Climbing Up The Golden Stairs- Versions- 1800s

Climbing Up the Golden Stairs
 F. Heiser 1884

Climbing Up the Golden Stairs

Public Domain Jubilee Song; Words & Music: F. Heiser 1884.

ARTIST: Original lyrics F. Heiser 1884 (edited). Two other versions from 1800s.

YOUTUBE: Instrumental


DATE: F. Heiser 1884

: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel

RECORDING INFO: Climbing Up the Golden Stairs/Stalks [Me III-B16] Heiser, F.

Bazeley, Mark; and Jason Rice. Stepping Up, Topic TSCD 752, CD (2004), trk# 19b [2000]
Clemens, Alice. Fiddlin' Fever, UCA, LP (197?), trk# 19
Cox, Viola. American Hammer Dulcimer, Troubadour TR-6, LP (1978), trk# 11
Curley, Clyde. Songer, Susan; & Clyde Curley (eds) / Portland Collection, Vol. 2, Portland Collection, Fol (2005), p 73 (Gonna Climb Them Golden Stairs)
Levenson, Dan. Light of the Moon, Buzzard 2001, CD (1997), trk# 4 (Climbing the Golden Stairs)
New North Carolina Ramblers. Cotton Mill Blues, Old Blue CD 703, CD (2007), trk# 23
Wear, DeWayne; and the Great Wear Family. Hoe Down! Vol. 4, Rural Rhythm RR 121, LP (197?), trk# 23
Climbing Up the Golden Stairs/Stair [Me III-B16] - Heiser, E. (Monroe H. Rosenfeld)

Mf - Riding on the/de Cable Car
Pb - Teaming Up the Cariboo Road
Ford, Ira W. / Traditional Music in America, Folklore Associates, Bk (1965/1940), p 38b
Ford, Ira W. / Traditional Music in America, Folklore Associates, Bk (1965/1940), p283
Dalhart, Vernon; and Carson Robison. That Good Old Country Town, Old Homestead OHCS 198, LP (1990), trk# A.07 [1928/04/18]
Hall, Kenny. Gray, Vykki M,; and Kenny Hall / Kenny Hall's Music Book, Mel Bay, Sof (1999), p230
Hawker, Ginny; and Tracy Schwarz. Draw Near, Rounder 0543-2, CD (2004), trk# 7
Ollinger, Katherine. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume II, Songs of the South and ..., Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p387/#301 [1941/12/21]
Sodbusters. Lair, John (ed.) / 100 WLS Barn Dance Favorites, Cole, fol (1935), p84 (Climbing the Golden Stairs)

"Climbing Up The Golden Stairs": The Happy Four (Issued: January 1928) is at Honkingduck.

OTHER NAMES: "Climbing the Golden Stairs"

RELATED TO: Walk Dem Golden Stairs - JD Sumner (Gaither Homecoming)

SOURCES: Meade [Me III-D 68];

NOTES: "Climbing Up the Golden Stairs" is a public domain Jubilee song written by F. Heiser in 1884 that was recorded by many of the early country musicians in the 1920s and several gospel quartets. A different "Climbing Up the Golden Stairs" by C.A. White in 1873 appears in a Folio, Volumes 8-11 (National University of Singapore- School of Architecture). It begins "Birdie sing no more tonight, now..." and uses "Climbing up the golden stairs" at the end of the verses and choruses. The song is about the death of a child. A similar song to Heiser's is "Gwine to Climb de Golden Stairs" which was written in 1880 is also included below.

The 1931 Journal of American Folklore, Volume 44‎ reports in an article about Negro Songs from Georgia that the minstrel text runs:

"Old Satan, he's a dandy;
He'll not feed you on mixed candy,
When you're climbing up the golden stairs.
Brimstone is good enough,
No tobacco, beer, nor snuff,
When you're climbing up the golden stairs."

"Climbing the golden stairs" is an old phrase adn it's frequently link to the golden slippers: 


When I go up that golden stair
Them golden slippers I am gwine to wear,
And all my friends will be waiting there
When I go up that golden stair.

That golden stair, that golden stair,
When I go up that golden stair,
Them golden slippers I am gwine to wear
When I go up that golden stair.

