The Three Sisters- Fitzgerald (VA) 1918 Sharp J

The Three Sisters- Fitzgerald (VA) 1918 Sharp J

[My title. From English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, Sharp/Karpeles 1932, version J, w/music. Sharp's notes follow.

R. Matteson 2014]

Notes from Sharp, 1917 edition: No. 4. The Two Sisters
Texts without tunes:—Child, No. 10.
Texts with tunes:—Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs, i., pp. 40 and 42. Journal of the Folk-Song Society, i., 253, and ii., 282. English County Songs, p. 118. Northumbrian Minstrelsy, p. 61. Child, v., pp. 411 and 412 (three tunes). "Binnorie," arranged
by Dr. Arthur Somervell. American variants:—Journal of American Folk-Lore, xviii., 130 (with tune); xviii., 130 (without tune); xix., 233.

J. [The Three Sisters] Sung by Mrs. FLORENCE FITZGERALD at Royal Orchard, Afton, Va., April 25, 1918
Heptatonic. Ionian.

There was an old man in the North Countree,
And he had daughters one, two, three,
Says I'll be true to my love,
My love'll be true to me.

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