222. Bonny Baby Livingstone

No. 222: Bonny Baby Livingstone

[There are no known US or Canadian traditional versions of this ballad.]


1. Child's Narrative
2. Footnotes  (Found at the end of Child's Narrative)
3. Brief (Kittredge)
4. Child's Ballad Texts A-E (Changes for Ab found in End-Notes; An addtional text, 'Bonnie Annie Livieston' in C. K. Sharpe's first Manuscript collection, p. 24, is given in a later edition in Additions and Corrections) 
5. End-notes
6. Additions and Corrections

ATTACHED PAGES (see left hand column):

1. Recordings & Info:  222. Bonny Baby Livingstone
    A.  Roud No. 100:  Bonny Baby Livingstone (20 Listings) 

2. Sheet Music: 222. Bonny Baby Livingstone (Bronson's music examples and texts)

3. English and Other Versions (Including Child versions A-E with additional notes)]

Child's Narrative: 222. Bonny Baby Livingston

A. 'Bonny Baby Livingston.' 
    a. Jamieson-Brown Manuscript
    b. Jamieson's Popular Ballads, II, 135.

B. 'Barbara Livingston,' Buchan's Manuscripts, I, 77.

C. Motherwell's Manuscript, p. 875; 'Barbara Livingston,' Motherwell's Minstrelsy, p. 304.

D. 'Annie Livingston,' Campbell Manuscripts, II, 254.

E. 'Baby Livingstone,' Kinloch Manuscripts, V, 355.

Mrs. Brown was not satisfied with A b, which Jamieson had taken down from her mouth, and after a short time she sent him A a. The verbal differences are considerable. We need not suppose that Mrs. Brown had heard two "sets" or "ways," of which she blended the readings; the fact seems to be that, at the time when she recited to Jamieson, she was not in good condition to remember accurately.

A a. Glenlion carries off Barbara Livingston from Dundee and takes her to the Highlands, She is in a stupor of grief. Glenlion folds her in his arms, and says that he would give all his flocks and herds for a kind look. She tells him that he shall never get look or smile unless he takes her back to Dundee; and he her that she shall never see Dundee till he has married her. His brother John tries to dissuade him; he himself would scorn a hand without a heart; but Glenlion has long loved her, and is resolved to keep her, nevertheless. Glenlion's three sisters receive Baby kindly, and the youngest begs her to disclose the cause of her grief. Baby tells the sympathetic Jean that she has been stolen from her friends and from her lover, and obtains not only the means of writing a letter to Johny Hay, the lover, but a swift-footed boy to carry it to Dundee. Johny Hay, with a band of armed men, makes all speed to Glenlion's castle. He calls to Baby to jump, and he will catch her; she, more prudently, slips down on her sheets; her lover takes her on his horse and rides away. Glenlion hears the ring of a bridle and thinks it is the priest come to marry him. His brother corrects the mistake; there are armed men at the castle-gate, and if turns out that there are enough of them to deter Glenlion's Highlanders from an attack. So Johny Hay conveys Baby Livingstone safely back to Dundee.

The other versions give the story a tragical catastrophe. In B, Barbara is forced into Glenlion's bed. Afterwards she exclaims that if she had paper and pen she would write to her lover in Dundee. No difficulty seems to be made; she writes her letter, and sends it by the ever-ready boy. Geordie, lying in a window, sees the boy, asks for news, and is told that his love is stolen by Glenlion. He orders his horse, in fact three horses, and also a mourning hat and cloak; but though he tires out all three horses, his love is dead be fore he reaches Glenlion. This copy is pieced out with all sorts of commonplaces from other ballads: see 9 (which is nonsense), 10, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.

C is a briefer, that is, an unfarced, form of B. Glenlion is corrupted to Linlyon.

D has its commonplaces again. For Barbara we have Annie, and Glendinning for Glenlion, and a brother Jemmy instead of a lover. In B the ravisher is Lochell.

