Barb'ra Allen- (NC) pre1946 Abrams MS LV4

Barb'ra Allen- (NC) pre1946 Abrams MS LV4

[No informant named. My date, pre-1946. From a single page typed MS in the Abrams Collection, Barb'ra Allen, Lyric variant 4, with 8 stanzas with Percy's "warning" stanza as an ending.

William Amos “Doc” Abrams (1905-1991), originally from Pinetops in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, was chairman of the English Department at Appalachian State Teacher’s College (ASTC) from 1932 to 1946. The W. Amos Abrams Folksong Collection, presented online as part of the Documenting Appalachia digital initiative, consists of approximately 1,100 document pages that comprise some 400 individual song titles, most of which have multiple variants.

R. Matteson 2015]

BARB'RA ALLEN (lyric variant 4)

In Scarlet town where I was born,
There lived a fair maid dwelling;
Made every youth say "Well aware."[1]
Her name was Barb'ra Allen.

All in the merry month of May,
When green buds they were swelling,
Sweet William on his deathbed lay,
For love of Barb'ra Allen.

He sent his man unto her then,
To the town where she was dwelling;
"You must come to my master dear
If your name be Barb'ra Allen."

Then slowly, slowly she came up,
And slowly she come nigh him;
"Oh lovely maid, come pity me,
I'm on my deathbed lying."

"If on your deathbed you do lie,
What needs the tale you're telling?
I cannot keep you from your death,
Farewell," said Barb'ra Allen.

Hard-hearted creature him to slight,
Who loved me so sincerely;
Oh that I had been more kind to him,
When he was alive and near me.

On Monday morning she took sick,
Her heart was struck with sorrow;
Oh, mother, mother, make my bed,
For I shall die tomorrow.

Farewell, farewell, ye virgins all,
And shun the fault I fell in;
Henceforth take warning by the fall
Of cruel Barb'ra Allen.

1. usually "Well away"

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