Dandoo- Salswell/Garrett (FL-AL) 1949 Kirkland/Morris

Dandoo- Salswell/Garrett (FL-AL) 1949 Kirkland/Morris

[This fragment (missing the concluding stanzas) is from: Folksongs of Florida- Morris, 1950. My title, replacing the generic, Wife Wrapt.]


For this fragment I am indebted to Professor E. C. Kirkland, Gainesville, who collected it from Mrs. Angela Salswell, who learned the song from Miss Judy Garrett, Birmingham, Alabama. The musical transcription, made by Profelsor Robert C. Lee, and the text were printed in an article prepared by Professor Kirkland and published in SFQ, XIII, 169-174.

The little old man lived in the west,
Dandoo, dandoo,
Married the old woman for none of the best
Wish a larum, blarum, killdum, klorum,
Klishama, klashama, klingo.

The little old man went out to plow,
Left the old woman to milk her cow.

The little old man came in from plowing;
He asked if dinner was done.

"There's a little piece of bread on the shelf;
If you want any more you will cook it yourself."

The little old man jumped in the sheep pen, sheep pen,
Grabbed a wether by the skin.


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