Dr. Joseph Robertson in his Adversaria, Manuscript, p. 87, gives these two lines of 'Baby Livingston:'

O bony Baby Livingston
Was playin at the ba.[1]

The kidnapping of women for a compulsory marriage was a practice which prevailed for hundreds of years, and down to a late date, and, of course, not only in Great Britain. The unprotected female, especially if she had any property, must have been in a state of miserable insecurity, and even a convent was far from furnishing her an asylum. See for England, in the first half of the fifteenth century, Beamont's Annals of the Lords of Warrington, pp. 256-61 and 265 f.; for Scotland, in the same century and the two following, Sharpe's Ballad Book, p. 99 ff., R. Chambers's Domestic Annals of Scotland, 1858, I, 223-5, 415 f.; for Ireland, Fronde, The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, 1872, I, 417 ff. Other Scottish ballads celebrating similar abductions are 'Eppie Morrie,' 'The Lady of Arngosk,' and 'Rob Roy,' which immediately follow. [2]

A b is translated by Grundtvig, Engelske og skotske Folkeviser, p. 126, No 18.


1. At the end of the account of the parish of Livingstone, in The Statistical Account of Scotland, XX, 17, 1798, there it this paragraph: "It may also be expected that something should be said of the Bonny Lass of Livingstone, so famed in song; but although this ballad and the air to which it is sung seem to have as little claim to antiquity as they have to merit, yet we cannot give any satisfactory information upon the subject. All we can say is, that we have heard that she kept a public house at a place called the High House of Livingstone, about a mile west of the church; that he was esteemed handsome, and knew how to turn her charms to the best account." Dr. Robertson, at the place above cited, treats this passage as pertaining to the ballad before us. But the reference is certainly to a song known as the "Lass o Livingston," beginning, 'The bonie lass o Liviston;' concerning which see Cromek's Reliques of Robert Burns, p. 204 of the edition of 1817, and Johnson's Museum, IV, 18, 1853.

2. I will add one more corn to a heap. "Mrs. Wharton, who was lately stole, is returned home to her friends, having been married against her consent to Captain Campbell" (November, 1690). Luttrell's Relation, II, 130. There is partial comfort, but somewhat cold, in the fact that the ravisher was in many cases ultimately unsuccessful in his object, as he is in all the ballads here given.

Brief Description by George Lyman Kittredge

A is the only version of this ballad that ends well. The others give the story a tragical catastrophe. The kidnapping of women for a compulsory marriage was a practice which prevailed for hundreds of years, and down to a late date, and, of course, not only in Great Britain. Other Scottish ballads celebrating similar abductions are Nos. 223, 224, 225.

Child's Ballad Texts

'Bonny Baby Livingston'- Version A; Child 222 Bonny Baby Livingston
a. Jamieson-Brown Manuscript, Appendix, p. xii, sent by Mrs. Brown to Jamieson, in a letter dated September 15, 1800.
b. Jamieson's Popular Ballads, II, 135, as taken from Mrs. Brown's recitation a short time before a was written down.

1    O bonny Baby Livingston
Went forth to view the hay,
And by it came him Glenlion,
Sta bonny Baby away.

2    O first he's taen her silken coat,
And neest her satten gown,
Syne rowd her in a tartan plaid,
And hapd her round and rown.

3    He has set her upon his steed
And roundly rode away,
And neer loot her look back again
The live-long summer's day.

4    He's carried her oer hills and muirs
Till they came to a Highland glen,
And there he's met his brother John,
With twenty armed men.

5    O there were cows, and there were ewes,
And lasses milking there,
But Baby neer anse lookd about,
Her heart was filld wi care.

6    Glenlion took her in his arms,
And kissd her, cheek and chin;
Says, I'd gie a' these cows and ewes
But ae kind look to win.

7    'O ae kind look ye neer shall get,
Nor win a smile frae me,
Unless to me you'll favour shew,
And take me to Dundee.'

8    'Dundee, Baby? Dundee, Baby?
Dundee you neer shall see
Till I've carried you to Glenlion
And have my bride made thee.

