125. Robin Hood and Little John

No. 125: Robin Hood and Little John

[According to the Kirklands (1938): "Professor Child printed only one text (A a), and did not include a variant from Virginia which is in his manuscript collection presently at the the Harvard." It is unclear whether this is the McCullough text (he was born in 1816 in Virginia) or another yet unknown text.

Of the US/Canada text there are four full texts.

R. Matteson 2015]



1. Child's Narrative
2. Footnotes  (Added at the end of Child's Narrative)
3. Brief (Kittredge)
4. Child's Ballad Texts A a and A b.
5. Endnotes
6. Additions and Corrections

ATTACHED PAGES (see left hand column):

1. Recordings & Info: 125. Robin Hood and Little John
     A. Roud No. 1322: Robin Hood and Little John (35 Listings)   
2. Sheet Music:  (Bronson's traditional music versions and other versions)

3. English and Other Versions (Including Child versions A a- A b with additional notes)]

Child's Narrative: Robin Hood and Little John

A. a. A Collection of Old Ballads, 1723, 1, 75.
    b. Aldermary Garland, by R. Marshall, n.d., No 22.

Ritson, Robin Hood, 1795, II, 138; Evans, Old Ballads, 1777, 1784, I, 204. There is a bad copy in a Robin Hood's Garland of 1749.

"This ballad," says Ritson, "is named in a schedule of such things under an agreement between W. Thackeray and others in 1689, Col. Pepys, vol. 5." It occurs in a list of ballads printed for and sold by William Thackeray at the Angel in Duck-Lane (see The Ballad Society's reprint of the Roxburghe Ballads, W. Chappell, I, xxiv, from a copy in the Bagford collection), but by some caprice of fortune has not, so far as is known, come down in the broadside form, neither is it found in the older garlands.

Robin Hood and Little John belongs to a set of ballads which have middle rhyme in the third line of the stanza, and are directed to be sung to one and the same tune. These are: R. H. and the Bishop, R. H. and the Beggar, R. H. and the Tanner, to the tune of R. H. and the Stranger; R. H. and the Butcher, R. H.'s Chase, Little John and the Four Beggars, to the tune of R. H. and the Beggar; R. H. and Little John, R. H. and the Ranger, to the tune of Arthur a Bland (that is, R.H. and the Tanner). There is no ballad with the title Robin Hood and the Stranger. Ritson thought it proper to give this title to a ballad which uniformly bears the title of Robin Hood Newly Revived, No 128, because Robin's antagonist is repeatedly called "the stranger" in it. But Robin's antagonist is equally often called "the stranger" in the present ballad (eleven times in each), and Robin Hood and Little John has the middle rhyme in the third line, which Robin Hood Newly Revived has not (excepting in seven stanzas at the end, which are a portion of a different ballad, Robin Hood and the Scotchman). Robin Hood and Little John (and Robin Hood Newly Revived as well) would naturally be referred to as Robin Hood and the Stranger, for the same reason that Robin Hood and the Tanner is referred to as Arthur a Bland. The fact that the middle rhyme in the third line is found in Robin Hood and Little John, but is lacking in Robin Hood Newly Revived, gives a slightly superior probability to the supposition that the former, or rather some older version of it (for the one we have is in a rank seventeenth-century style), had the secondary title of Robin Hood and the Stranger.[1]

Like Robin Hood's Progress to Nottingham, this ballad affects, in the right apocryphal way, to know an adventure of Robin's early life. Though but twenty years old, Robin has a company of threescore and nine bowmen. With all these he shakes hands one morning, and goes through the forest alone, prudently enjoining on the band to come to his help if he should blow his horn. He meets a stranger on a narrow bridge, and neither will give way. Robin threatens the stranger with an arrow, which, as he requires to be reminded, is cowardly enough, seeing that the other man has nothing but a staff. Recalled to ordinary manliness, Robin Hood, laying down his bow, provides himself with an oaken stick, and proposes a battle on the bridge, which he shall be held to win who knocks the other into the water in the end. In the end the stranger tumbles Robin into the brook, and is owned to have won the day. The band are now summoned by the horn, and when they hear what the stranger has done are about to seize and duck him, but are ordered to forbear. Robin Hood proposes to his antagonist that he shall join his men, and John Little, as he declares his name to be, accedes. John Little is seven foot tall.[2] Will Stutely says his name must be changed, and they rebaptize the "infant" as Little John.

