61. Nancy of Yarmouth

Nancy of Yarmouth

Our text of 'Nancy of Yarmouth' is clearly from the Forget-Me-
Not Songster version, 'Jemmy and Nancy' ; it corresponds to that
stanza by stanza except that it has dropped the first two lines of
the final stanza. There are many slight changes, to be sure. Some
of them might be explained as due to careless copying, as for
instance the omission of "did" in the third line of stanza i, "love"
for "lover" in the third line of stanza 7, and many more; some
seem to be merely in conformity with the dialect of the copier, as
"fitten" for "fitting" in stanza 6; but others look like cases of mis-
hearing or misremembering and so point to oral transmission. Such
are "if your mother will hear" for "of Yarmouth, we hear" in
stanza i, "regret" for "requite" in stanza 47, and others. But the
retention of the misprint "sight" for "sigh" in stanza 21 strongly
suggests copying from print. The Forgct-Mc-Not Songster, pub-
lished by Nafis and Cornish of New York in the thirties and forties
of the last century, was enormously popular. Our ballad occupies
pages 86-92. It occurs, but not very often, in recent reports of
traditional song. It has been found in Sussex (JFSS 11 1 13-14).
Dorset (JFSS viii 209-10, a fragment). Nova Scotia (SENS
81-3), New Jersey (JAFL xxvi 178, from an old manu.script),
Virginia (FSV 68), North Carolina (SharpK i 379-80), Florida
(SFLQ VIII 162-3), and Iowa (MAFLS xxix 15-20). Kidson
(JFSS II 114) says it was printed by John Evans about 1795;
Kittredge (JAFL xxvi 178) lists various stall and garland prints
of it to be found in the Harvard Library. In theme it is vaguely
reminscent of 'The Suffolk Miracle' (Child 272), but it is a quite
distinct ballad. For 'The Suffolk Miracle' in North Carolina, see
No. 41 above.

'Jimmy and Nancy.' Found by Professor E. L. Starr of Salem College
in 1915 among the papers of Mrs. R. E. Barnes of Taylorsville, Alex-
ander county, then eighty-one years of age, a native of the county.
Professor Starr notes : "This ballad appears in the handwriting of a
Miss Jones, who took it down from a sung version in 1853. In other
words, in 1853 Miss Jones wrote it down and gave it to Mrs. Barnes."

1 Lovers, I pray lend an ear to my story

And take an example from this constant pair ;
How love a young creature blast in her glory,
Beautiful Nancy, if your mother will hear.

2 She was a merchant's lovely fair daughter,
Heiress of fifteen hundred a year.

A young man he courted her to be his jewel.
A son of a gentleman who lived near.

3 Many long years he this maid did court ;
When they was infants in love they agreed.
And when to age this couple arrived

A cupid an arrow between them displayed.



4 They made a promise for to be married,

But when their parents the same came to know
They took their beautiful charming daughter
Separated apart that base and severe.

5 'Daughter,' they said, 'give over your proceedings ;
If that against our consent you do wed,
Forever more we resolve to disown you

If you wed one that's so meanly bred.'

6 Her mother said, 'You are a great fortune ;
Besides, you are beautiful, charming and young.
You are a match, my dear child, fitten

For any lord that's in all Christendom.'

7 Then did reply this beautiful virgin,
'Riches and honor I both do defy ;

If that I am denied of my dearest love
Then farewell this world, which is all vanity.

8 'Jimmy is the man that I do admire,
He is the man that I do adore ;

For to be greater I never desire ;
My heart is fixed to love no more.'

9 Then said her father, ' 'Tis my resolution,
Altho I have no more daughters but you,
If that with him you are resolved to marry.
Banished from me you forever shall be.'

10 'Well, cruel father, but still I desire.
Grant me that Jimmy once more I may see.
Tho you do part us, I still will be loyal,
For none in the world I'll admire but he.'