9    'We'll stay a while at Auchingour,
And get sweet milk and cheese,
And syne we'll gang to Glenlion,
And there live at our ease.'

10    'I winna stay at Auchingour,
Nor eat sweet milk and cheese,
Nor go with thee to Glenlion,
For there I'll neer find ease.'

11    Than out it spake his brother John,
'O were I in your place,
I'd take that lady hame again,
For a' her bonny face.

12    'Commend me to the lass that's kind,
Tho na so gently born;
And, gin her heart I coudna gain,
To take her hand I'd scorn.'

13    'O had your tongue now, John,' he says,
'You wis na what you say;
'For I've lood that bonny face
This twelve month and a day.

14    'And tho I've lood her lang and sair
A smile I neer coud win;
Yet what I've got anse in my power
To keep I think nae sin.'

15    When they came to Glenlion castle,
They lighted at the yate,
And out it came his sisters three,
Wha did them kindly greet.

16    O they've taen Baby by the hands
And led her oer the green,
And ilka lady spake a word,
But bonny Baby spake nane.

17    Then out it spake her bonny Jean,
The youngest o the three,
'O lady, dinna look sae sad,
But tell your grief to me.'

18    'O wherefore should I tell my grief,
Since lax I canna find?
I'm stown frae a' my kin and friends,
And my love I left behind.

19    'But had I paper, pen, and ink,
Before that it were day,
I yet might get a letter sent
In time to Johny Hay.'

20    O she's got paper, pen, and ink,
And candle that she might see,
And she has written a broad letter
To Johny at Dundee.

21    And she has gotten a bonny boy,
That was baith swift and strang,
Wi philabeg and bonnet blue,
Her errand for to gang.

22    'O boy, gin ye'd my blessing win
And help me in my need,
Run wi this letter to my love,
And bid him come wi speed.

23    'And here's a chain of good red gowd,
And gowdn guineas three,
And when you've well your errand done,
You'll get them for your fee.'

24    The boy he ran oer hill and dale,
Fast as a bird coud flee,
And eer the sun was twa hours height
The boy was at Dundee.

25    And when he came to Johny's door
He knocked loud and sair;
Then Johny to the window came,
And loudly cry'd, 'Wha's there?'

26    'O here's a letter I have brought,
Which ye maun quickly read,
And, gin ye woud your lady save,
Gang back wi me wi speed.'

27    O when he had the letter read,
An angry man was he;
He says, Glenlion, thou shalt rue
This deed of villany!

28    'O saddle to me the black, the black,
O saddle to me the brown,
O saddle to me the swiftest steed
That eer rade frae the town.

29    'And arm ye well, my merry men a',
And follow me to the glen,
For I vow I'll neither eat nor sleep
Till I get my love again.'

30    He's mounted on a milk-white steed,
The boy upon a gray,
And they got to Glenlion's castle
About the close of day.

31    As Baby at her window stood,
The west wind saft did bla;
She heard her Johny's well-kent voice,
Beneath the castle wa.

32    'O Baby, haste, the window jump!
I'll kep you in my arm;
My merry men a' are at the yate,
To rescue you frae harm.'

33    She to the window fixt her sheets
And slipped safely down,
And Johny catchd her in his arms,
Neer loot her touch the ground.

34    When mounted on her Johny's horse,
Fou blithely did she say,
'Glenlion, you hae lost your bride!
She's aff wi Johny Hay.'

35    Glenlion and his brother John
Were birling in the ha,
When they heard Johny's bridle ring,
As first he rade awa.

36    'Rise, Jock, gang out and meet the priest,
I hear his bridle ring;
My Baby now shall be my wife
Before the laverocks sing.'

37    'O brother, this is not the priest;
I fear he'll come oer late;
For armed men with shining brands
Stand at the castle-yate.'

38    'Haste Donald, Duncan, Dugald, Hugh!
Haste, take your sword and spier!
We'll gar these traytors rue the hour
That eer they ventured here.'