'A pastorall plesant commedie of Robin Hood and Little John, etc.,' is entered to Edward White in the Stationers' Registers, May 14, 1594, and 'Robin Hood and Litle John' to Master Oulton, April 22, 1640. (Arber, II, 649, IV, 507.)

Translated by Anastasius Grün, p. 65.


1. Robin Hood Newly Revived (which, by the way, is in the same bad style as Robin Hood and Little John) is directed to be sung 'to a delightful new Tune.' The tune, as is seen from the burden, was that of Arthur a Bland, etc., called in Robin Hood and the Prince of Aragon (the Second Part of Robin Hood Newly Revived) Robin Hood, or Hey down, down a down. The earliest printed copy of the air is preserved in the ballad-opera of The Jovial Crew, 1731 (Rimbault, in Gutch's Robin Hood, II, 433, Chappell's Popular Music, p. 391), and the song which is there sung to it has middle rhyme in the first line as well as the third, which is the case with no Robin Hood ballad except Robin Hood and the Peddlers.

Robin Hood and Maid Marian, which has the middle rhyme in the third line, is directed to be sung to Robin Hood Revived. Robin Hood and the Scotchman, as already said, has middle rhyme in the third line; so have The King's Disguise, etc., R.H. and the Golden Arrow, R.H. and the Valiant Knight; but the tune assigned to the last is Robin Hood and the Fifteen Foresters, that is, Robin Hood's Progress to Nottingham.

It ought to be added that Robin Hood Newly Revived is found in the Garland of 1663, in company with R.H. and the Bishop, R.H. and the Butcher, etc., and that Robin Hood and Little John is not there; but I do not consider this circumstance sufficient to offset the probability in favor of the supposition, that by Robin Hood and the Stranger is meant Robin Hood and Little John.

2. Fourteen foot, as proved by his bones, preserved, according to Hector Boece, in the kirk of Pette, in Murrayland. See Ritson's Robin Hood, 1832, I, cxxxiif; and Gutch, II, 112, note *.

 Brief Description by George Lyman Kittredge

There is a black-letter copy, printed by and for W. Onley, in Lord Crawford's collection, No, 1320; the date put at 1680-85. A whiteletter copy is in Roxburghe, in, 728 (see Ebsworth's Roxburghe Ballads, vm, 504). 'Robin Hood and Little John' belongs to a set of ballads which have middle rhyme in the third line of the stanza, and are directed to be sung to one and the same tune. These are: 'Robin Hood and the Bishop' (No, 143); 'Robin Hood and the Beggar' (No, 133); 'Robin Hood and the Tanner' (No, 126), to the tune of 'Robin Hood and the Stranger;' 'Robin Hood and the Butcher' (No, 122); 'Robin Hood's Chase' (No, 146); 'Little John and the Four Beggars' (No, 142 B), to the tune of 'Robin Hood and the Beggar;' 'Robin Hood and Little John;' 'Robin Hood and the Ranger' (No, 131), to the tune of 'Arthur a Bland' (that is, 'Robin Hood and the Tanner'). There is no ballad with the title 'Robin Hood and the Stranger.' Ritson gave this title to a ballad which uniformly bears the title of 'Robin Hood Newly Revived' (No, 128), but 'Robin Hood and Little John,' or rather some older version of it (for the one we have is in rank seventeenth century style), is more likely to be meant. 'A pastorall plesant commedie of Robin Hood and Little John, etc.,' is entered to Edward White in the Stationers' Registers, May 14, 1594, and 'Robin Hood and Little John' to Master Oulton, April 22, 1640.

