Lord Thomas- Young (ME) 1927 Barry A
[Single stanza with music. From British Ballads from Maine; Barry, Eckstorm, Smyth, 1929. This version (See Barry B for full text - dated 1868) is considerably older. She organized her families ballads around 1904 and they date back to her childhood in the 1860s.
R. Matteson 2014]
(Lord Thomas and Fair Annet, Child 73)
A. Air recorded by Mr. George Herzog, September 30, 1927, from the singing of Mrs. Susie Carr Young, Brewer, to the following words, which differ from those she sent in with the written text.
Lord Thomas he was a bold forester,
And a chaser of the King's deer;
Fair Eleanor was a lady fair,
And Lord Thomas he loved her dear.
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