1 1 He sent for the young man in a passion.
Saying, 'Forever, now, sir, take your leave.
I have a match more fit for my daughter.
Therefore 'tis but a folly to grieve.'

12 'Honored father,' then said the young lady,
'Promised we are by the powers above.
Why of all comforts would you bereave?
Our love is fixed, never to remove.'

13 Then said the father, 'A trip on the ocean
Jimmy shall go in a ship of my own.

I'll consent that he shall have my daughter
When to fair Yarmouth again he returns.'



14 'Honored father,' then said the two lovers,
'Since it is your will we are bound to obey;
Our constant hearts can never be parted
But our eager desire no longer must stay.'

15 Then beautiful Nancy said. 'Dearest Jimmy,
Here, take this ring, the pledge of my vows;
With it my heart — keep it safe in your bosom,
Carry it with you wherever you go.'

16 Then in his arms he did closely infold her.
Whilst crystal tears like fountains did flow,
Crying, 'My heart in return I do give you,
And you shall be present wherever I go.

17 'When on the ocean, my dear, I am saih'ng.
Thoughts of my jewel thy compass shall stay,
Those tedious times shall discover

And bring me safe to the arms of my dear.

18 'Therefore be content, my lovely jewel;
For, by the Virgin, if you are untrue

My troubled ghost shall forever torment you ;
Dead or alive, I'll have none but you.'

19 Her arms around his neck did twine,
Saying, 'My dear, when you're out on the sea.
If that fate should prove cruel,

That we should each other no more see,

20 'No man alive shall ever enjoy me;
Soon as the tidings of death sings my ears
Then like a poor and unfortunate lover
Down to the grave will go to my dear.'

21 Then with a sorrowful sight they parted.
The wind next morning blew a pleasant gale ;
All things being ready, the same Mary galley,
And for Barbodions he straight did sail.

22 Jimmy was floating upon the wide ocean.

Her cruel parents was plotting the same while
How the heart of their beautiful daughter
With cursed gold strive to beguile.

23 Many a lord of fame, birth, and breeding
Came for to court this young beautiful maiden,
But all of their presents and favors she slighted.
'Constant I'll be to my jewel,' she said.



24 Now for a while we will leave this fair maiden
And tell how the things with her lover did go.
In the Island of Barhodoins the ship safe arrived,
But now observe this fatal overthrow.

25 Young Jimmy was comely in every feature.
A Barbodious lady whose riches was great

On him fixed her eyes; then she cried, 'If I get not
This English sailor, I'll die for his sake.'

26 She then dresses herself in gallant attire.
With costly diamonds she platted her hair ;

A hundred slaves dresses in white to attend her ;
Sent for this young man to come to them there.

27 'Come, noble sailor,' she cried, 'can you fancy
A lady whose fortunes and riches are great?

A hundred slaves you shall liave to attend you,
Music to charm you to your solemn sleep.

28 'In robes of gold I will deck you. my dear.
Pearls and rich jewels I'll lay at your feet;

In chariots of gold you shall ride at your pleasure ;
If you can love me, then answer me straight.'

29 Amazed with wonder while gazing she stood,
'Forbear, young lady,' at length he replied ;
'In fair England I have vowed to a lady

At my return to make her my bride.

30 'She is a charming young beautiful creature.
She has my heart, and I never can love ;

I bear in my eyes her sweet lovely features :
No other charmer on earth I adore.'

31 Hearing of this she did rave in distraction.
Crying, 'Unfortunate maid ! thus to love
One that does basely slight all my glory
And of my possessions will not approve.

32 'Lords of renown their favors I have slighted;
Now must I die for a sailor so bold.

I must not blame him because he is constant.
True love, I find, is much better than gold.'

33 A costly jewel she instantly gave him,
Then in trembling hands she took a knife.
One fatal blow before they could prevent her
Quickly put an end to her life.



34 Great lamentation was made for this maiden.
Jimmy onward the shij) he (Hd steer.

Then for fair England homeward was sailing
With a longing desire to meet his dear.

