Children, Did You Hear When Jesus Rose? Robert Sims

Children, Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?
Spiritual- Robert Sims

Children Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?/Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?

Tradtional Spiritual

ARTIST: from Robert Sims - Children Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?:

Roland Hayes sheet music:

Roland Hayes:


CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel

RECORDING INFO: Children Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?

Roland Hayes / Charlton Heston Reads The New Testament (Disc 2: Afroamerican Religious Folk Songs).

Oral Moses Sings Songs of America: Albany Records

Henry Pleas | Deep River: A Spiritual Journey | CD Baby

Roland Hayes- High fidelity record annual‎ - Page 299 Music - 1956
Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?; Were You There?

OTHER NAMES: "Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?" "Chillun Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?" "Sister, Did You Hear When Jesus Rose"

RELATED TO: Hypocrite and the Concubine

SOURCES: Mudcat; Roland Hayes, My Favorite Spirituals;

NOTES: "Children, Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?" or "Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?" is a traditional spiritual collected from Robert Sims whose version can be heard on youtube. Sims version is based on Roland Hayes but has an additional verse. Hayes recorded the song in the 1950s [listen link above] but I'm not sure of his original source. Marian Anderson sang the song (see below) and it is related to the Hypocrite and the Concubine in Allen et al.'s Slave Songs of the United States (with music):


[1. Hypocrite and the concubine,
Livin' among the swine,
They run to God with the lips and tongue,
And leave all the heart behind.
Aunty, did you hear when Jesus rose?
Did you hear when Jesus rose?
Aunty, did you hear when Jesus rose?
He rose and he 'scend on high.]

DID YOU HEAR WHEN JESUS ROSE?- Roland Hayes, My Favorite Spirituals (pp. 123-26)Roland Hayes's recording of it is on Charlton Heston Reads The New Testament (Disc 2: Afroamerican Religious Folk Songs).

Mary set her table,
In spite of all her foes.
King Jesus sat at de center place,
An' cups did overflow.

Chillun, did you hear when Jesus rose,
Did you hear when Jesus rose?
Did you hear when Jesus rose?
He rose an' ascended on high.

The Father looked at His son an' smiled,
De Son did look at-a Him,
De Father saved my soul from Hell,
An' de Son freed me from sin.

Chillun, did you hear when Jesus rose,
Did you hear when Jesus rose?
Did you hear when Jesus rose?
He rose an' ascended on high.

DID YOU HEAR WHEN JESUS ROSE?- Susan O. Hinton; Adapted from Roland Hayes' version in My Favorite Spirituals. Additional verses (C) 2005 .

1. Jesus came to Jerusalem
To 'fill the prophecy.
He rode in on a pure white colt
The people 'round to see.

Children, did you hear when Jesus rose,
Did you hear when Jesus rose?
Did you hear when Jesus rose (He rose)
And ascended on high.

2. Mary set her table,
In spite of all her foes.
King Jesus sat at the center place,
How the cups did overflow!

3. The soldiers came to the Garden
The Lord was crucified.
Mary wept to see it,
The day her boychild died.

4. The Father looked at His son an' smiled,
The Son looked up to Him,
The Father made the sacrifice,
And the Son freed me from sin.

5. The cave was dark, the disciples low,
To think their Lord was dead.
But when the stone was rolled away,
He'd done just what He'd said!

Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Autumn 1993—Volume 6:11
ARTHUR L. FARSTAD Editor and FRANCES A. MOSHER Pianist, Christ Congregation
Dallas, Texas 

V. Believing the Gospel Story
From earliest childhood Marian Anderson attended the Union Baptist Church of Philadelphia, where her voice was increasingly recognized and appreciated in choirs. Young Marian was not to be a nominal Christian or even just an active church member. She became what we would call a “believer.” While her friends included both black and white neighbors, when she got beyond the circle of people who knew and respected her family, Marian at times ran into racial prejudice that was devastating to a sensitive girl. Sometimes she felt hurt, sometimes anger, sometimes a mixture of both. Due to her mother’s good training she wanted to have the power to love and forgive her enemies as Christ did when He was mistreated. Not long after her father’s passing away, there was a presentation at her church which included preaching by Pastor Wesley G. Parks interspersed with spirituals on the life of Christ sung by the senior choir.

The program of spirituals and Scripture that day was as follows:

        I.     Sister Mary Had-a But One Child (Luke 2:1-20)
     II.     Lit’l Boy (Luke 2:41-50)
    III.     Hear de Lambs a-Cryin’? (John 21:15-22)
    IV.     The Last Supper (Matt 26:17-30)
     V.     They Led My Lord Away (Mark 14:41-26, 53)
    VI.     Were You There? (John 19)
   VII.     He Never Said a Mumblin’ Word (Matt. 27:27-44)
VIII.     Did You Hear When Jesus Rose? (Mark 16)

The second selection was about Jesus in the temple at the age of 12— just the age of Marian. She could relate to His desire to do His Father’s business. She, too, had a longing to respond like Jesus to the hard knocks of life as God would desire.

After the eighth and final song, the preacher gave an invitation, an integral part of Baptist gospel services. He ended his appeal as follows:

And that’s the whole gospel story, friends. You’ve heard it from the Word of God. The question is now—what will you do about it? Do you want Jesus Christ to be your Saviour?

Another version (chorus only) appears in google books attributed to Dixon:

Chillun, did you hear when Jesus rose
Did you hear when Jesus rose?
Chillun, did you hear when Jesus rose,
He rose and ascended on high. [384. Dixon]

CHILDREN, DID YOU HEAR WHEN JESUS ROSE? Robert Sims arranged Roland Hayes. 

CHORUS: Children, did you hear when Jesus rose,
Did you hear when Jesus arose?
Did you hear when Jesus arose,
He rose and ascended on high. (Repeat)

Mary set a table,
In spite of all her foes.
King Jesus sat at the center place,
And cups did overflow.

Children, did you hear when Jesus rose,
Did you hear when Jesus arose?
Did you hear when Jesus arose,
He rose and ascended on high.

Mary and *Alvus went to the tomb,
Were his body was-a laid.
The angels rolled the stone away,
And they were amazed.

Children, did you hear when Jesus rose,
Did you hear when Jesus arose?
Did you hear when Jesus arose,
He rose and ascended on high.

The Father looked at His son an' smiled,
The Son did look at Him,
De Father saved my soul from Hell,
And the Son freed me from sin.

Children, did you hear when Jesus rose,
Did you hear when Jesus arose?
Did you hear when Jesus arose,
He rose and ascended on high. (Repeat)
*not sure what he sings here 'all of us' ?

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