Moses will be waiting there
And Canaan show its face so fair,
And them golden slippers I am gwine to wear
When I go up that golden stair.

That golden stair, that golden stair,
When I go up that golden stair,
Them golden slippers I am gwine to wear
When I go up that golden stair.

Californian Illustrated Magazine, Volume 1 By Charles Frederick Holder 1892: Of "burnt cork " origin is probably the following, also obtained in the South:

What kind of shoes do the angels wear.
That they can climb up the golden stair,
And walk all around till they reach the very top.
Then shake down nickels in 'the missionary box'.
Say, angel—meet me at the crossroad, meet me.
Angel, meet me at the crossroad, meet me;
Angel, meet me at the crossroad, meet me;
 For I'se gwine to pay no toll.

The following version from 1911 JOAFL was collected by E.C. Perrow. It shows some of the evolution from F. Heiser's 1884 version. The chorus is identical:

92. DON'T YOU HEAR THEM BELLS A-RINGIN'? 1911 JOAFL EC Perrow- A probable variation of " In the Evening by the Moonlight" is scarcely recognizable. The song is thoroughly mixed with the old spiritual; the result is a song without individuality.

CHORUS: Don't you hear them bells a-ringin'?
How sweet, I do declare!
Don't you hear them *old folks singin',
Climbin' up the golden stairs?

Oh, Peter was so wicked,
Climbin' up the golden stairs,
When I asked him for a ticket,
Climbin' up the golden stairs.

If you think he is a fool,
 Climbin' up the golden stairs,
He will treat you mighty rude,
Climbin' up the golden stairs.

A newer version from the mid-1900s is "Walk Dem Golden Stairs," a different related song (by Cully Holt?), that was performed by Elvis and is featured in a Youtube video: JD Sumner (Gaither Homecoming)

Ballad Index- Climbing Up the Golden Stairs
DESCRIPTION: Advice for getting into heaven. The listener is warned against bribing Peter, and is told of the sights on the Golden Stairs. Chorus: "Then hear them bells a-ringing, 'Tis sweet I do declare, To hear the *old folks singing, Climbing up the golden stairs."
AUTHOR: unknown (credited on Kanawha Singers recording to "Heiser")
EARLIEST DATE: 1928 (recordings, Vernon Dalhart et al, Kanawha Singers)
KEYWORDS: religious music Bible clergy
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Randolph 301, "Climbin' Up the Golden Stairs" (1 text)
Roud #7779
Vernon Dalhart & Carson J. Robison w. Adelyne Hood, "Climbing up de Golden Stairs" (Conqueror 7176, 1928)
Frank Welling & John McGhee, "Climbing Up the Golden Stairs" (Champion 15567, 1928)
Kanawha Singers, "Climbing Up de Golden Stairs" (Brunswick 205, 1928)
[John Wallace "Babe"] Spangler & [Dave] Pearson, "Climbing Up the Golden Stairs" (OKeh, unissued, 1929)
cf. "Ridin' on de Cable Car" (tune)

New York : T.B. Harms & Co., c1884.

1. Come, all you little *sinners,
Now watch your cues and figures,
    Climbing up de golden stairs.
If they think you are a dude,
They will treat you rather rude,
    Climbing up de golden stairs.
Ole Peter looked so wicked
When I ask'd him for a ticket,
    Climbing up de golden stairs.
At the sight of half a dollar,
He will grab you by the collar
    And fire you up de golden stairs.

CHORUS: Then hear them bells a-ringing!
'Tis sweet, I do declare.
Oh, hear them *old folks singing,
    Climbing up de golden stairs.

2. Old Satan's not the dandy
To feed you on mix'd candy,
    Climbing up de golden stairs,
But he'll give you brimstone hot,
And he'll choke you on de spot,
    Climbing up de golden stairs.
They'll lock you in the stable,
Make you fight for Cain and Abel,
    Climbing up de golden stairs.
Old man Adam and his wife
Will be there with drum and fife,
    And march you up de golden stairs.

3. Go tell the Jersey Lily
The sights would knock her silly,
    Climbing up de golden stairs;
And tell John L. Sullivan,
He must be a better man,
    If he'd climb de golden stairs.
Bob Ingersoll's respected,
But is bound to be rejected,
    Climbing up de golden stairs.
Oh, you bet he'll kick and yell
When they fire him into—well,
    Climbing up de golden stairs.

