Recordings & Info 277. Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin
[A wether is a male sheep, normally a castrated male sheep, less aggressive than a ram.]
1) Alternative Titles
2) Traditional Ballad Index
3) Child Collection Index
4) Excerpt from The British Traditional Ballad in North America by Tristram Coffin 1950, from the section A Critical Biographical Study of the Traditional Ballads of North America
5) "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" or "Old Dandoo" (Child 277) by Mark Gelber
6) Child 277: Ballad and Tale
7) Folk Index (7 listings)
ATTACHED PAGES: (see left hand column)
1) Roud No. 117: Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin (278 Listings)
2) A Merry Jeste of a Shrewde and Curst Wyfe- pre 1575 (two editions)
3) Changes Suffered by "Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin
Alternate Titles
Dan Doo
Cooper of Fife
Tinna Clinnama Clinchama Clingo
Gentle Virginia
Jenny Flow Gentle Rosemary
Old Man Come in From His Plow
Robin He's Gone to the Woods
Sweet Robin
The Old Man Who Lived in the West
The Old Sheepskin
The Scolding Wife
The Wee Cooper o' Fife
The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin
Gentle Fair Jenny
Ruggleton's Daughter of Iero
As the Dew Flies Over the Green Valley
Nickety Nackety
Kitty Lorn
Kitty Alone
Daughter of Peggy-O
I Bought My Wife Two Cows and a Steer;
Dan You
Hollin Green Hollin
The Cooper o' Fife
Jennifer, Jenny
The Dew Flies Over the Green Valley
Gently, Jinny, Fair Rosemary
The Green Valley
While the Dew Flies Over the Green Valley
Old Wetherskin
Gentle Fair Jenny
Jenny Fair Gentle Rosemarie
The Wether's Skin
Dan Dhu; Dan-doo; There was an Old Man Who Lived Out West; Old Dandoo; Robertin Tush; Hobblety Bobblety How Now; Robin-a-Thrush; Ti Risslety Rosslety; John Dobber; Danyou; Wife Wrapped in a Wether Skin; Wife Wrapped in a Wether's Skin; The Old Wether's Skin
Traditional Ballad Index: Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin, The [Child 277]
DESCRIPTION: A craftsman has married a wife above his station. She, being of good birth, refuses to do housework. Since she is gentle, he cannot beat her -- but he covers her in a sheepskin, thrashes THAT, and causes her to start working
AUTHOR: unknown
KEYWORDS: humorous wife abuse husband nobility
FOUND_IN: Britain(England(South,West),Scotland(Aber,Bord) Canada(Mar) Ireland US(Ap,MA,MW,NE,SE,So)
REFERENCES: (40 citations)
Child 277, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (5 texts)
Bronson 277, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (63 versions)
BarryEckstormSmyth pp. 322-325, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (2 texts, 1 tune) {Bronson's #33}
Belden, pp. 92-94, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (2 texts, 1 tune) {Bronson's #21}
Randolph 35, "Dan-Doo" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #51}
Flanders/Brown, pp. 222-225, "Cooper of Fife," "The Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin" (2 texts, 2 tunes) {Bronson's #17, #9}
Flanders/Olney, pp. 221-222, "Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #45}
Flanders-Ancient4, pp. 76-98, "The Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin" (9 texts plus 5 fragments, 9 tunes) {D=Bronson's #17, J=#45, M=#9}
Fowke/MacMillan 79, "Jenny Go Gentle" (1 text, 1 tune)
Davis-Ballads 45, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (12 texts, several quite fragmentary, 2 tunes entitled "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin," "The Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin or Dandoo") {Bronson's #38, #50}
Davis-More 39, pp. 305-315, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (5 texts, 2 tunes)
BrownII 44, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (2 texts plus 2 excerpts)
Hudson 23, p. 123, "The Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin" (1 text)
Brewster 23, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (3 texts, though two are short)
Peters, pp. 170-171, "Dan Doo" (1 text,1 tune)
Creighton/Senior, pp. 94-95, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #24}
Leach, pp. 658-660, "The Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin" (3 texts)
McNeil-SFB2, pp. 58-63, "The Wife in Wether's Skin -- Dandoo!"; "Geely Don Mac Kling Go" (2 texts, 2 tunes)
Ford-Vagabond, pp. 192-194, "The Wee Cooper o' Fife" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #5}
Greig #122, pp. 1-2, "The Wife in the Wether's Skin" (1 text)
GreigDuncan7 1282, "The Wife in the Wether's Skin" (5 texts plus a single verse on p. 501, 4 tunes) {A=Bronson's #5, C=#13, D=#16, E=#3}
Friedman, p. 449, "The Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin" (2 texts)
Warner 44, "The Old Wether's Skin" {Bronson's #29}; 103, "Dan Doo" (2 texts, 2 tunes) {cf. Bronson's 42a/b, from the same informant (Frank Proffitt) but not quite the same in text or tune}
FSCatskills 136, "Tinna Clinnama Clinchama Clingo" (1 fragment, 1 tune)
SharpAp 39, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (5 texts, 5 tunes) {Bronson's #38, #43, #25, #31, #44}
Ritchie-Southern, p. 70, "Gentle Fair Jenny" (1 text, 1 tune, with a chorus perhaps from "Riddles Wisely Expounded," and a text which may well mix this with "The Holly Twig" [Laws Q6]; I thought seriously about filing it there) {Bronson's #32}
Lomax-FSNA 85, "Gentle Fair Jenny" (1 text, 1 tune, claiming to be from Jean Ritchie, but Lomax does not cite a recording and the song bears very little resemblance in text or tune to Ritche's recorded version)
Sharp-100E 70, "Ruggleton's Daughter of Iero" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #36}
Niles 59, "The Unwilling Bride" (1 text, 1 tune, possibly of this ballad but, in my opinion, more likely a form of "The Holly Twig" [Laws Q6])
Sharp/Karpeles-80E 23, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #43}
Chase, pp. 122-123, "Nickety Nackety" (1 text, 1 tune)
DBuchan 63, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (1 text)
JHCox 29, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (5 texts)
JHCoxIIA, #13A-C, pp. 57-60, "The Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin," "Dandoo" (3 texts, 1 tune, but the "B" text omits the beating and has the husband run away; it may well be a version of "Risselty, Rosselty, Now, Now, Now" although it might alternately have mixed with "Devilish Mary" [Laws Q4] or something like it) {Bronson's #26}
Abrahams/Foss, pp. 167-169, "The Wife in Wether's Skin -- Dandoo!" (1 text, 1 tune) {Bronson's #46}
LPound-ABS, 6, pp. 16-17, "The Wife Wrapped in a Wether's Skin"; pp. 17-18, "Dandoo" (2 texts)
Darling-NAS, pp. 80-81, "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" (1 text)
Silber-FSWB, p. 174, "The Wee Cooper Of Fife" (2 texts)
ADDITIONAL: Alexander Whitelaw, A Book of Scottish Song (Glasgow, 1845), pp. 333-334, "The Cooper of Fife'
Roud #117
Warde Ford, "As the Dew Flies Over the Green Valley" (AFS 4197 B1, 1938; tr.; in AMMEM/Cowell) {Bronson's #19a; cf. 18, 19b}
Frank Proffitt, "Dan Doo" (on Proffitt03) {Bronson's #42a/b}
Jean Ritchie, "Gentle Fair Jenny" (on JRitchie02) {Bronson's #32}
cf. "Risselty, Rosselty, Now, Now, Now" (theme, plot, lyrics)
cf. "The Holly Twig" [Laws Q6] (plot)
cf. "The Wicked Wife o' Fife" (theme)
cf. "The Daughter of Peggy-O" (plot)
cf. "The Wife Who Wouldn't Spin Tow" (theme)
cf. "Upside Down" (theme)
The Cooper of Fife
The Wee Cooper of Fife
Gentle Virginia
Kitty Lorn
Kitty Alone
The Old Man Who Lived in the West
NOTES: It has been speculated (see, e.g., Warner) that this ballad inspired Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew." Evidence is, of course, completely lacking, though some Shakespeare authorities also mention the connection. The piece probably does go back to Elizabethan times; according to J. C. Holt, _Robin Hood_, revised edition, Thames & Hudson, 1989, p. 140, one Robert Langham heard an entertainment in July 1575 at the Earl of Leicester's palace of Kenilworth which featured the "Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin."