35 But when her father found he was coming
A letter did write to the boatswain his dear
Saying, 'A handsome reward will I give thee
If you will the life of young Jimmy end.'

36 Void of all promises and for the sake of money
The cruel boatswain the same did comply ;

As they on the deck was lonely a-walking
He suddenly plunged him into the deep.

37 In the dead of the night while all was a-sleeping
His troubled ghost to his* love did appear
Crying, 'Arise, young beautiful Nancy,
Perform the vows you made to your dear.

38 'You are my own, so tarry no longer.
Seven long years for your sake I did stay.
How many does wait to crown us with pleasure !
The bride-guests are ready ; therefore come away.'

39 She cried, 'Who is there under my window?
Surely it is the voice of my dear!'

Lifting her head from her soft downy pillow,
Strait to the casement she did repair.

40 By the light of the moon that brightly was shining
She spied her true love ; then he to her did say,
'Your parents are sleeping; before they awaken,
Stair up, my dear creature, you must come away.'

41 'Oh Jimmy,' she cried, 'if my father shall hear you
We should be ruined ; therefore quickly repair

To the sea side and I will quickly meet you ;
With my own maid I'll come to you there.'

42 Her nightgown embroidered with silver and gold
Carelessly around her body she throws.

With her two maids indeed to attend her
To meet her true lover she instantly goes.

43 Close in his arms the spirit did enfold her.
'Jimmy,' she said, 'you are colder than clay.
Surely you cannot be the man that I admire ;
Paler than death you appear unto me.'



44 'Yes, fairest creature, I am your true lover,
Dead or alive you are to be my own.

I come for your vows, my dear ; you must follow
My body to my watery tomb.

45 'I for your sake did refuse gold and treasure,
Beauty and riches for you I despise.

A charming young lady for me did expire ;
Thinking of you, I was deaf to her cries.

46 'Your cruel parents have been my undoing.
And now I sleep in a watery grave.

And for your promise, my dear, I am sailing.
Dead or alive, you I must have.'

47 The trembling body was 30 affrighted,
Amazed she stood near the brink of the sea.
With eyes lift to heaven she cried, 'Cruel parents.
Heaven regret you for your cruelty !

48 'Indeed I promise, my dearest creature.
Dead or alive I would be your own ;

And now to perform my vows I am ready
To follow you down to your watery tomb.'

49 Her maidens heard her sad lamentations
But the apparition it could not see.
Thinking the lady had fell in distraction,
He strove to persuade her contented to be.

50 But still she cried, 'I am a-coming.
Now on thy bosom I'll fall asleep.'

When this she had spoken, this unfortunate lady
Suddenly plunged herself into the deep.

51 When to her father the maid told the story

He wrung his hands and cried, 'What have I done!
O dearest child, it was thy cruel father
That did provide thee a watery doom !'

52 Two or three days being then expired.
Those two unfortunate lovers were seen

In each other's arms on the water was floating
By the side of the ship on the watery main.

53 The cruel boatswain was struck with horror ;
Straight did confess the deed he had done.
Showing the letter that came from her father
That was the cause of these lovers' doom.



54 On board the ship he was tried for murder
And at the yardarni he was hanged for the same.
Her father broke his heart for his daughter
Before the ship to harbor came.

55 Thus cursed gold has caused destruction.
Why should the rich strive after gain?

1 hope this story will be a caution

That cruel parents may never do the same.

56 True love is better than jewels or treasure
Which was the occasion of their overthrow.


Nancy of Yarmouth

'Jimmy and Nancy.' Sung probably by Mrs. R. E. Barnes at Taylorsville,
Alexander county, ms score, dated 1853. The tune requires two stanzas of the
text as given in II 223 fif. Text and tune are identical with those of the Greer
version, which is therefore omitted.


Scale: Hexachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: d. Structure: ababcdc^e (2,2,2,2,
2,2,2,2) = aabbi (4,4,4,4).

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