Lord Thomas- J. Miller (NC) 1940 Brown 4 M(1) REC
[From Brown Collection of NC Folklore; Volume 4, 1957. Their notes follow. Recorded c. 1940 by Abrams. Cf. Brown M from Durham, c. 1812.
R. Matteson 2014]
Lord Thomas and Fair Annet (Child 73)
Of all the old ballads, this probably stands next to 'Barbara Allan' in popular favor. For its range in living tradition, both the old country and in America, see BSM 37-8 and add Tennessee (SFLQ XI 122-3), North Carolina (FSRA 23-4), Florida (SFLQ
VIII 147-50), Arkansas (OFS i 99-101, 106-8), Missouri (OFS 1 94-9, 1 01 -6), Ohio (BSO 29-34), Indiana (BSI 58-70), Illinois (JAFL Lii 75-6), and Michigan (BSSM 37-9). American texts follow one general pattern with various differences in detail — mostly cases of leaving out or putting in. Of the fourteen texts in the Brown Collection only a few are here given in full.
M (1). 'Lord Thomas and Fair Eleanor.' Sung by Mrs. J. J. Miller. Recorded at Silverstone, Watauga county, no date.

For melodic relationship cf. **SharpK i 127, No. 19V; the main points in the melodic tendency coincide.
Scale: Hexachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: a. Structure: aa1bc (2,2,2,2) = ab (4,4). Perhaps also mm1n (2,2,4) = barform. Circular Tune (V).