39    The Highland men drew their claymores,
And gae a warlike shout,
But Johny's merry men kept the yate,
Nae ane durst venture out.

40    The lovers rade the live-lang night,
And safe gat on their way,
And bonny Baby Livingston
Has gotten Johny Hay.

41    'Awa, Glenlion! fy for shame!
Gae hide ye in some den!
You've lettn your bride be stown frae you,
For a' your armed men.'

'Barbara Livingston'- Version B; Child 222 Bonny Baby Livingston
Buchan's Manuscripts, I, 77.

1    Bonny Barbara Livingston
Went out to take the air,
When came the laird o Glenlyon
And staw the maiden fair.

2    He staw her in her cloak, her cloak,
He staw her in her gown;
Before he let her look again,
Was mony mile frae town.

3    So they rade over hills and dales,
Through m[o]ny a wilsome way,
Till they came to the head o yon hill,
And showed her ewes and kye.

4    'O will ye stay with me, Barbara,
And get good curds and whey?
Or will ye go to Glenlyon,
And be a lady gay?'

5    'The Highlands is nae for me, kind sir,
The Highlands is nae for me,
But, gin ye woud my favour win,
Have me to bonny Dundee.'

6    'Dundee, Barbara? Dundee, Barbara?
That town ye'se never see;
I'll hae you to a finer place
Than eer was in Dundee.'

7    But when she came to Glenlyon,
And lighted on the green,
Every lady spake Earse to her,
But Barbara could speak nane.

8    When they were all at dinner set,
And placed the table round,
Every one took some of it,
But Barbara took nane.

9    She put it to her cheek, her cheek,
She put it to her chin,
She put it to her rosey lips,
But neer a bit gaed in.

10    When day was gone, and night was come,
And a' man bound for bed,
Glenlyon and that fair lady
To one chamber were laid.

11    'O strip, O strip, my love,' he said,
'O strip and lay you down;'
'How can I strip? How can I strip,
To bed wi an unco man?'

12    He's taen out his little pen-knife,
And he slit down her gown,
And cut her stays behind her back,
And forc'd her to lie down.

13    'O day, dear sir! O day, dear sir!
O dear! if it were day,
And me upon my father's steed,
I soon shoud ride away.'

14    'Your father's steed is in my stable,
Eating good corn and hay,
And ye are in my arms twa;
What needs you lang for day?'

15    'If I had paper, pens, and ink,
And light that I may see,
I woud write a broad, broad letter
To my love in Dundee.'

16    They brought her paper, pen, and ink,
And light that she might see,
And she has written a broad letter
To her love in Dundee.

17    And aye she wrote, and aye she grat,
The saut tear blinded her ee;
And aye at every verse's end,
'Haste, my bonny love, to me!'

18    'If I had but a little wee boy,
Would work for meat and fee,
Would go and carry this letter
To my love in Dundee!'

19    'O here am I, a little wee boy
Will work for meat and fee,
Will go and carry that letter
To your love in Dundee.'

20    Upstarts the morn, the boy he ran
Oer mony a hill and dale,
And he wan on to bonny Dundee
About the hour o twall.

21    There geordy oer a window lay,
Beholding dale and down;
And he beheld a little wee boy
Come running to the town.

22    'What news? what news, my little wee boy,
You run sae hastilie?'
'Your love is stown by Glenlyon,
And langs your face to see.'

23    'Gae saddle to me the black, the black,
Gae saddle to me the brown;
Gae saddle to me the swiftest steed
Will hae me to the town.

24    'Get me my hat, dyed o the black,
My mourning-mantle tee,
And I will on to Glenlyon,
See my love ere she die.'

25    First he tired the black, the black,
And then he tired the brown,
And next he tired the swiftest steed
Ere he wan to the town.

26    But for as fast as her love rade,
And as fast as he ran,
Before he wan to Glenlyon
His love was dead and gane.

27    Then he has kissd her cheek, her cheek,
And he has kissd her chin,
And he has kissd her comely mouth,
But no life was therein.

