The Two Sisters- Menefee (MO) 1931 JAFL

The Two Sisters- Menefee (Missouri) 1931

[The "Two Sisters" from Missouri by J. N. Smelser;  The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 44, No. 173 (Jul. - Sep., 1931), pp. 295-296; Phoenix, Arizona. This version is Reed Smith and Rufty's version published in American Anthology of Old World Ballads (1937). Also it is the version recorded by Andrew Rowan Summers with dulcimer accompaniment for Columbia; album M408.

R. Matteson 2014]

THE "TWO SISTERS" FROM MISSOURI. A traditional version sung by Mrs. Anne L. Menefee, New London, Missouri.

Sister, dear sister, let's walk the sea-shore,
Bow ye down, bow ye down,
Sister, dear sister, let's walk the seashore.
Very true to you,
Sister, dear sister, let's walk the sea-shore,
And watch the ships as they sail o'er,
I'll be true to my love, if my love will be true to me.

As they were walking along the sea brim,
Bow ye down, bow ye down,
As they were walking along the sea brim,
Very true to you,
As they were walking along the sea brim,
The oldest pushed the youngest in.
I'll be true to my love, if my love will be true to me.

She bowed her head and away she swam,
Bow ye down, bow ye down,
She bowed her head and away she swam,
Very true to you,
She bowed her head and away she swam,
She swam unto the Miller's dam.
I'll be true to my love, if my love will be true to me.

The miller he threw out his grab hook,
Bow ye down, bow ye down,
The miller he threw out his grab hook,
Very true to you,
The miller he threw out his grab hook
And brought her safely from the brook.
I'll be true to my love, if my love will be true to me.

I'll give to thee a golden pen,[1]
Bow ye down, bow ye down,
I'll give to thee a golden pen,
Very true to you,
I'll give to thee a golden pen
To push her in the brook again.
I'll be true to my love, if my love will be true to me.

She bowed her head and away she swam,
Bow ye down, bow ye down,
She bowed her head and away she swam,
Very true to you
She bowed her head and away she swam,
She swam to her eternal home,
I'll be true to my love, if my love will be true to me.

1. golden pin

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