Come Along Sinners
M. H. Rosenfeld- 1881
Come Along Sinners
Public Domain Jubilee Song; by M.H. Rosenfeld 1881
ARTIST: from American Memory by M.H. Rosenfeld
CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel
DATE: 1881
RECORDING INFO: Come Along Sinners
James M.H. Rosenfeld. Published in Boston by Rosenfeld & White, circa 1881.
SOURCES: American Memory
NOTES: "Come Along Sinners" is a public domain jubilee song by James M.H. Rosenfeld. It was originally published in Boston by Rosenfeld & White, circa 1881. The song was in the repertory of the 1888-89 Tour of the Tennessee Jubilee Singers.
VERSE: Oh what will you do when the great days a-comin'
How am you gwine for to speckerlate?
When wese found all you sinners a-looking,
To lift de latch on de golden gate.
Dat am de time you get left out *sinner
Dat am de time you get left out and late.
Dat am de time you get no dinner,
And be lock'd from de golden gate.
CHORUS: Come along sinners, Come along sinners,
Come along sinners, a- hoopin'
Come along sinners, Come along sinners,
Come along sinners, to glory
To Lotta
2. Oh what will you do when de bells am a singin?
What will you do while de angels wait?
When you’ve a called fer to pass in yer tazors
And stood stiff kneed to de golden gate.
Dat am de time you’ll get left out sinner.
Dat am de time you’ll get left out late.
Hurry along or you’ll get no dinner,
And be lock’d from de golden gate.
3. Oh what will you do when de Satan’s a coming?
What will you do when he hunts his match?
When you’ve a hearin de fire a rizzen,
And can’t get nigh to de golden gate.
Dat am de time you’ll get left out sinner.
Dat am de time you’ll get left out late.
Dat am de time you will get you dinner,
Underneath ob de golden gate.