28    'O wae mat worth you, Glenlyon,
An ill death mat ye die!
Ye've twind me and the fairest flower
My eyes did ever see.

29    'But I will kiss your cheek, Barbara,
And I will kiss your chin,
And I will kiss your comely mouth,
But neer woman's again.

30    'Deal well, deal well at my love's lyke
The beer but and the wine,
For ere the morn at this same time
Ye'll deal the same at mine.'

'Barbara Livingston'- Version C; Child 222 Bonny Baby Livingston
Motherwell's Manuscript, p. 375, from the recitation of Agnes Lyle of Kilbarchan.

1    Four-and-twenty ladies fair
Was playing at the ba,
And out cam Barbra Livingston,
The flower amang them a'.

2    Out cam Barbra Livingston,
The flower amang them a';
The lusty laird o Linlyon
Has stown her clean awa.

3    'The Hielands is no for me, kind sir,
The Hielands is no for me;
But, if you wud my favour win,
You'll tak me to Dundee.'

4    'The Hielands'll be for thee, my dear,
The Hielands will be for thee;
To the lusty laird o Linlyon
A-married ye shall be.'

5    When they came to Linlyon's yetts,
And lichted on the green,
Every ane spak Earse to her,
The tears cam trinkling down.

6    When they went to bed at nicht,
To Linlyon she did say,
'Och and alace, a weary nicht!
Oh, but it's lang till day!'

7    'Your father's steed in my stable,
He's eating corn and hay,
And you're lying in my twa arms;
What need you long for day?'

8    'If I had paper, pen, and ink,
And candle for to see,
I wud write a lang letter
To my love in Dundee.'

9    They brocht her paper, pen, and ink,
And candle for to see,
And she did write a lang letter
To her love in Dundee.

10    When he cam to Linlyon's yetts,
And lichtit on the green,
But lang or he wan up the stair
His love was dead and gane.

11    'Woe be to thee, Linlyon,
An ill death may thou die!
Thou micht hae taen anither woman,
And let my lady be.'

'Annie Livingston'- Version D; Child 222 Bonny Baby Livingston
Campbell Manuscripts, II, 254.

1    Bonnie Annie Livingstone
Was walking out the way,
By came the laird of Glendinning,
And he's stolen her away.
  The Highlands are no for me, kind sir,
  The highlands are no for me,
  And, if you wad my favour win,
  You'd take me to Dundee.

2    He mounted her on a milk-white steed,
Himself upon a grey,
He's taen her to the Highland hills,
And stolen her quite away.

3    When they came to Glendinning gate,
They lighted on the green;
There many a Highland lord spoke free,
But fair Annie she spoke nane.

4    When bells were rung, and mass begun,
And a' men bound for bed,
Bonnie Annie Livingstone
Was in her chamber laid.

5    'O gin it were but day, kind sir!
O gin it were but day!
O gin it were but day, kind sir,
That I might win away!"]

6    'Your steed stands in the stall, bonnie Ann,
Eating corn and hay,
And you are in Glendinning's arms;
What need ye long for day?'

7    'O fetch me paper, pen, and ink,
A candle that I may see,
And I will write a long letter
To Jemmy at Dundee.'

8    When Jemmie looked the letter on,
A loud laughter gave he;
But eer he read the letter oer
The tear blinded his ee.

9    'Gar saddle,' he cried, 'My war-horse fierce,
Warn a' my trusty clan,
And I'll away to Glendinning Castle
And see my sister Ann.'

10    When he came to Glendinning yet,
He lighted on the green,
But ere that he wan up the stair
Fair Annie she was gane.

11    'The Highlands were not for thee, bonnie Ann,
The Highlands were not for thee,
And they that would have thy favour won
Should have brought you home to me.

12    'O I will kiss thy cherry cheeks,
And I will kiss thy chin,
And I will kiss thy rosy lips,
For they will neer kiss mine.'