Barry et al have an even stranger theory, that this song, which occasionally has the sort of "plant refrain" we know best from "Riddles Wisely Expounded" and "The Elfin Knight," is actually a description of an exorcism, in which the herbs and the beating both play a part!
American forms of this ballad are often much simplified, omitting, e.g., the mention of the wife's noble origin and/or the sheepskin. Ritchie's version is typical of this; such texts are hard to distinguish from degenerate forms of "The Holly Twig" [Laws Q6]. (Pound's "I Bought Me a Wife" seems almost to be mixed with "The Swapping Song.")
Typical of these degenerate forms is "Risselty, Rosselty, Now, Now, Now," which we originally lumped with this song, but which we have now split off. For full details on how to separate them, see the notes to "Risselty, Rosselty." The basic distinction is that, in "The Wife Wrapt," he beats her; in "Risselty, Rosselty," he merely complains. But there are other indications which can be used for fragments. - RBW, (PJS)
To add to the confusion, there is a nursery song, apparently from Halliwell, beginning "I married a wife by the light of the moon, A tidy housewife, a tidy one." This is not either "The Wife Wrapt" or "Risselty-Rosselty," but it details the wife's strange and "slovenly" habits. And several lines of it, including the first, are found in various versions of Child 277, including e.g. the "B" version in Flanders-Ancient. - RBW
Child Ballad 277: The Wife Wrapt in Wether’s Skin
Child |
Artist |
Title |
Album |
Year |
Length |
Have |
277 |
Alan Mills |
Risseldy, Rosseldy |
More Songs to Grow On |
1955 |
1:07 |
Yes |
277 |
Alastair McDonald |
Cooper O' Fife |
Scottish Laughlines |
1998 |
No |
277 |
Alastair McDonald |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
Scotland in Song |
1999 |
2:19 |
Yes |
277 |
Alex Campbell |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Best Loved Songs of Bonnie Scotland |
1963 |
1:41 |
Yes |
277 |
Annie Patterson |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
The Great Silkie - Songs from the Orkneys |
1980 |
No |
277 |
Artus Moser |
Gentle Fair Jenny |
North Carolina Mountain Folksongs and Ballads |
1974 |
3:49 |
Yes |
277 |
Asa Davis |
My Old Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Barbary Grant |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Celtic for Kids |
2002 |
No |
277 |
Bell Duncan |
The Wee Cooper of Fife (1) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Bell Duncan |
The Wee Cooper of Fife (2) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Bell Duncan |
The Wee Cooper O Fife (3) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Bell Duncan |
The Wee Cooper O Fife (4) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Betty Pace |
The Wife Wrapped Up in a Wether's Skin |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Big Smith & Family |
I Married My Wife in the Month of June |
From Hay to Zzzzzz - Hillbilly Songs for Kids |
2003 |
1:42 |
Yes |
277 |
Bill Ping |
Dandoo |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
2:28 |
Yes |
277 |
Bonnie Rideout |
There Was a Wee Cooper |
Gi'me Elbow Room - Folk Songs of a Scottish Childhood |
1998 |
1:30 |
Yes |
277 |
Burl Ives |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
The Spoken Arts Treasury of American Ballads and Folk Songs |
1970 |
1:39 |
Yes |
277 |
Burl Ives |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
I'm Goin' Away |
2000 |
2:07 |
Yes |
277 |
Burl Ives |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
Philco's Friendly Troubadour - 20 Vintage Radio Broadcasts 1946-47 |
2004 |
No |
277 |
Burl Ives |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
On Top of Old Smokey |
1998 |
No |
277 |
Burl Ives |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Troubador - Original 1941-1950 Recordings |
2004 |
1:31 |
Yes |
277 |
Burl Ives |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Wild Side of Life |
2006 |
No |
277 |
Burl Ives |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
The Collection |
2001 |
1:26 |
Yes |
277 |
Burl Ives |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
A Twinkle in Your Eye |
1998 |
1:33 |
Yes |
277 |
Burl Ives |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
The Wayfaring Stranger |
1955 |
1:29 |
Yes |
277 |
Burl Ives |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
The Wayfaring Stranger |
2000 |
1:29 |
Yes |
277 |
Burl Ives |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Burl Ives Sings His Favourites |
1996 |
2:09 |
Yes |
277 |
Capt. Pearl R. Nye |
The Wife Wrapped in the Wether's Skin |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Captain Pearl Nye |
Gentle Little Jenny |
Life on the Ohio and Erie Canal |
1937 |
3:19 |
Yes |
277 |
Carla Sciaky |
Risselty Rosselty Now Now Now |
Risselty Rosselty Now Now Now |
1986 |
1:51 |
Yes |
277 |
Cath & Phil Tyler |
Wether's Skin |
Songs from the Shed |
2009- |
4:27 |
Yes |
277 |
Cath & Phil Tyler |
Wether's Skin |
Dumb Supper |
2008 |
4:28 |
Yes |
277 |
Charles & Ruth Crawford Seeger |
Risselty Rosselty |
Songs for Political Action - Folkmusic, Topical Songs and the American Left 1926-1951 |
1996 |
1:07 |
Yes |
277 |
Charlie Hill |
The Quarrelsome Wife |
The Gwilym Davies Collection |
No |
277 |
Chubby Parker |
Nickerty Knackerty Now Now Now |
Chubby Parker and His Old Time Banjo - Classic Recordings 1927-1931 |
2008 |
3:00 |
Yes |
277 |
Clay Walters |
The Wife Wrapped Up in the Wether's Skin |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Clyde Case |
Nickety, Nackety |
Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 4 |
1992 |
No |
277 |
Dee Hicks |
There Was an Old Man Who Lived in the West |
A Cumberland Singing Tradition |
1982 |
No |
277 |
Dysart & Dundonald Pipe Band |