Child's Ballad Text

'Robin Hood and Little John'- Version A a; Child 125 Robin Hood and Little John
a. A Collection of Old Ballads, 1723, 1, 75.
b. Aldermary Garland, by R. Marshall, n.d., No 22.

1    When Robin Hood was about twenty years old,
With a hey down down and a down
He happend to meet Little John,
A jolly brisk blade, right fit for the trade,
For he was a lusty young man.

2    Tho he was calld Little, his limbs they were large,
And his stature was seven foot high;
Where-ever he came, they quak'd at his name,
For soon he would make them to fly.

3    How they came acquainted, I'll tell you in brief,
If you will but listen a while;
For this very jest, amongst all the rest,
I think it may cause you to smile.

4    Bold Robin Hood said to his jolly bowmen,
Pray tarry you here in this grove;
And see that you all observe well my call,
While thorough the forest I rove.

5    We have had no sport for these fourteen long days,
Therefore now abroad will I go;
Now should I be beat, and cannot retreat,
My horn I will presently blow.

6    Then did he shake hands with his merry men all,
And bid them at present good b'w'ye;
Then, as near a brook his journey he took,
A stranger he chancd to espy.

7    They happend to meet on a long narrow bridge,
And neither of them would give way;
Quoth bold Robin Hood, and sturdily stood,
I'll show you right Nottingham play.

8    With that from his quiver an arrow he drew,
A broad arrow with a goose-wing:
The stranger reply'd, I'll liquor thy hide,
If thou offerst to touch the string.

9    Quoth bold Robin Hood, Thou dost prate like an ass,
For were I to bend but my bow,
I could send a dart quite thro thy proud heart,
Before thou couldst strike me one blow.

10    'Thou talkst like a coward,' the stranger reply'd;
'Well armed with a long bow you stand,
To shoot at my breast, while I, I protest,
Have nought but a staff in my hand.'

11    'The name of a coward,' quoth Robin, 'I scorn,
Wherefore my long bow I'll lay by;
And now, for thy sake, a staff will I take,
The truth of thy manhood to try.'

12    Then Robin Hood stept to a thicket of trees,
And chose him a staff of ground-oak;
Now this being done, away he did run
To the stranger, and merrily spoke:

13    Lo! see my staff, it is lusty and tough,
Now here on the bridge we will play;
Whoever falls in, the other shall win
The battel, and so we'll away.

14    'With all my whole heart,' the stranger reply'd;
'I scorn in the least to give out;'
This said, they fell to't without more dispute,
And their staffs they did flourish about.

15    And first Robin he gave the stranger a bang,
So hard that it made his bones ring:
The stranger he said, This must be repaid,
I'll give you as good as you bring.

16    So long as I'm able to handle my staff,
To die in your debt, friend, I scorn:
Then to it each goes, and followd their blows,
As if they had been threshing of corn.

17    The stranger gave Robin a crack on the crown,
Which caused the blood to appear;
Then Robin, enrag'd, more fiercely engag'd,
And followd his blows more severe.

18    So thick and so fast dic he lay it on him,
With a passionate fury and ire,
At every stroke, he made him to smoke,
As if he had been all on fire.

19    O then into fury the stranger he grew,
And gave him a damnable look,
And with it a blow that laid him full low,
And tumbld him into the brook.

20    'I prithee, good fellow, O where art thou now?'
The stranger, in laughter, he cry'd;
Quoth bold Robin Hood, Good faith, in the flood,
And floating along with the tide.

21    I needs must acknowledge thou art a brave soul;
With thee I'll no longer contend;
For needs must I say, thou hast got the day,
Our battel shall be at an end.

22    Then unto the bank he did presently wade,
And pulld himself out by a thorn;
Which done, at the last, he blowd a loud blast
Straitway on his fine bugle-horn.