'Baby Livingstone'- Version E; Child 222 Bonny Baby Livingston
Kinloch Manuscripts, V, 355, in the handwriting of John Hill Burton.

1    Bonny Baby Livingstone
Went out to view the hay,
And by there came a Hieland lord,
And he's stown Baby away.

2    He's stown her in her coat, her coat,
And he's stown her in her gown,
And he let her not look back again
Ere she was many a mile from town.

3    He set her on a milk-white steed,
Himself upon another,
And they are on to bonny Lochell,
Like sister and like brother.

4    The bells were rung, the mass was sung,
And all men bound to bed,
And Baby and her Hieland lord
They were both in one chamber laid.

5    'Oh day, kind sir! Oh day, kind sir!
Oh day fain would I see!
I would gie a' the lands o Livingstone
For day-light, to lat me see.'

6    'Oh day, Baby? Oh day, Baby?
What needs you long for day?
Your steed is in a good stable,
And he's eating baith corn and hay.

7    'Oh day, baby? Oh day, Baby?
What needs you long for day?
You'r lying in a good knight's arms,
What needs you long for day?'

8    'Ye'll get me paper, pen, and ink,
And light to let me see,
Till I write on a broad letter
And send 't to Lord . . '.'
* * * * *


A.  "On the other page you will find the whole ballad of Bonny Baby Livingston. I found upon recollection that I had the whole story in my memory, and thought it better to write it out entire, as what I repeated to you was, I think, more imperfect." Mrs. Brown, Manuscript, Appendix, p. xv.
a.  354. first may be fast, as in b.
b.  12, gaed out.
21. And first.
23. in his.
31. He 's mounted her upon a.
41. oer yon Inch hich hill.
42. Intill a.
43. He met.
51. And there.
52. And there were kids sae fair.
53. But sad and wae was bonny Baby.
54. was fu o.
61. He 's taen her in his arms twa.
63. I wad gie a' my flocks and herds.
64. Ae smile frae thee to.
7. A smile frae me ye 'se never win,
      I'll neer look kind on thee;
Ye 've stown me awa frae a' my kin,
      Frae a' that 's dear to me.

Dundee, kind sir, Dundee, kind sir,
      Tak me to bonny Dundee!
For ye sall neer my favour win
      Till it ance mair I see.
83. But I will carry you.
84. Where you my bride shall be.
91. Or will ye stay at.
92. And get.
93. Or gang wi me to.
94. we'll live.
102. I care neither for milk nor.
103. gang.
112. If I were in.
113. I 'd send.
123. coudna win.
131. tongue, my brother John.
133. I hae.
134. This mony a year and day.
141. I 've lued her lang and lued her weel.
142. But her love I.
143. And what I canna fairly gain.
144. To steal.
153. they cam, his three sisters.
154. Their brother for to greet.
161. And they have taen her bonny Baby.
173. why look ye sae.
174. Come tell.
183. I'm far frae.
192. Afore.
193. letter wrate.
194. And sent to.
After 19: And gin I had a bonny boy
      To help me in my need,
That he might rin to bonny Dundee,
      And come again wi speed.
20. Wanting.
211. And they hae.
212. Their errand for to gang.
213. And bade him run to bonny Dundee.
214. And nae to tarry lang.
22, 23. Wanting.
241. oer muir.
242. As fast as he.
25, 26. Wanting.
27. Whan Johnie lookit the letter on,
      A hearty laugh leuch he;
But ere he read it till an end
      The tear blinded his ee.

wha is this, or what is that,
      Has stown my love frae me?
Although he were my ae brither,
      An ill dead sall he die.
281. Gae saddle to me the black, he says.
282,3. Gae.
291. He 's called upon his merry.
292. To follow him to.
293. And he 's vowd he 'd neither,
294. he got his.
301. him on.
302. And fast he rade away.
303. And he 's come to Glenlyon's yett.
312. And the.
314. Aneath.
321. window loup.
34. Wanting.
354. As fast.
364. laverock.
371. nae the.