Killiecrankie + Nicky Tams + Wee Cooper of Fife + Muckin O' Geordie's Byre + Yon Toon |
Live in Concert, Ballymena 1983 |
1983 |
3:32 |
Yes |
277 |
Ed McCurdy |
Gentle, Fair Jenny |
A Treasure Chest of American Folk Song |
1961 |
2:19 |
Yes |
277 |
Edna Ritchie |
Gentle Fair Jenny |
Edna Ritchie of Viper Kentucky |
1962 |
2:35 |
Yes |
277 |
Edward Richards |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Elizabeth Hoek |
I Married a Wife in the Month of June |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
1:27 |
Yes |
277 |
Eugene S. Hall |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Ewan MacColl |
The Cooper O’ Fife (The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin) |
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (The Child Ballads) - Vol. 2 |
1956 |
1:24 |
Yes |
277 |
Ewan MacColl |
The Cooper O’Fife (The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin) |
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (The Child Ballads) - Vol. 3 [Reissue] |
196? |
No |
277 |
Ewan MacColl |
The Cooper O' Fife (The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin) |
Ballads - Murder Intrigue Love Discord |
2009 |
1:29 |
Yes |
277 |
Ewan MacColl |
The Daughter of Peggy, O [English] |
The Long Harvest, Vol. 9 - Some Traditional Ballads in Their English, Scots and North American Variants |
1968 |
2:20 |
Yes |
277 |
Ewan MacColl |
The Wife in the Wether's Skin [Scots] |
The Long Harvest, Vol. 9 - Some Traditional Ballads in Their English, Scots and North American Variants |
1968 |
2:59 |
Yes |
277 |
Filska |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife + The Jig of Slurs + The Hills of GlenOrchy |
Harvest Home |
1995 |
2:49 |
Yes |
277 |
Ewan MacColl |
Nickety Nackety |
Scotland 1951, 1953, and 1958 (Lomax T3257) |
1951 |
1:10 |
Yes |
277 |
Foggy Duo |
Ruggleton's Daughter of Iero |
Out of the Mist |
1980 |
No |
277 |
Frank Proffitt |
Dan Doo |
Frank Proffitt Sings Folk Songs |
1962 |
Yes |
277 |
Frank Proffitt |
Dan Doo (The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin) |
Bolamkin - Frank Proffitt - 1 |
1987 |
No |
277 |
Frank Warner |
Dan Doo |
A Treasury of Folk Songs for Children |
1962 |
No |
277 |
Frank Warner |
Dan Doo |
Our Singing Heritage, Vol. 3 |
1958 |
No |
277 |
Fred Smith |
Dandoo |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
2:39 |
Yes |
277 |
George Edwards |
As the Dew Flies Over the Green Valley |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
George Hayward |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
George Withers |
Robin-A-Thrush |
The Fly be on the Turmut - the Songs of a Somerset Man |
1995 |
No |
277 |
George Withers |
Robin the Thrush (1) |
Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection |
1970-1999 |
No |
277 |
George Withers |
Robin the Thrush (2) |
Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection |
1970-1999 |
No |
277 |
Glenn Yarbrough |
Wee Cooper of Fife |
Glenn Yarbrough & Marilyn Child Sing Folk Songs |
1954 |
1:59 |
Yes |
277 |
Hector Campbell |
The Wee Cooper O Fife |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Hedy West |
Little Old Man Lived Out West |
Hedy West Accompanying Herself on the 5-String Banjo + Hedy West, Vol. 2 |
1963 |
2:21 |
Yes |
277 |
Hedy West |
The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin |
Old Times and Hard Times |
1967 |
2:32 |
Yes |
277 |
Hedy West |
The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin |
Ballads & Songs from the Appalachians |
2011 |
No |
277 |
Hugh McAlindon |
Mourne Maggie O |
The Diamond Green |
1979 |
No |
277 |
Iain Wallace |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
All Your Scottish Memories - Volume One |
2006 |
No |
277 |
Jack Johnson |
Dan Doo |
It's Just the Same Today - The Barnicle-Cadle Field Recordings from Eastern Tennessee and Kentucky, 1938-1949 |
1986 |
No |
277 |
Jack Johnson |
Dan Doo (1) |
The Mary Elizabeth Barnicle-Tillman Cadle Collection |
No |
277 |
Jack Johnson |
Dan Doo (2) |
The Mary Elizabeth Barnicle-Tillman Cadle Collection |
No |
277 |
Jack Johnson |
Wife Wrapt in a Wether's Skin |
The Mary Elizabeth Barnicle-Tillman Cadle Collection |
No |
277 |
James Christie |
The Wee Cooper of Fife (1) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
James Christie |
The Wee Cooper of Fife (2) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Jean Redpath |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
First Flight |
1992 |
1:56 |
Yes |
277 |
Jean Redpath |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Jean Redpath's Scottish Ballad Book |
1962 |
No |
277 |
Jean Ritchie |
Gentle Fair Jenny |
British Traditional Ballads in the Southern Mountains - Child Ballads, Vol 2 |
1961 |
2:16 |
Yes |
277 |
Jeff Wesley |
Robin a Thrush |
It Was on a Market Day - English Traditional Folk Singers - Vol. 1 |
2002 |
No |
277 |
Jeff Wesley |
Robin-A-Thrush |
Brisk and Bonny Lad - Songs from a Northamptonshire Farmer |
1979 |
No |
277 |
Jeff Wesley |
Robin-a-Thrush (1) |
John Howson Collection |
1970-1995 |
No |
277 |
Jeff Wesley |
Robin-a-Thrush (2) |
John Howson Collection |
1970-1995 |
No |
277 |
Jim Kweskin & The Kids |
Rissolty, Rossolty |
Swing on a Star |
1979 |
No |
277 |
Jock Petrie |
Joe Grumlie |
The Gwilym Davies Collection |
No |
277 |
John Jacob Niles |
The Unwilling Bride |
The Ballads of John Jacob Niles |
1960 |
3:17 |
Yes |
277 |
John Jacob Niles |
The Wife 'Wrapt in the Wether's Skin |
50th Anniversary Album |
1956 |
No |
277 |
John McCready |
Now Now Now |
California Gold - Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties Collected By Sidney Robertson Cowell |
193? |
2:03 |
Yes |
277 |
Johnny Mowat |
The Cooper of Fife |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Joy & Russ Pike |
Little Old Man Come in from the Plow |
