Dandoo- Barnett (WV) c.1898 Cox A
For American texts see Journal, vn, 253 (Newell; Massachusetts; reprinted by Child, v, 304); xix, 298 (Belden; Missouri); xxx, 328 (Kittredge, from Belden; Missouri; reprinted by Pound, No. 6 A) ; Campbell and Sharp, No. 33 (Virginia and Kentucky) ; Pound, No. 6 B (Nebraska). For references see Journal, xxx, 328. Add Bulletin, Nos. 7-10; Reed Smith, Journal, xxvm, 200.
A. "Dandoo." Contributed by Mr. Wallie Barnett, Leon, Mason County, 1915; learned from his grandfather about the year 1898. His grandfather was of English descent, a native of Gilmer County. The last stanza was furnished by some teacher whose name was not secured. It is a reminiscence of the famous nursery rhymes about the man who had naught — "and robbers came to rob him." Reported by Cox, xlv, 159.
1 There was a little man, he lived in the West,
Dandoo, dandoo
There was a little man, he lived in the West,
Ham bam gingo
There was a little man, he lived in the West,
He had an old woman that was none of the best.
With a ham bam berry winkeye doodle jerry comingo
calla callacum collingo
2 He came in from sowing wheat,
Says, "Old woman, is there anything to eat?"
3 "There lies some bread all on the shelf,
If you want any more you can get it yourself."
4 He went out to his sheepfold,
He killed a ewe both fat and old.
5 He hung her up on two little pins,
With two little jerks she was skinned.
6 "I'll tan the hide on my wife's back,
Take two little sticks to make it crack."
7 "I'll tell all my folks and all my kin,
You whip me on the naked skin."
8 He ran fourteen miles in fifteen days,
And that's what I call getting away.