Three Little Babes- S. Boone (NC) 1918 Sharp MS

Three Little Babes- S. Boone (NC) 1918 Sharp MS

[My title. Single stanza with music from Bronson TTCB No. 19, 1962. Sharp MSS, 4711.

R. Matteson 2015]

Notes from Sharp diary 1918; page 274. Saturday 28 September 1918 - Burnsville
Directly after breakfast we tramped off to try & find Mrs Sina Boone of Shoal Creek, sister of Mrs Willard Boone of Plum Branch. The creek branches off at Wisdom[?] and Mrs Sina lives at the head about 2 miles up the creek. We found her at home and quite ready to sing much to her own delight and that of her husband. She sang two good songs and then we adjourned for dinner — we having fortunately had our dinner already got off with cups of coffee! Then she sang a lot more and we had a long talk with the family on the porch her son and his wife joining the party. The latter told us that Mrs Ivey was very ill and that Dr Reay pronounced it Appendicitis and doubted whether she would get over it. I took several photos of the family and the Sorghum boiling which was going on and then we walked home — about 10 miles altogether.

[Three Little Babes] - Sung by Mrs. Sina Boone of Shoal Creek, Burnsville, N.C., September 28, 1918.

She hadn't been married but a very short while
Till she had three little babes;
She sent them away to the north countree
To learn their grammaree.


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