There Was an Old Man- Sincomb (OR) 1946 Alderson

There Was an Old Man Who Lived Out West- Sincomb (OR) 1946 Alderson; Bronson 54

"There Was an Old Man Who Lived Out West"-
Sung by Mrs. Don H. Slocomb, Oswego, Oregon. November, 1946. LC/AAFS, rec. No. 10,367(A11). Collected by William L. Alderson.

A there was an old man who lived out West
Ham bam a jingle
There was an old man who lived out West
And he had a wife who was none of your best-
Come a ham bam beri
Come a clinty clinty clie
Come a clingo.

O he hitched his horses to the plow
Ham bam a jingle
He hitched his horses to the plow,
Thinking that his wife had his breakfast now-
Come a ham bam beri
Come a clinty clinty clie
Come a clingo.

O he drove fourteen miles in fifteen days
Ham bam a jingle
He  drove fourteen miles in fifteen days,
And that's what I call getting away-
Come a ham bam beri
Come a clinty clinty clie
Come a clingo.

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