163. Don't Forget Me, Little Darling


Don't Forget Me, Little Darling

This should perhaps have been entered as a form of 'Fond Affec-
tion,' since stanzas 5 and 6 are versions of stanzas 3 and 4 of the
M version of that song, which only illustrates again the remarkably
fluid character of the love songs of ballad singers.

'Don't Forget Me, Little Darling.' Communicated by C. B. Houck of
Todd, Ashe county, in April 1920.

1 Don't forget me, little darling.
Don't forget the happy past,
Don't forget the time we parted ;
We will surely meet at last.

2 Don't forget me, little darling.
When from me you're far away,
But remember, little darling,
We will meet again some day.

3 Don't forget the night we parted.
We were sitting side by side

When you whispered that you loved me.
You have won my heart's regard.

4 Who will kiss you, little darling?
Who will clasp you to their breast?
Who will talk the future over
While I roam the desert West?

5 You may meet with many lovers.
Some may tell you I'm not true.
But remember, little darling.

No one loves you as I do.



6 You may meet with many chances
GHding down the river stream ;
But remember, Httle darhng.
You are always in my dream.

7 At my window, sad and lonely,
Often do I think of you,

And I wonder, little darling.
If you ever think of me.

8 Should you ever change, my darling,
What would this life be to me?
Nothing but a stream of sorrow
Would this poor child ever see.


Don't Forget Me, Little Darling
'Don't Forget Me, Little Darling.' Sung by Bonnie and Lola Wiseman. Re-
corded at Upper Hinson's Creek, August 26, 1939.

Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: abab (2,2,2,2) = aa

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