B.  34. ewes. Indistinctly written.
52. fore.

Additions and Corrections

P. 231 f. "I can get a copy of a ballad the repeating verse of which is:

The Highlands are no for me,
The Highlands are no for me;
But gin ye wad my favour win
Than carry me to Dundee.

His name is sometimes called Glendinnin, and his residence the same: however, I think it is a Highland ballad, from other circumstances." W. Laidlaw to Sir W. Scott, September 11, 1802: Letters, I, No 73. Compare D.

P. 231. 'Bonnie Annie Livieston' in C.K. Sharpe's first Manuscript collection, p. 24, resembles D and B, and has as many commonplaces as B, ending with the last three stanzas of several versions of 'Lord Thomas and Fair Annet' or of 'Lord Lovel,' I.

1   Bonny Anny Livieston
Went out to see the play,
By came the laird of Glenlion,
And [he's] taen hir quite away.

2   He set hir on a milk-white steed,
Himself upon a gray,
He's teen hir oer the Highland hills,
And taen hir quite away.

3   When they came to Glenlion's gate,
The lighted on the green;
There was mony a bonny lad and lass
To welcome the lady hame.

4   They led hir through high towers and bowers,
And through the buling-green,
And ay when they spake Erse to hir
The tears blinded hir een.

5   Says, The Highlands is no for me, kind sir,
The Highlands is no for me;
If that ye would my favour win,
Take me unto Dundee.

6   'Dundee!' he says, 'Dundee, lady!
Dundee you shall never see;
Upon the laird of Glenlion
Soon wadded shall ye be.'

7   When bells were rung, and mas was sung,
And all were bound for bed,
And bonny Annie Livieston
By hir bridegroom was laid.

8   'It's O gin it were day!' she says,
'It's O gin it were day!
O if that it were day,' she says,
'Nae langer wad I stay.'

9   Your horse stands in a good stable,
Eating both corn and hay,
And you are in Glenlion's arms,
Why should ye weary for day?'

10   'Glenlion's arms are good enough,
But alais! the 'r no for me;
If that you would my fevour win,
Taike me unto Dundee.

11   'Bat fetch me paper, pen and ink,
And candle that I may see,
And I'll go write a long letter
To Geordie in Dundee.

12   Where will I get a bonny boy,
That will win hose and shoon,
That will gang to my ain true-luve,
And tell him what is done?'

13   Then up then spake a bonny boy,
Near to Glenlion's kin,
Says, Many time I hae gane his erand,
But the lady's I will rin.

14   O when he came to broken brigs
He bent his bow and swame,
And when he came to grass growing
Set down his feet and ran.

15   And when he came to Dundee gate
Lap clean outoer the wa;
Before the porter was thereat,
The boy was in the haa.

16   'What news? what news, bonny boy?
What news hes thou to me?'
'No news, no news,' said bonny boy,
'But a letter unto thee.'

17   The first three lines he looked on,
A loud laughter gied he,
But or he wan to the hinder en
The tears blinded his eie.

18   'Gae saddle to me the black,' he says,
'Gae saddle to me the broun,
Gae saddle to me the swiftest steed
That eer took man to towen.'

19   He burst the black unto the slack,
The browen unto the brae,
But fair fa on the siller-gray
That carried him ay away!

20   When he came to Glenlion's yett,
He tirled at the pin,
But before that he wan up the stair
The lady she was gone.

21   'O I can kiss thy cheeks, Annie,
O I can kiss thy chin,
O I can kiss thy clay-cold lips,
Though there be no breath within.

22   'Deal large at my love's buriell
The short bread and the wine,
And gin the morn at ten o clock
Ye may deal as mukle at mine.'

23   The taen was biried in Mary's kirk,
The tither in St. Mary's quire,
And out of the taen there grew a birk,
And the ither a bonny brier.

24   And ay they grew, and ay they threw,
Till they did meet aboon,
And a' that ere the same did see
Knew they had true lovers been. 

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