23    The eccho of which through the vallies did fly,
At which his stout bowmen appeard,
All cloathed in green, most gay to be seen;
So up to their master they steerd.

24    'O what's the matter?' quoth William Stutely;
'Good master, you are wet to the skin:'
'No matter,' quoth he; 'The lad which you see,
In fighting, hath tumbld me in.'

25    'He shall not go scot-free,' the others reply'd;
So strait they were seizing him there,
To duck him likewise; but Robin Hood cries,
He is a stout fellow, forbear.

26    There's no one shall wrong thee, friend, be not afraid;
These bowmen upon me do wait;
There's threescore and nine; if thou wilt be mine,
Thou shalt have my livery strait.

27    And other accoutrements fit for a man;
Speak up, jolly blade, never fear;
I'll teach you also the use of the bow,
To shoot at the fat fallow-deer.

28    'O here is my hand,' the stranger reply'd,
'I'll serve you with all my whole heart;
My name is John Little, a man of good mettle;
Nere doubt me, for I'll play my part.'

29    His name shall be alterd,' quoth William Stutely,
'And I will his godfather be;
Prepare then a feast, and none of the least,
For we will be merry,' quoth he.

30    They presently fetchd in a brace of fat does,
With humming strong liquor likewise;
They lovd what was good; so, in the greenwood,
This pretty sweet babe they baptize.

31    He was, I must tell you, but seven foot high,
And, may be, an ell in the waste;
A pretty sweet lad; much feasting they had;
Bold Robin the christning grac'd.

32    With all his bowmen, which stood in a ring,
And were of the Notti[n]gham breed;
Brave Stutely comes then, with seven yeomen,
And did in this manner proceed.

33    'This infant was called John Little,' quoth he,
'Which name shall be changed anon;
The words we'll transpose, so where-ever he goes,
His name shall be calld Little John.'

34    They all with a shout made the elements ring,
So soon as the office was ore;
To feasting they went, with true merriment,
And tippld strong liquor gillore.

35    Then Robin he took the pretty sweet babe,
And cloathd him from top to the toe
In garments of green, most gay to be seen,
And gave him a curious long bow.

36    'Thou shalt be an archer as well as the best,
And range in the greenwood with us;
Where we'll not want gold nor silver, behold,
While bishops have ought in their purse.

37    'We live here like squires, or lords of renown,
Without ere a foot of free land;
We feast on good cheer, with wine, ale and beer,
And evry thing at our command.'

38    Then musick and dancing did finish the day;
At length, when the sun waxed low,
Then all the whole train the grove did refrain,
And unto their caves they did go.

39    And so ever after, as long as he livd,
Altho he was proper and tall,
Yet nevertheless, the truth to express,
Still Little John they did him call.


aTitle. Robin Hood and Little John. Being an account of their first meeting, their fierce encounter, and conquest. To which is added, their friendly agreement, and how he came to be calld Little John.
To the tune of Arthur a Bland.

bTitle as in a.
22. statue.
32. you would.
33. among.
34. it wanting.
43. his for my, wrongly.
51. for wanting.
53. be wanting.
84. offer.
92. where I do bend.
112. Therefore.
113. I will.
131. it wanting.
132. on this.
151. And first: he wanting.
152. he for it.
161. a for my.
163. both goes, and follow.
181. he did.
191. in a fury.
193. which for that.
201. O wanting.
223. blew.
231. did ring.
234. their matter.
243. that for which.
271. fitting also.
301. him for in.
304. baptiz'd.
311. feet.
313. He was a sweet.
323. came.
344. liquors.
352. the wanting.
391. they for he.
392. he be.

Additions and Corrections

P. 133 a. There is a black-letter copy, printed by and for W. Onley, in Lord Crawford's collection, No 1320; the date put at 1680-85. A white-letter copy in Roxburghe, III, 728. See Ebsworth's Roxburghe Ballads, VIII, 504.


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