132. Pretty Susie, the Pride of Kildare

Pretty Susie, the Pride of Kildare

This presumably Irish ballad has become folk song of a sort in
England (JFSS vi 11-12 — Surrey, Sussex, and Somerset; printed
also by Fortey and Catnach) but has not hitherto been reported
from America. 'Jennie, the Flower of Kildare,' known in the
North Woods (Dean 71-2) and in Mississippi (FTM 45), has noth-
ing in common with it beyond the place name.

'Pretty Susie.' Reported by Mrs. Sutton as obtained from the wife of
Silas Buchanan of Horse Creek, Ashe county. "She's a 'doctor woman,' "
Mrs. Sutton writes, "and the kitchen of their cabin was filled with roots
drying. She gave me some vile stuff called 'yeller root' to chew for an
ulcer on my tongue. I expected it to kill me, but instead it cured the
ulcer !"

1 When first from sea I landed, I had a roving mind ;
Undaunted for to ramble far my true love for to find.
I met pretty Susie, her cheeks were like a rose,

Her bosom hit was fairer than the lily that blows.

2 Her keen eyes they glistened like the bright stars of night,
The robe she was a-wearing it was costly and white.

Her fair neck was shaded by her long raven hair.
Her name it was pretty Susie, the pride of Kildare.

3 A long time I courted her, but I wasted of my store ;
Her love it turned to hatred because I was poor.

She said, 'I love another man whose fortune I'll share;

So get you gone from pretty Susie, the pride of Kildare,*

4 How my heart was a-aching as I lonely did stray !
I met pretty Susie with her young lord so gay,

* This line should read, as in Missouri B, "And quite forsaken am I."



And as they passed by me, with my mind full of fear,
I sighed for pretty Susie, the pride of Kildare.

Once more on the ocean I resolved for to go ;
Away to the East with my heart full of woe.
I beheld many fair ladies with jewels so rare
But none like pretty Susie, the pride of Kildare.

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