Bow Down- Greene (NC) c.1936 Matteson MS

Bow Down- Greene (NC) c.1936 Matteson MS

[From a manuscript in the collection of Maurice Matteson- apparently this was from a second book of songs which followed "Folk Songs and Ballads from Beech Mountain" in 1936. I only have a few ballads in his MS, I assume there are more, maybe at the University of South Carolina.

R. Matteson 2014]

Bow Down- sung by Clora Green, Allegheny County, NC circa 1936, with music.

1. There was an old man in the North Countree,
Bow down.
There was an old man in the North Countree,
Bow down and balance to me;
He had daughters, on€e, two, three,
I'll be true to you, my love; if you'll be true to me.

2. He bought the youngest a silken hat,
Bow down.
He bought the youngest a silken hat,
Bow down and balance to me;
The eldest daughter, she couldn't stand that,
I'll be true to you, my love; if you'll be true to me.

3. They walked down by the water's brim,
Bow down.
They walked down by the water's brim,
Bow down and balance to me;
His eldest pushed the youngest in.
I'll be true to you, my love; if you'll be true to me.

4. She floated down to the miller's dam,
Bow down.
She floated down to the miller's dam,
Bow down and balance to me;
The miller pulled her to dry ground,
I'll be true to you, my love; if you'll be true to me.

5. From her hand he took five rings,
Bow down.
 From her hand he took five rings,
Bow down and balance to me;
Then he pushed her in again.
I'll be true to you, my love; if you'll be true to me.

6. They hung the miller on the gallows high,
Bow down.
They hung the miller on the gallows high,
Bow down and balance to me;
The eldest daughter, she hung nearby.
I'll be true to you, my love; if you'll be true to me.


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