Barb'ry Allen (Barbara Allen)- Graham (CA) 1938 Robertson REC
[From LOC recording UC-WPA Disk No. 1E-A2. Robertson, Sidney (Cowell) collector; Graham, George Vinton [md] singer (borne about 1868) Asmussen, Ella [md] transcriber of text. Recorded at San Jose, California in October, 1938.
R. Matteson 2012]
Barb'ry Allen- George Vinton Graham; Recorded at San Jose, California October 1938
[Listen: Barb'ry Allen by George Vinton Graham]
It was in the merry month of May,
And the green buds were a-swelling;
Young Jimmy Grove on his death bed lay,
For the love of Barb'ry Allen.
"Had I a man, a man, a man,
A man within my dwelling
That could write a letter with my blood
And carry it to Barb'ry Allen!"*
Then he sent his man to Scarlet Town,
To the place where she did dwell in
"Oh, come unto my master dear
If your name be Barb'ry Allen."*
Then slowly, slowly she rose up,
And slowly she drew nigh him,
And all she said to him was this,
"Young man, I think you're dying."
"Yes, I am sick and very sick,
And my heart is at the breaking;
One kiss or two from thy sweet lips
Will keep me from the dying."
"Oh, mind you not, young man," said she,
"When we were in the tavern,
You drank to the health of the ladies all around,
And you slighted Barb'ry Allen'"
Then he turned his face unto the wall,
And death was with him dealing.
"Here's adieu to my friends all around,
But a woe to Barb'ry Allen!" *
Then slowly, slowly she rose up,
And slowly, slowly left him,
And to his friends she only said
That death of life had reft him.**
As she went slowly on her way, ***
She heard the death bell tolling,
And every stroke it seemed to say,
"Oh, cruel Barb'ry Allen."
"Oh, mother, mother, make my bed.
Oh, make it soft and narrow.
Young Jimmy died for me today,
I'll die for him tomorrow.
"No chain shall go about my neck,
No ring go on my finger,
No fire bright, no candle light,
I can no longer linger."*
A great procession from the village goes;
In the church yard side by side they lay.
Then out of her grave there grew a red rose,
And out of his, a green briar.*
They grew and grew to the church top high,
Till they could grow no higher,
And there they tied a true lovers' knot
For true lovers to admire.*
* These stanzas have been taken from Mr. Graham's MS. copy.
** The last two verses of this stanza have been taken from Mr. Graham's MS. copy.
*** The first verse of this stanza has been taken from Mr. Graham's MS. copy.
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