Voices from the Dust Bowl |
1940-1941 |
:56 |
Yes |
277 |
Kenneth McKellar |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Sleeps the Noon in the Deep Blue Sky |
2006 |
No |
277 |
Lawrence Baker |
The Old Man Who Lived in the West |
I'm Old But I'm Awfully Tough |
1977 |
No |
277 |
Lena Bourne Fish |
Old Wether Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Lena Bourne Fish |
The Old Wether's Skin |
Whiskey in the Jar |
1987 |
No |
277 |
Lena Bourne Fish |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Les Brown |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Scandalise My Name |
1975 |
No |
277 |
Lew Dite |
Risselty-Rosselty (1) |
<website> [Lew Dite] |
2007- |
1:46 |
Yes |
277 |
Lew Dite |
Risselty Rosselty (2) |
<website> [Lew Dite] |
2007- |
1:35 |
Yes |
277 |
Lum Wilson "Bill" Jackson |
I Married Me a Wife |
Voices from the Dust Bowl |
1940-1941 |
1:28 |
Yes |
277 |
Marie McLaughlin |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Songs of Scotland |
2000 |
No |
277 |
Marilyn Child & Glenn Yarborough |
Nickety, Nackety |
Marilyn Child & Glenn Yarborough Sing Folk Songs |
1958 |
No |
277 |
Marilyn Child & Glenn Yarborough |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Marilyn Child & Glenn Yarborough Sing Folk Songs |
1958 |
No |
277 |
Mary O'Hara |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
Mary O'Hara's Scotland |
1974 |
2:18 |
Yes |
277 |
Mary O'Hara |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
40 Traditional Songs |
2007 |
No |
277 |
Mason Parmer |
Married Me a Wife in the Middle of June |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Mike Seeger |
Risselty Rosselty |
Early Southern Guitar Sounds |
2007 |
1:48 |
Yes |
277 |
Mr. George Ripley |
I Married Me a Wife |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
1:15 |
Yes |
277 |
Mrs. Beulah Dix Flebbe |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs Buchan Bull |
The Cooper of Fife |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Dave Trayner (Sarah Hutchinson) |
I Married a Wife |
The Edith Fowke Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Edith Harmon |
Dandoo |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Edward Gallagher |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Edward Gallagher |
Wife Wrapt in a Wether's Skin (1) |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Edward Gallagher |
Wife Wrapt in a Wether's Skin (2) |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Edward Gallagher |
Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Creighton Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Edwin White |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Eliza Pace |
The Wife Wrapped Up in a Wether's Skin |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Mabel Pease |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Pat Anderson Paul |
Nickety Nackety |
The Edith Fowke Collection |
No |
277 |
Mrs. Wallace Baldwin |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Oscar Brand |
Robin-A-Thrush |
Laughing America |
1970 |
No |
277 |
Pat Shuldham-Shaw |
Robin-a-Thrush |
Rhyme and Rhythm – Poems and Songs for Children |
1965 |
No |
277 |
Patricia Preece |
Robin-A-Thrush |
English Folk Songs |
1951 |
1:33 |
Yes |
277 |
Paul Evans |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Folks Songs of Many Lands |
1961 |
No |
277 |
Pauline Fannie Lewis, Gladys Wilder & Don Reda |
I Married Me a Wife in the Month of June |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Peggy Seeger |
Gentle Fair Jenny [American] |
The Long Harvest, Vol. 9 - Some Traditional Ballads in Their English, Scots and North American Variants |
1968 |
1:27 |
Yes |
277 |
Peggy Seeger |
Green Valley |
Folk Songs with the Seegers |
1965 |
2:06 |
Yes |
277 |
Peggy Seeger |
Rissolty Rossolty [American] |
The Long Harvest, Vol. 9 - Some Traditional Ballads in Their English, Scots and North American Variants |
1968 |
1:13 |
Yes |
277 |
Peggy, Barbara & Penny Seeger |
Rissolty, Rossolty |
Folk Songs with the Seegers |
1965 |
1:38 |
Yes |
277 |
Peggy Seeger |
Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin |
American Folksongs for Banjo |
196? |
No |
277 |
Peggy, Barbara & Penny Seeger |
Rissolty, Rossolty |
The Three Sisters |
1957 |
1:45 |
Yes |
277 |
Peggy, Penny & Barbara Seeger |
Rissolty, Rossolty |
Come Along John - American Children's Songs |
1958 |
1:39 |
Yes |
277 |
Pete Seeger |
Risselty Rosselty |
Darling Corey & Goofing-Off Suite |
1993 |
1:13 |
Yes |
277 |
Pete Seeger |
Rissolty Rossolty |
Pete and Five Strings |
1958 |
No |
277 |
Pete Seeger |
Risselty Rosselty |
Hootenanny with Pete Seeger |
1962 |
2:41 |
Yes |
277 |
Pete Seeger |
Risselty-Rosselty |
With Voices Together We Sing |
1956 |
2:44 |
Yes |
277 |
Pete Seeger |
Risselty Rosselty |
Folk Songs, Ballads and Banjo |
2006 |
1:14 |
Yes |
277 |
Peter Christie |
The Wee Cooper of Fife (1) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Peter Christie |
The Wee Cooper of Fife (2) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Peter White Scottish Dance Band |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Let's Go Scottish Country Dancing - Volume 3 - 14 Full Length Dances |
2011 |
No |
277 |
Phyllis Marks |
Dandoo |
Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 2 |
1991 |
No |
277 |
R.R. Denoon |
Risselty Rosselty |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Ray R. Denoon |
Risselty Rosselty |
I'm on My Long Journey Home: Vocal Styles and Resources in Folk Music |
1978 |
No |
277 |
Raymond Crooke |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
Pigs Might Fly and Other Politically Incorrect Ballads |
2007 |
No |
277 |
Raymond Crooke |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
<website> |
2007 |
2:05 |
Yes |
