Two Little Sisters- Deeton (NC) 1918 Sharp E

[Two Little Sisters] The Twa Sisters- Deeton (NC) 1918 Sharp E

[My title. Version E in Cecil Sharp and Maud Karpeles, English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, 1932. It was collected from Mrs. Clercy Deeton at Mine Fork, Burnsville, North Carolina, September 19, 1918. It's one of fourteen versions published there. Here's the music and text:

R. Matteson 2011, 2014]

[Two Little Sisters]
- Sung by Mrs. Clercy Deeton at Mine Fork, Burnsville, North Carolina, September 19, 1918.

1. Two little sisters side and side
Sing I dum, sing I day.
Two little sisters side and side,
The boys are bound for me.
Two little sisters side and side,
The oldest one for Johnny cried.
I'll be kind to my true love
If he'll be kind to me.

2. Johnny bought the old one a beaver hat,
The youngest one thought hard of that.

3. Johnny bought the young one a gay gold ring,
He never bought the old one a single thing.

4. Two little sisters a-going down stream;
The oldest one put the young one in.

5. She floated on down to the miller's dam;
The miller brought her safe to land.

6. The miller has hung on the gallows so high;
The oldest one was hung close by.


T:Two Sisters
S:Mrs Clercy Deeton, Mine Fork, Burnsville, N.C. Sept 1918
B:Sharp & Karpeles, English Folk-Songs from the Southern Appalachians, vol.I p.30 (5E)
N:Child 10, Roud 8
F2 F G A2 G2|A2 c2 c4|c2 d2 F4|G2 F2 D4|
w:Two lit-tle sis-ters side and side, Sing I dum, sing I day.
C2 F G A2 G2|A2 c2 d3 c|f2 f2 (dc) A2|d6 z2|d2ddf2dc|
w:Two lit-tle sis-ters side and side, The boys are bound_ for me. Two lit-tle sis-ters
c2 d2 F6 G2|
w:side and side, The
A2 G2 F2 C2|F2 G2 D4|C2 D2 F2 F2|
w:old-set one for John-ny cried. I'll be kind to
F2 f2 d6 d2|
w:my true love If
c3 F A2 G2|F6 z2|]
w:he'll be kind to me.

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