93. John Reilley


John Reilley

Again a ballad of the returned lover; not to be confused with
another of the same name in which Johnny, returning from America
to claim his bride, is shipwrecked and both are drowned. This
returned-lover ballad is reported from Vermont (VFSB 135-6),
Virginia (SharpK 11 23-4), West Virginia (FSS 323-5). Ken-
tucky (LT 34-7, DD 104-5, SharpK 11 24-5; it is listed also in
Shearin's syllabus), Tennessee (SharpK 11 25, ETWVMB 95),
North Carolina (SharpK 11 22-3, 25-6), Missouri (OFS i 262-4),
Ohio (BSO 114-17), and Indiana (SFLQ in 211-12, BSI 215-16) ;
and it is listed also by title for Michigan (BSSM 480). Its habitat
in this country seems to be the southern Appalachians and regions
settled therefrom ; it appears but once in the Northeast. The name
is sometimes "George" Reilly.



•John Reilley.' Reported by I. G. Greer of Boone as sung by J. l'\
Spainhour of Morganton, Burke county, in 1921 or 1922.

1 As I walked out one morning early
That I might meet the bracing air,
'Twas there I spied a young Irish lady
Who seemed to me like diamonds fair.

2 I walked up to her and kindly asked her
If she would be a young sailor's bride.
*Oh, no,' she said, 'I will not marry.

I prefer to live a single life.'

3 'What's the reason that you won't marry?
You differ from all female kind ;

For you are young, both fair and handsome,
And, sure, to get married your heart's inclined."

4 'I could have been married two years ago

To one John Reilley, both fair and handsome ;
But he was the cause of my overthrow.'

5 'Do leave John Reilley and do disdain him
And go with me to some foreign shore.
And we'll sail over to California

And bid adieu to Reilley evermore.'

6 'I won't go with you to California,

I won't go with you to some foreign shore.
My heart's with Reilley and will not leave him
Although I see him nevermore.'

7 And when he found that her love was loyal
He gave her kisses both one, two, and three,
Saying, 'I'm the man that you call John Reilley.
And have come for to marry you.'




John Reilley
'John Reilley.' Sung by J. F. Spainhour. Recorded as ms score; no date or
place given. The story of this song is similar to that given in SharpK 11 22,
No. 82A. G. Malcolm Laws, Jr. includes this ballad among many of those
that were traced to British broadsides. Variations given below are from a
second, anonymous score, which actually notes this tune in % time.


Scale : Pentachordal, plagal. Tonal Center : g. Structure : aaibb^ (2,2,2,2) ;
measure 2 of second phrase (bb^) is the same as that of the first (aai). Also
ab (4,4) ; or if bb^ of the smaller subdivision is considered as one unit, mm^n
(2,2,4) = bar form. Circular Tune (V).


'John Reilly.' Sung by C K. Tillett. Recorded at Wanchese, Roanoke Island.
December 29, 1922. This version was recorded eleven years earlier than that
noted in FSRA 66. Basically, however, both tunes are alike. For the missing
words of the stanza given cf. BSSN 182, No. 90, the words of which fit per-
fectly. Owing to the condition of the record it is not possible to get the first

Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: abed (4,4,4,4).

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