277 |
Reba Dearmore |
Jenny, Fair Jen |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
3:34 |
Yes |
277 |
Reba Dearmore |
Nickety, Nickety, Now, Now, Now |
The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection |
1:41 |
Yes |
277 |
Richard Dyer-Bennet |
The Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
Richard Dyer-Bennet Vol. 10 |
1962 |
2:46 |
Yes |
277 |
Richard Dyer-Bennet |
Wife Wrapped in the Wether's Skin |
Folk Songs |
1953 |
No |
277 |
Ridgel's Fountain Citians |
The Nick Nack Song |
The Story That the Crow Told Me, Vol. 1 - Early American Rural Children's Songs - Classic Recordings from the 20s and '30s |
2000 |
3:16 |
Yes |
277 |
Robertson |
The Cooper of Fife (1) |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
Robin Hall |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
Last Leaves of Traditional Ballads |
1960 |
No |
277 |
Robin Hall & Jimmie MacGregor |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
The Best of the White Heather Clubs |
1965 |
No |
277 |
Robin Laing |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Whisky for Breakfast |
2011 |
No |
277 |
Romey Carr |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
A Woman Knows |
2001 |
No |
277 |
Rory & Alex McEwen |
The Cooper O' Fife |
Great Scottish Ballads |
1956 |
1:25 |
Yes |
277 |
Russell Lahew |
Dandoo |
The Gwilym Davies Collection |
No |
277 |
Spinzorelli |
Wife Wrapped in Wether's Skin |
<website> |
2008- |
4:42 |
Yes |
277 |
Stanley James |
Jenny Go Gentle |
The Edith Fowke Collection |
No |
277 |
Stanley James |
The Wife Wrapt in Wetherskin |
The Edith Fowke Collection |
No |
277 |
Stella Monson |
Cooper of Fife |
The Helen Hartness Flanders Collection |
No |
277 |
Steve Albritton |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
Songs of Scotland - Plain and Simple |
2000 |
No |
277 |
The Alexander Brothers |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
Haste Ye Back |
197? |
2:04 |
Yes |
277 |
The Corries |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Peat Fire Flame + Stovies |
2000 |
1:55 |
Yes |
277 |
The Crewcuts |
Riselty Roseltie |
The Crew Cuts Sing Folk |
1963 |
No |
277 |
The Fife Yokels |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Bothy Nichts! |
2006 |
No |
277 |
The Gant Family |
Married Me a Wife in the Month of June |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
The Ian Campbell Folk Group |
The Wee Cooper of Fyfe |
This Is The Ian Campbell Folk Group + Across the Hills |
1996 |
1:38 |
Yes |
277 |
The New Lost City Ramblers |
Nick Nack Song |
Old Timey Music |
1964 |
No |
277 |
The New Lost City Ramblers |
Nick Nack Song |
The New Lost City Ramblers, Vol. 5 |
1963 |
3:26 |
Yes |
277 |
The Rooftop Singers |
Risselty, Rosselty |
Best of the Vanguard Years |
2004 |
:55 |
Yes |
277 |
Tich Frier |
The Wee Cooper O' Fife |
Man O' Independent Mind |
1997 |
No |
277 |
Tina Lawton |
The Wee Cooper of Fife |
Singing Bird |
1966 |
No |
277 |
Unknown |
Wee Cooper O' Fife |
The Best of the White Heather Clubs [A Sprig of White Heather] |
1965 |
No |
277 |
W.C. Cruickshank |
The Cooper of Fife |
The James Madison Carpenter Collection |
1927-1955 |
No |
277 |
W.M. Kent |
The Wife Wrapped Up in a Wether's Skin |
The Library of Congress |
No |
277 |
Warde Ford |
As the Dew Flies Over the Green Valley |
California Gold - Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties Collected By Sidney Robertson Cowell |
193? |
1:22 |
Yes |
Excerpt from The British Traditional Ballad in North America
by Tristram Coffin 1950, from the section A Critical Biographical Study of the Traditional Ballads of North America
Texts: Barry, Brit Bids Me, 322 / Bdden, Mo F-S, 92 / Brewster, Bids Sgs 2nd, 151 / Brown Coll / Bull Tenn FLS, VIII, #3, 74 / Child, V, 304 / Cox, F-S South, 1 59 / Cox, Trd BU W V&, 46 / Cox, W. Va. School Journal and Educator, XLV, 92 / Davis, Trd Bid Va, 497 / Downes and Siegmeister, Treasry Am Sg, 226 / Flanders, Garl Gn Mt Sg, 84 / Flanders, Vt F-S Bids, 222, 224 / Focus, V, 280 / Gordon, F-S Am, 89 / Haun, Cocke Cnty, 78 / Henry, F-S So Hgbldsy 125 / Hudson, F-S Miss, 123 / Hudson, F-T Miss, 12 / Hudson, Spec Miss F-L, #21 / JAFL, VII, 253 ; XIX, 298 ; XXX, 328 ; XXXIX, 109 ; XLVIII, 309 ; LVT, 103 / N.r.
Times Mgz, i S '28 / Pound, Am Bids Sgs, 16 / Randolph, Oz F-S, I, 187 / Ring, NE F-S, 8 / SharpC, Eng F-S So Aplcbns, #33 / SharpK, Eng F-S So Aplcbns, I, 271 / Shearin and Combs, Ky Syllabus, 8 / SFLQ, XIII, 172 / Smith and Rufty, Am Antb Old Wrld Bids, 49 / Fa FLS Butt, #s 4, 5, 7 10. Korson, Pa Sgs Lgds, 41,
Local Titles: Bandoo, Dandoo, Dan-Doodle-Dan, Dan-you, Dindo-Dan, Gentle Virginia, Jenny Flow Gentle Rosemary, Old Man Come in From His Plow, Robin He's Gone to the Woods, Sweet Robin, The Old Man Who Lived in the West, The Old Sheepskin, The Scolding Wife, The Wee Cooper o' Fife, The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin.
Story Types: A: A man marries a girl who is too proud or too shrewish to work. When he returns from the fields at evening, she will not give him his supper. To reform her, he lolls a sheep, cuts a rod, and beats her after wrapping her in the sheepskin, a device which frees him of responsibility. When she threatens to tell her family, he reminds her that he was only tanning the hide. She reforms completely.
Examples: Barry (A); Child (F); Davis (A); Flanders, Vt F-S Bids, 222.
B: Certain West Virginia versions mention the old man's running away in the end. The Cox, F-S South, C version has four stanzas of nonsense inserted about the old man's running to his father and saying his wife has lice. All omit the bringing home of the bride.
Examples: Cox, F-S South (A, B, C).
C: The "wether's skin" has been forgotten in some texts, and a man merely beats his wife and reforms her.