GWINE TO CLIMB DE GOLDEN STAIRS- Words and Music, Charles A. Williams, 1880 Dedicated to the peerless comedian, Geo. Wilson, the greatest of all end songs.
As sung by Geo. Wilson and Charley Yale. Geo. D. Newhall & Co., Publishers, Cinncinnati (also Ditson, NY, etc.), 1880.

Solo: Oh! my dear sister Lu, put away my little shoes,
Chorus: I gwine to climb de golden stairs.
Solo: Put a chunk ob hair grease in my ole valise,
Chorus: I gwine to start up so early in de morn!

Solo: Gabriel gwine to blow de horn, jes' as sure as you are born,
Chorus: I gwine to climb de golden stairs!
Solo: I gwine to git in de gate an' 'fore it gits too late
Chorus: I gwine to start up so early in de morn!

Chorus (sop., alto, ten., bass.)
Oh! I gwine to heah sweet music ringin',
Den I'll curl my silken hair
I gwine to see black angels singin',
When I climb de golden stairs!

2. Solo: Gib my ole white beaver to my dear brudder Weaver
Chorus : I gwine to climb de golden stairs.
Solo: Hang my ole banjo on de kitchen door,
Chorus: I gwine to start up so early in de morn!

Solo: Case I don't want to grumble, for my foot might stumble,
Chorus: I gwine to climb de golden stairs!
Solo: I gwine to feel mighty proud, when I pass free de clouds,
Chorus: I gwine to start up so early in de morn!

Chorus: Oh! I gwine to hear sweet music ringin';
Den I'll curl my silken hair
I gwine to see black angels singin',
When I climb de golden stairs!

3. Solo: Gwine take a 'lectric lamp, for to light me to de camp,
Chorus: I gwine to climb de golden stairs,
Solo: Tell my brudders I'm a-gwine by de new airline,
Chorus: I gwine to start up so early in de morn!
Solo: Gwine to jine de angel ban' in dat happy lan'
Chorus: I gwine to climb de golden stairs!
Solo: I gwine to wear my silken gown an' my golden crown,
Chorus: I gwine to start up so early in de morn!

Chorus: Oh! I gwine to heah sweet music ringin',
Den I'll curl my silken hair
I gwine to see black angels singin',
When I climb de golden stairs!

CLIMBING UP THE WHITE HOUSE STAIRS- Parody, c. 1884, Grover Cleveland Campaign. This political parody persisted in folk form, probably used to satirize people at a dance or party. Sung by Mrs. Van Iderstine, Alabama, 1953.

Oh, the fourth of March is coming,
And the cannons will be bumming,
Climbing up the White House Stairs.
Cleveland will be there
To occupy the chair,
Oh, climbing up the White House Stairs.

Chorus: Oh, hear those bells a-ringing,
'Tis sweet, I do declare,
To hear those girls a-singing,
Climbing up the White House Stairs.

Artemisia is a great sneezer,
Takes a smart man to tease her,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
She wears such tight sleeves,
Makes the boys get on their knees,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Beulah is a cooler,
Takes a sharper one to fool her,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
She can compose,
But she hasn't any beaus,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Gladys is very small,
And can outdance them all,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
But mind what she's about,
Someone will cut her out,
As she climbs up the White House stairs.

Next comes Uselel,
To whom the boys will kneel,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
Her eyes are very bright,
You can see them in the night,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Helena has been round
On the Exposition ground,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
She has a great many bangles,
But one of them don't dangle,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Hattie Sibley's little curl
Will make the boys whirl,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
She lost her little bell,
And where she can tell,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Florence has a beau
But thinks we don't know,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
She goes to and fro,
And she's not so very slow,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Annie is very nice,
And as sweet as any spice,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
If she hasn't any beau,
She will get one I know,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Hattie plays well
Because she has a bell,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
But it hasn't any clapper,
And that's what's the matter,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Edna is very gay,
We meet her on the way,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
She has a little band
That just fits her hand,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

Elodia comes last
And holds them all fast,
Climbing up the White House stairs.
She is quite a poet,
I want you all to know it,
Climbing up the White House stairs.

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