Barbry Allen- McAlexander (VA) 1948 Davis FF*

Barbry Allen- McAlexander (VA) 1948 Davis FF*

[From Davis, More Traditional Ballads of Virginia. Davis selected 8 versions out of the 26 new versions collected in Virginia since 1929, Traditional Ballads of Virginia was published.  Note that Davis FF* is different from Davis FF from TBVa, 1929. I have not included Davis' extensive notes.

Eunice McAlexander recorded a version. Not sure of the relationship, but it's probably a sister-in-law.

R. Matteson 2015]

FF* "Barbry Allen."
Phonograph record (fiber base) made by Fred F. Knobloch, of Crozel, Va. Sung by Mrs. Edna Ethel McAlexander, of Meadows of Dan, Va. Patrick County. April 1, 1948. Text transcribed by P. C. Worthington. Tune noted by G. W. Williams and E. C. Mead.

1. It was all in the month of May,
When the greenbuds they were swelling.
Young Jimmy Green on his death bed 1ay,
For the love of Barbry Allen.

2 He sent his servant to a town,
To the place where she was dwelling,
"My master's sick and sends for you,
Oh, haste ye, Barbry Allen."

3 Then slowly, slowly she got up,
And slowly drew she nigh him,
But all she said when she got there,
"Young man, I think you're dying."

4 "Oh, yes, I'm sick, and very sick,
And death is on me dwelling,
No better, no better I'll ever shall be,
If I can't have Barbry Allen."

5 "Oh, yes, you're sick and very sick,
And death is on you dwellin',
No better, no better you ever shall be,
For you can't have Barbry Allen.

6 "Oh, don't you remember last Saturday night,
When we were at the tavern together,
You drank a health to the ladies all around,
And slighted Barbry Allen ?"

7 "Oh, yes, I remember last Saturday night,
When we were at the tavern together,
I drank the health to the ladies all around,
My heart to Barbry Allen."

8 He turned his face unto the wall,
And death was on him dwellin',
"Farewell to all my friends, adieu,
And farewell to Barbry Allen."

9 As she was on the highway home,
She heard the bell tollin',
And every tone, they seemed to say,
"Oh, hard-hearted Barbry Allen."

10 "O mother, O mother, go make my bed,
And make it long and narrow,
Young Jimmy died for me today,
I'll die for him tomorrow."

11 They laid them in all side by side,
And he was buried by her,
And out his grave grew a red, red rose,
And out of hers a brier.

12 They grew and they grew in the old churchyard,
Till they could not grow any higher,
They wrapped and they twined in a true love's knot,
The rose grew around the brier.


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