202. The Little Black Mustache

The Little Black Mustache

Clearly a music-hall production, this has established itself more
or less as folk song, especially in the South. It has been reported
from Virginia (FSV 177), Kentucky (FSMEU 210-11), Tennessee
(BTFLS IV 76), North Carolina (JAFL xlv 116-17), Mississippi
(JAFL xxxix 159-60), Texas (PFLST vi 231-2), the Ozarks
(OFS III 125-30). and Iowa (MAFLS xxix 85-6). The texts
in our collection vary slightly, but not enough to justify printing
more than one.




'The Little Black Mustache. From the manuscript of Mrs. Mary Mar-
tin Copley, Route 8, Durham ; obtained by Jesse T. Carpenter.

1 Oh, once I had a chaniiing beau, I loved him dear as Hfe,
And I thought that the time would surely come when I

could he his wife.
His pockets they were full of gold, and, oh! I cut a dash
With a diamond ring and a watch and chain, with a darling

black mustache.


That little black mustache, that darling black mustache ;
Oh, every time I think of it my heart lieats quick and

That little black mustache, that darling black mustache ;
Oh, now you know I had a beau with a darling black


2 He often came on Saturday night and stayed till after

He told me he never loved a girl as well as he loved me.
Now, my ladies, take my advice and never be so rash
To fall in love with any boy that wears a black mustache.

3 There came an old maid there, she was worth her weight

in gold;

She wore false hair, she wore false teeth, she was forty-
five years old.

And [my] young man deserted me for that old maid's

And then he pressed upon her lips that darling black


'Black Mustache.' From W. Amos Abrams, Boone, Watauga county.

'The Black Mustache.' From Gertrude Allen (Mrs. Vaught), Taylors-
ville, Alexander county.

'The Little Black Mustache.' Taken from the manuscripts of G. S. Rob-
inson of Asheville in August I939- This adds two lines of advice:

And now, young girls, take my advice and never be so rash
As to fall in love with any gent that has a black mustache.

•That Little Black Mustache.' From O L. Coffey of Shull's Mills,
Watauga county. The manuscript bears the notation : "Recorded in . . .
for the . . . Co.," which probably means that it is obtainable as a
phonograph record.

'Little Black Mustache.' From the John Burch Blaylock Collection.



The Little Black Mustache


'The Little Black Mustache.' Sung by Dr. L G. Greer. Recorded at the singer's
home, where the present editor visited him in 1954. For other references and
texts cf. FSoA 20; FSSH 295-7; FSSM 478. The chorus of this version uses
only the last two lines of that given in 11 480.


Scale : Heptachordal. Tonal Center: c. Structure: aa^aa^bc (4,4,4,4,4,4) =
aa^b (8,8,8) = mm^n (barform). The c of the smaller subdivision is related
to al.

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