Examples: Cox, F-S South (E).
Discussion: Barry, Brit Bids Me, 325 states that "Child F may be a possible intermediary between the earlier English texts and the later American". Whether this belief is true or not, the Child version does seem to me to tell the complete American story, and I have therefore used it as a model for Story Type A. As none of the British Child texts include the man's coming home from his plowing and asking for supper, some of the American texts omit this feature also. On the other hand, other American texts that I have grouped in Type A as well, omit the bringing home of the new bride who will not work and begin the story with the husband's return from the fields. Still other American texts can be found which include both opening scenes. See the examples listed under Type A. Types B and C are, of course, degenerations of this material, one through expansion, the other through loss.
Like the story, the refrains of this ballad are varied and change place and character frequently. Belden, Mo F-S, 92, notes that two general divisions may be made with respect to these refrains: the "dandoo-clish ma dingo" types of the South and Midwest, and the "rosemary-thyme" types of the South and Northeast which probably have been borrowed from The Elfin Knight (Child 2). The "rosemary-thyme" lines may derive from the old plant burden, "juniper, gentian, and rosemary", which can be found rationalized to proper names in Child F and Barry, op. cit., A and B and which has created a new title for the song. See Cox, F-S South, 162.
The ballad and its developments are discussed in some detail by William H. Jansen in HFLQ, IV, #3, 41. He divides the American tradition much in the fashion of Belden, and notes that there is no reform of the wife in the Dandoo texts.
Child, V, 104 states that the ballad is, in all likelihood, derived from the traditional tale, The Wife Lapped in MorreVs Skin, which he summarizes. The story may have blended with another tale, however, before the present version developed. Lucy Broadwood, JFSS, II, 1215, in a note on plant burdens states that plants were regarded as protection against demons and
when a demon vanished the burden often remained. In that case, and providing the plant refrain has not been recently borrowed by the ballad, the wife may have originally had evil spirits, a feature which was later rationalized to her being too proud of kin or too shrewish by nature to work.
The Brewster, Bids Sgs Ind, A version has almost lost the story, and, instead of the husband's rationalization of his deed at the end, has the cliche, "if you want any more, you can sing it yourself". The JAFL, LVI, 103 fragment may not be from Child 277.
"The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" or "Old Dandoo" (Child 277)
by Mark Gelber
Western Folklore, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Oct., 1963), p. 273
"The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" or "Old Dandoo" (Child 277).- A story entitled "The Lazy Leather" appears in The Fairy Tale Tree edited by Vladislav Stanovsky and Jan Kolibal and printed in Czechoslovakia (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, copyright 1961 by Artia, pp. 240-241). This collection of folk tales includes "more than one hundred and eighty tales from over fifty different countries."
In "The Lazy Leather," a young man offers to marry a girl; but her parents warn him that she is lazy. He answers, "Oh no, never fear! I've got a magic piece of leather at home and that will teach her, you'll see." The parents being satisfied that their son-in-law would not beat their daughter, arrange the wedding. The wife proves to be as lazy as ever (W1113). After she has failed to "cook the lunch" and "knit some stockings," the husband sends her to the loft to fetch the old piece of goat skin. He places the skin on his wife's back and beats it with a stick. After two successive beatings the wife becomes industrious. The worried parents are pleased because their son-in-law has reformed their daughter with only an old piece of goat skin. This story parallels Child 277 in which a farmer beats his lazy wife by tanning his sheepskin while it is on her back. The editors' only note on "The Lazy Leather" states that it has been translated from an Italian source. What is the specific Italian source; and what are other analogues? (A different method of indirectly punishing a lazy wife is listed in Stith Thompson, Motif-Index of Folk Literature, W111.32: the lazy wife must hold the cat and get scratched while the animal is beaten by the husband.)
University of California, Los Angeles
Child 277: Ballad and Tale
by Jan Harold Brunvand
Western Folklore, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Apr., 1964), pp. 117-118
Child 277: Ballad and Tale.-The question raised by Mark Gelber ("Notes and Queries," WF, XXII [October, 1963], 273) about the relationship of "The Wife Wrapti n Wether'sS kin" (Child 277) to similar prose narratives is one which I took up in detail in my Ph.D. dissertation on tales about taming shrewish wives.[1]
Aarne-Thompson T ypes 901, The Taming of the Shrew, and 1370, The Lazy Cat (Motif W111.32), both describe a husband w ho cures h is bad wife by pretending to administer irrational punishment to a recalcitrant animal. These two stories, together with several minor types, constitute a complex of Indo-European folk tales (some appearing in ballads and literary versions) which are linked in theme, and which share a number of attendant motifs. I studied more than four hundred texts from thirty different nations; sev- enty-two of these were of Type 1370, either separate or in combination with other types, from seventeen nations. Type 1370 appears in three distinct subtypes: a "cat-beaten" form (39 versions; 14 countries), a "hide-beaten" form (17 versions; 8 countries), and an "object-beaten" form (16 versions; 9 countries).' My analysis of the traits and distribution of these subtypes suggested that the object beaten on the wife's back was an original trait which had possibly been influenced by "cat-versions" of Type 901. Type 1370 seems to have originated in southern Europe before the Middle Ages and disseminated northwards. The "hide- beaten" subtype is thinly distributed in southern Europe, but strongly represented in German, Dutch, and English popular literature from the sixteenth century and later.
Child's theory that "The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin" was based on an English popular printed version is contradicted by the close similarity of the ballad to folk tale texts, such as that which Mr. Gelber has found. I had not previously known of an Italian version of Type 1370, although the story is known in Greece, Roumania, Yugoslavia, Spain, and France. The text which Gelber summarized, if indeed it is Italian, conforms both by its location and content to the general hypotheses outlined above. The interested reader may find further discussion of these matters in my dissertation and in an article forthcoming in Shakespeare Quarterly.
University of Idaho
1 "The Taming of the Shrew: A Comparative Study of Oral and Literary Versions" (unpub. diss. Indiana University,B loomington: 1961). See chapter VI, pp. 352-380.
2 The revised Types of the Folktale groups references to all three subtypes under Type 1370 (including Child 277) without specifying their differences. Following the suggestions of my study, which was still in progress at the time his revision was being completed, Dr. Thompson cross- referenced Types 1370 and 901.
