage Confideration our Destressed Condition, we yr pore petioners, as in Deutey bound shall Ever Pray—










and many others—

Copy of Bond Required of those authorized to trade with the Western Indians

Know all men by these presents—that we Robert Hix of the County July of Surry, John Evans, David Crawley, Richard Jones, & Nathaniel Urven of the County of Prince George, in the Colony of Virginia

Securitys are held and firmly bound unto

Our Sovereign Lady Ann, by the Grace of God, of Great Brittain, France & Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith &c, in the sum of Three hundred pounds Sterling, to the which payment, well and truly to indians be made to our said Lady the Queen, her heirs and successors, We and every of us bind ourselves One & every of our heirs Executors and Administrators, jointly and severally firmly by these presents, Sealed with our Seals, Dated the day of July 1712.

The Condition of this Obligation is such, that Whereas, the above bound Robert Hix, John Evans, David Crawley, Richard Jones and Nathaniel Urven have obtained from the hon'"1" Alexander Spotswood, her Majt7 Lieutenant Governor of Virginia a passport or Licence for Trading with the Western Indians—If Therefore, the said Robert Hix, John Evans, & Co shall not by themselves or either of them or their, or either of their fervants, during the time of their being out on the present trading Voyage, directly or indirectly trade or Tramck with any of the Tuscarora Indians nor with any other Indians in League or Alliance with them, nor permitt or Suffer such Trading to be carryed on by any person going out in their Company, under the protection of their Passport. And also shall and will well and truly observe Sc performe all & every the Instructions which shall be given them by her Majestys' said Lieutenant Governor for their better Conduct in the sd Trade, then this Obligation to be void, Or elfe remain of full force & Virtue—

Signed sealed & Delivered in presence of—

Virginia ss: July' s

Alexander Spotswood, Her Majestys Lieutenant Governor, Vice Admiral and Commander in Cheif of the Colony and Diminion of Virginia—

To Robert Hix, John Evans, David Crawley Richard Jones and Na. wummiburgh thaniel Irby

Whereas Her Most Sacred Majesty, by her Order in Council, bear- c??y of F'""m ing date at the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1709, hath °^.f,,""^"^r, been pleased to signify her Royal Will and pleasure, that the Trade w;ch tne from this Colony with the Western Indians, be carryed on without any Western Let, hindrance or Molestation whatsoever, and that no dutys be Leveyed Induns or demanded of any of her Majestys' Subjects of this Colony for any Goods or Merchandizes which shall be carryed by them to the said Indians, or back from thence by way of Trade—And Whereas You have represented to me that You are now bound out on a Trading Voyage to

1712 several nations of Indians to the South West of this Colony, and desired my Passport for your better protection in your going and returning with your goods and merchandizes, I do therefore, hereby give and grant unto you full License and Liberty to trade and trassick with any nation of Indians whatsover, except the Tuscaroras, and such others as shall be actually in league with them—And I do by these presents Signify to all her Majestys' Subjects of the sev1 Colonys & plantations through wch you may have occasion to pass, that it is her Matys' will & pleasure that they suffer and permitt you freely and quietly to pass and Repass with your goods and Merchandizes, without any Lett, hindrance or Molestation, on pretence of any Dutys Or Impositions to be demanded for ye same, or any other account whatsoever, Provided always, that you take a Certificate from the naval officer, that the Goods you carry out of this Colony, are such as have been Legally imported here.

Given under my hand and the seal of this her Majestys' Colony and Dominion, at Wmsburgh, the Eleventh day of July 1712.


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