Creation- N. I. White 1928 Version of "Dese Bones"

Creation (Two Versions)
Spiritual- N. I. White

Creation/Dese Bones Gwine to Rise Again

"Dese Bones Gwine to Rise Again"

NOTE: This is not the "Creation Song" as found in Cox also known as the "History of The World." See: "Adam And Eve."

Traditional Spiritual

ARTIST: Spiritual from White's American Negro Folk Songs



CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel

DATE: 1800s; 1880 George Scott


Brown Collection of NC Folklore 

N. I. White, 1928, "American Negro Folk-Songs."

The Online 78 rpm Discography Project lists these recordings:

Lonesome Pine Twins (McCravy), DE'S BONES GWINE RISE AGAIN, Supertone for Sears 2020, Jan 1928.

Jubilee Gospel Team, THESE BONES GONNA RISE AGAIN, QRS 7013, recorded Sept 1928.

Southern Plantation Singers, DE'S BONES GWINE RISE AGAIN, Vocalion 1219, recorded Sept 26, 1928.

Ranking Bros, THESE BONES GONNA RISE AGAIN, Conqueror 7276, recorded Apr 10, 1929.

Frank & James McCravy, DESE BONES GWINE RISE AGAIN, Banner 32243, Sept 1930.

David & Howard, MY BONES GONNA RISE AGAIN, Victor 23577, recorded May 19, 1931.

Arthur Cornwall & John Gibson, MY BONES IS GONNA RISE AGAIN, Champion 16379, recorded Dec 7, 1931.

Hartman's Tennessee Ramblers, DESE BONES GONNA RISE AGAIN, Bluebird 6089, recorded Aug 04, 1935.

Swan Silvertone Singers, THESE BONES GWINE RISE AGAIN, Queen 4137, recorded July 1946.

Spencers Minstrels, DESE BONES SHALL RISE AGAIN, Leeds & Catlin 4075, date unknown.

Silver Echo Quartet, THEM BONES SHALL RISE AGAIN, Arco 1201, date unknown.

"Dese Bones Gwine to Rise Again"
"These Bones Going to Rise Again"

"'Dese Bones Gwine to Rise Again;"

SOURCES: Brown Collection of NC Folklore No. 523
N. I. White, 1928, "American Negro Folk-Songs."

NOTES: "Creation," a traditional spiritual from 1915-1916 found in White's American Negro Folk Songs. (See also: Brown Collection of NC Folklore No. 523) It is a version "These Bones Going to Rise Again" which was published in 1880 under the title "Dese Bones Shall Rise Again." The song is found in Perrow 1909 as "Dese Bones Gwine to Rise Again." White makes two references dating back to the 1880s.

Mentioned in Brown's notes to this song is the "Creation Song" as found in Cox also known as the "History of The World." This is a completely different song, see "Adam And Eve" in this collection.

CREATION- In ANFS 83-5, White, who prints several versions, states that this appears in several printed collections of African-American songs (which he cites), that it is often sung by whites as a picnic song, and that the refrain is apparently based on Ezekiel 217- Cf. Sandburg ASB 470-1.

A. No title. 1915-1916 Auburn, Alabama.

Lord, He thought He'd make a man,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
Mixed a little bit o' dirt an' san',
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Chorus: I know it, indeed, I know it, brother
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Thought He'd make er 'oman too
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
Didn't know zactly what to do,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

He took a rib from Adam's side,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
An' made Miss Eve fo' to be his bride,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Put 'em in the garden bright and fair,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
Tol' 'em to eat whatever was there,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Of this tree you must not meet,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
If you do you'll have to skeet,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Sarpent wound aroun' the stump,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
At Miss Eve his eye he wunk,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Lord He come with monstrous voice,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
Shook dis ole world to its very joists,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Adam Adam where art thou,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
Here My Lord, I'm comin' now,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Et my apple I do believe,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
No my Lord I spec' it was Eve,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Out of this garden you must get,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
Earn yo' livin' by yo' sweat,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Of this tale there is no more,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
Eve ate de apple, gave Adam de core,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.

Cain thought Abel played a trick,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.
Hit him in de head wid a piece of brick,
Dese bones gwine rise ergain.


B. No title; sung by Ed Lloyd 1925

Mary, Martha, Luke, and John,
Dese bones gwine rise again.
Take your little truth and munch along,
Dese bones gwine rise again.

Way up yonder 'tween the earth and sky,
Dese bones gwine rise again.
Dat 's where King Jesus bled and died,
Dese bones gwine rise again.

Dey nailed his hands and rivet his feet,
Dese bones gwine rise again.
De hammers was heard in Jerusalem street,
Dese bones gwine rise again. 

Annanias and Sapphias,
Dese bones gwine rise again.
Dey was struck dead as liars,
Dese bones gwine rise again.

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