Barb'ry Allum- (PA) c. 1863 Charley Fox's Minstrel's Companion

Barb'ry Allum- (PA) c. 1863 Charley Fox's Minstrel's Companion; Philadelphia/ Barry D

[From: Charley Fox's Minstrel's Companion; Philadelphia c. 1863 also in BBM by Barry Eckstorm and Smyth, 1929. Barry's notes follow. This is shortened version of Child Bd, with Percy's "warning" stanza.

R. Matteson 2015]

 The text is akin to Child B, the melody is a variant of the air first printed by Rimbault, in Musical Illustration, of Percy's Reliques, p. 98.

D. "Barb'ry Allum. A Pathetic Ballad. As sung by Charley Fox." Charley Fox's Musical Companion, c. 1863.

1 In Scarlet town where I was born,
There was a fair maid dwelling,
Made every youth say well aware,
And her name was Barb'ry Allum.

2 All in the merry month of May,
When the green buds they were swelling,
Young Jimmy Groves on his death-bed lay,
For love of Barb'ry Allum.

3 He sent his man unto her then,
To the town where she was dwelling;
You must come to my master dear,
If your name is Barb'ry Allum.

4 For death is painted on his face,
And o'er his heart is stealin'.
Yet little better shall he be
For lovely Barb'ra Allum.

5 Hard-hearted creature him to slight,
Who loved me so sincerely:
Oh that I had been more kind to him,
When he was live and near me.

6 When on her death-bed as she lay,
Begged to be buried by him,
And-so repented of the day,
That she did ever deny him.

7 Farewell, she said, ye virgins all,
And shun the fault I fell in;
Henceforth take warning by the fall
Of cruel Barb'ry Allum.


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