Barby Allen- Rohrbaugh (WV) 1971 Boette

Barby Allen- Rohrbaugh (WV) 1971 Boette.

[From Singa Hypsy Doodle, Marie Boette, 1971. Learned from her grandparents in Nicholas County. Resembles closely in parts Child Bd, Percy's version of 1765.

R. Matteson 2015]

Barby Allen -  Sung by Mrs. John Rohrbaugh of Clarksburg, WV. Collected by Marie Boette.

1- Early, early in the spring
when green buds they was swelling,
Young Johnny Green on his death bed lay
for the love of Barby Allen.

2- Death is printed on his face,
and o'er his heart is stealin',
Then haste away to comfort him,
O lovely Barby Allen.

3- So slowly, slowly she came up,
and slowly she came nigh him,
And all she said when there she came,
"Young man' I think you're dying."

4- Turned his face unto the wall,
and death was with him dealin',
"Adieu, adieu kind friends all,
adieu Barby Allen."

5- As she was walking o'er the fields,
She heard the bell a-knellin'
And ev'ry stroke did seem to say,
"Unworthy Barby Allen."

6- She turned her body round about,
and spied the corpse a-comin',
"Lay down, lay down the corpse," she said,
"that I may look upon him."

7- With scornful eyes she looked down,
her cheeks with laughter swellin',
While all her friends cried out agin,
"Unworthy Barby Allen!"

8- When he was dead and in his grave,
her heart was struck with sorrow,
"Oh Mother, Mother, make my bed,
for I shall die tomorrow."

9. Hard-hearted creature him to slight,
who loved me so dearly;
Oh that I'd been more kind to him,
when he was alive and near me!"

10- She on her deathbed as she lay,
begged to be buried by him,
And sore repented of the day,
that she did e'er deny him.

11- "Farewell," she said, "ye maidens all,
and shun the fault I fell in,
Henceforth take warning by the fall
of cruel Barby Allen."