Three Babes- Ayres (NC) 1918 Sharp MS
[My title. Single stanza with music from Bronson TTCB, II No. 46, 1962. Sharp MSS, 4606. See Sharp's diary notes below.
R. Matteson 2015]
Sharp diary 1918 page 260. Saturday 14 September 1918 - Burnsville:
After breakfast go out collecting first from Mr Jack Bennett, Sam Bennett’s brother, and then from Mrs Ayres, Sam Bennett’s daughter from whom I get quite a nice bunch of songs. Lunch early so as to go & hear Governor Bickett’s speech at the Methodist Chapel.
[Three Babes] -Sung by Mrs. Rosie Ayres, Burnsville N.C., September 14, 1918.
They hadn't been there but a very short time,
Scarcely six weeks and three days,
Till sickness came through that old
And took her three babes away.