Folk Index: Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin [Ch 277/Sh 39]
Rt - Old Man Who Lived in the West; Rissolty, Rossolty; Green Valley; Wee Cooper of Fife
At - Bandoo ; Gentle Virginia ; Dindo-Dan
Friedman, Albert B. (ed.) / Viking Book of Folk Ballads of the English-S, Viking, sof (1963/1957), p449 [1850s]
Friedman, Albert B. (ed.) / Viking Book of Folk Ballads of the English-S, Viking, sof (1963/1957), p450 [1810ca]
Wells, Evelyn Kendrick (ed.) / The Ballad Tree, Ronald, Bk (1950), p121
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p659
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p660B [1844]
Leach, MacEdward / The Ballad Book, Harper & Row, Bk (1955), p660C
Barlow, Susie S.. Hubbard, Lester A. / Ballads and Songs from Utah, Univ. of Utah, Bk (1961), p 38/# 16A [1948/10/18] (Jennie Fair Gentle Rosemarie)
Barnett, Wally/Wallie. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p159/# 29A [1915]
Byrd, Ernest. McNeil, W. K. (ed.) / Southern Folk Ballads, Vol 2, August House, Sof (1988), p 58 [1962] (Wife in Wethers Skin - Dandoo!)
Byrd, Ernest. Abrahams, Roger; & George Foss / Anglo-American Folksong Style, Prentice-Hall, Sof (1968), 9-1 [1962] (Wife in Wethers Skin - Dandoo!)
Campbell, Olive Dame. Sharp, Cecil & Maude Karpeles (eds.) / Eighty English Folk Songs from th, MIT Press, Sof (1968), p 47 [1917ca]
Case, Eva Warner. Pound, Louise (ed.) / American Ballads and Songs, Scribner, Sof (1972/1922), p 16/# 6A [1916/1890]
Chisholm, N. B.. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p271/# 39A [1916/09/21]
Courtney, Miss. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p160/# 29B [1918/08/08]
Cutlip, B. C.. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p162/# 29D [1921/08] (Bandoo)
Dunagan, Margaret. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p272/# 39C [1917/09/09]
Dyer-Bennet, Richard. Folk Songs, Remington RLP-199-34, LP (1951), trk# A.05 (Wife Wrapt in Sheepskin)
Esary, Logan. Cox, John Harrington(ed.) / Traditional Ballads Mainly from West Virgini, WPA, Bk (1939), 13C [1917ca] (Dandoo)
Hindman School Children. Cox, John Harrington(ed.) / Traditional Ballads Mainly from West Virgini, WPA, Bk (1939), 13A [1923ca]
Howard, Etta. Niles, John Jacob / Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles, Bramhall House, Bk (1961), p310/N 59 [1930s] (Unwilling Bride)
Jepson, James. Hubbard, Lester A. / Ballads and Songs from Utah, Univ. of Utah, Bk (1961), p 39/# 16B
Johnson, Bertie (Miss). Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p161/# 29C [1916/04/27] (Dandoo)
Johnson, Jack. It's Just the Same Today, Tennessee Folklore Soc. TFC 108, LP (198?), trk# 14 [1947] (Dan Doo)
Kelly, Polly Ann. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p273/# 39D [1917/09/20]
Large, Mary. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p271/# 39B [1916/06]
Marks, Phyllis. Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 2. Phyllis Marks, Augusta Heritage AHR 008, Cas (1991), trk# 1.02 (Dandoo)
Miller, Florence. Cox, John Harrington (ed.) / Folk-Songs of the South, Dover, Sof (1967/1925), p162/# 29E [1919] (Gentle Virginia)
Pace, Eliza. Sharp & Karpeles / English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, I, Oxford, Bk (1932/1917), p274/# 39E [1917/10/01]
Payne, Frank. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume I, British Ballads and Songs, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p187/# 35 [1933/07/29] (Dan Doo)
Prevost, Louis. Flanders, Helen H. & George Brown / Vermont Folk Songs and Ballads, Folklore Associates, Bk (1968/1931), p224 [1930/11]
Rogers, C. N.. Cox, John Harrington(ed.) / Traditional Ballads Mainly from West Virgini, WPA, Bk (1939), 13B [1926ca]
Rowe, Mrs. Foster. Moore, Ethel & Chauncey (ed.) / Ballads and Folk Songs of the Southwest, Univ. of Okla, Bk (1964), p125/# 52 [1940s] (Dandoo)
Salswell, Angela. Morris, Alton C. / Folksongs of Florida, Univ. Florida, Bk (1950), p322/#172 [1934-39]
Seeger, Peggy. American Folksongs for Banjo, Folk Lyric FL 114, LP (195?), trk# B.01 (Dandoo)
Sexson, J. J.. Pound, Louise (ed.) / American Ballads and Songs, Scribner, Sof (1972/1922), p 17/# 6B [1917] (Dandoo)
Stevenson, Nancy McCuddy. McNeil, W. K. (ed.) / Southern Folk Ballads, Vol 2, August House, Sof (1988), p 61 [1953-55] (Geely Don Mac Klingo)
Van Wagner, Etson. Cazden, Norman, / Folk Songs of the Catskills, SUNY Press, sof (1982), p504/#136 [1940s] (Tinna Clinnama Clinchama Clingo)
Warner, Frank. Our Singing Heritage. Vol III, Elektra EKL 153, LP (1958), trk# A.04 (Dan Doo)
West, Hedy. Old Times and Hard Times, Folk Legacy FSA 032, LP (1967), trk# A.01
The Old Man Who Lived in the West [Ch 277]
Rt - Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin
Baker, Lawrence. I'm Old But I'm Awfully Tough, MFFA 1001, LP (1977), trk# 26 [1975-76]
Hicks, Dee. Hicks Family. A Cumberland Singing Tradition, Tennessee Folklore Soc. TFS 104, LP (1982), trk# 2 [1979/10] (There Was an Old Man Who Lived in the West)
Spiller, Charles. Williams, R. Vaughan; & A. L. Lloyd (eds.) / Penguin Book of English Fol, Penguin, Sof (1959), p 29 [1908] (Daughter of Peggy, O)
West, Hedy. Hedy West. Vol. 2, Vanguard VRS 9162, LP (1964), trk# 9 (Little Old Man Lived Out West)
Rissolty, Rossolty [Ch 277]
Rt - Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin
Beall, Pamela; and Susan Nipp / Wee Sing Silly Songs, Price/Stern/Sloan, Sof (1986), p26 (Risseldy, Rosseldy)
Bundy Family. Sorrels, Rosalie (ed.) / Way Out in Idaho, Confluence, Sof (1991), p208 [1980s] (Rissity Rassity)
Case, Clyde. Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 4, Augusta Heritage AHR 010, Cas (1992), trk# A.03 [1991/05] (Nickety, Nackety)
Child, Marilyn; & Glenn Yarborough. Marilyn Child - Glenn Yarborough Sing Folk Songs, Elektra EKL 143, LP (1958), trk# A.07 (Nickety, Nackety)
Denoon, Ray R.. I'm On My Journey Home; Vocal Styles & Resources in Folk Music, New World NW 223, LP (1978), trk# A.03b [1936]
Denoon, Ray R.. Owens, William A. (ed.) / Texas Folk Songs. 2nd edition, SMU Press, Bk (1976/1950), p 34 [1939] (Ti Risslety Rosslety)
Denoon, Ray R.. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p191/#439A [1938/04/28] (Risselty, Rosselty, No
Gant Family. Lomax, John A. & Alan Lomax / Our Singing Country, Dover, Sof (2000/1941), p131 [1936] (Married Me a Wife)
Kelly, Maidy. Owens, William A. (ed.) / Texas Folk Songs. 2nd edition, SMU Press, Bk (1976/1950), p 35 [1938] (Ti Risslety Rosslety)
Knapp, Ester. Pound, Louise (ed.) / American Ballads and Songs, Scribner, Sof (1972/1922), p236/#118 [1915] (I Bought Me a Wife)
Kweskin, Jim. Swing on a Star, Mountain Railroad MR 52793, LP (1979), trk# 4
Mills, Alan. More Songs to Grow On, Scholastic SC 7676, LP (1955), trk# B.06
New Lost City Ramblers. New Lost City Ramblers, Vol. 5, Folkways FA 2395, LP (1963), trk# 3 (Nick Nack Song)
New Lost City Ramblers. New Lost City Ramblers, Disc D 102, LP (196?), trk# 4 (Nick Nack Song)
Playter, Frank. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p192/#439B [1920/02/23]
Seeger, Peggy. Folk Songs with the Seegers, Prestige PR 7375, LP (1965), trk# 24
Seeger, Peggy. Three Sisters, Prestige International 13029, LP (1960s), trk# B.06
Seeger, Peggy. Seeger, Peggy / Five String Banjo American Folk Styles, Hargail, sof (1960), p44/#17
Seeger, Pete. Darling Cory and Goofing-Off Suite, Smithsonian/Folkways SF 40018, CD (1993), 2 [1947-49]
Green Valley [Ch 277]
Rt - Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin ; Gentle Fair Jenny
James, Stanley. Fowke, Edith (ed.) / The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs, Penguin, Sof (1973), p182/#79 [1957] (Jenny Go Gently/Gentle)
Judkins, Clarissa Mae. Scofield, Twilo (ed.) / An American Sampler, Cutthroat, Sof (1981), p 36 (Jenny Go Gently/Gentle)
Seeger, Peggy. Folk Songs with the Seegers, Prestige PR 7375, LP (1965), trk# 2
Seeger, Peggy. Three Sisters, Prestige International 13029, LP (1960s), trk# B.05
Gentle Fair Jenny [Ch 277]
Rt - Green Valley
Brand, Oscar. Laughing America, Tradition TLP 1014, LP (1960), trk# A.06 (Robin-A-Thrush)
Brand, Oscar. Brand, Oscar / Folk Songs for Fun, Berkeley Medallion, Sof (1961), p 27 (Robin-A-Thrush)
Moser, Artus M.. North Carolina Mountain Folksongs and Ballads, Folkways FD 5331, LP (1974), trk# 5
Nichols, Lydia R.. Journal of American Folklore, AFS, Ser (1887-), 7, p254(1894) [1890ca] (Sweet William and Gentle Jenny)
Ritchie, Edna. Edna Ritchie, Viper Kentucky, Folk Legacy FSA 003, LP (1962), trk# A.02
Ritchie, Jean. Best of Jean Ritchie, Prestige International INT 13003, LP (196?), trk# 5
Ritchie, Jean. British Traditional Ballads in the Southern Mountains (Vol. 2), Folkways FA 2302, LP (1961), trk# B.03
Ritchie, Jean. Lomax, Alan / Folk Songs of North America, Doubleday Dolphin, Sof (1975/1960), p167/# 85
Seeger, Peggy. Seeger, Peggy / Five String Banjo American Folk Styles, Hargail, sof (1960), p45/#18
Wee Cooper of Fife [Ch 277]
Rt - Jennifer Gently ; Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin ; Devilish Mary
Leisy, James / Songs for Pickin' and Singin', Gold Medal Books, sof (1962), p103
Silverman, Jerry (ed.) / Folksingers Guitar Guide, Oak, Sof (1961), p50
Lynn, Frank (ed.) / Songs for Swingin' Housemothers, Fearon, Sof (1963/1961), p238
Best, Dick & Beth (eds.) / New Song Fest Deluxe, Hansen, Sof (1971/1948), p 97 (Wee Cooper o' Fife)
Sing Together. A Girl Scout Songbook, Girl Scouts, Sof (1957/1949), p 66
Leisy, James F. (ed.) / Folk Song Abecedary, Bonanza, Bk (1966), p348
Barker, Horton. Chase, Richard (ed.) / American Folk Tales and Songs, Dover, sof (1971/1956), p122 [1930-40's] (Nickety, Nackety)
Child, Marilyn; & Glenn Yarborough. Marilyn Child - Glenn Yarborough Sing Folk Songs, Elektra EKL 143, LP (1958), trk# A.02 (Wee Cooper o' Fife)
Corries. Peat Fire Flames & Stovies, Moidart MOICD 018, CD (2000), trk# 1.10 [1977]
Gordon, J. D.; and Jennie Craven. Korson, George (ed.) / Pennsylvania Songs and Legends, Univ. of Penna., Bk (1949), p 41 [1943]
Ives, Burl. Wayfaring Stranger, Columbia CS 9041, LP (1964/1955), trk# A.05a
Ives, Burl. Ives, Burl / Burl Ives Song Book, Ballantine Books, Bk (1953), p200
Ives, Burl. Lollipop Tree, Harmony HS 14551, LP (197?), trk# B.01 (Wee Cooper o' Fife)
MacColl, Ewan. English and Scottish Popular Ballads (The Child Ballads) Vol. 3, Washington WLP 717, LP (1961/1956), trk# B.01 (Cooper of/o' Fife)
Monson, Stella (E.). Flanders, Helen H. & George Brown / Vermont Folk Songs and Ballads, Folklore Associates, Bk (1968/1931), p222 [1930/08/23] (Cooper of/o' Fife)
O'Hara, Mary. Mary O'Hara's Scotland, Tradition 2121, LP (197?), trk# B.09
Redpath, Jean. Scottish Ballad Book, Elektra EKL 214, LP (1962), trk# 4
Jennifer Gently [Ch 277]
Rt - Wee Cooper of Fife
Van Wagner, Etson. Cazden, Norman (ed.) / Merry Ditties, Bonanza Books, Bk
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