City Called Heaven- Jessye Norman

City Called Heaven, A
Spiritual- Marian Anderson, 1941

City Called Heaven/Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow/Tossed and Driven

Traditional Spiritual

ARTIST: Spiritual from Marian Anderson; Chicago in 1941


YOUTUBE: Anderson

Mahalia Jackson:

CATEGORY: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel

DATE: 1800s; Folk Songs of the American Negro- John Work 1907

RECORDING INFO: City Called Heaven

Norman, Jessye  from the CD "Amazing Grace"
Wilson, Olly . A City Called Heaven     A City Called Heaven  
Caesar, Shirley . A City Called Heaven    A City Called Heaven  
Jackson, Mahalia . Journey To Heaven A City Called Heaven     
Langston Hughes: Heaven: The City Called Heaven  Arna Bontemps  An Anthology of     African American Poetry for Young People  
Reese, Carlton.  Lest We Forget, Vol. 2: Birmingham, Alabama, 1963 - Mass Meeting  
City Called Heaven  
Toppin, Louise .  He'll Bring It to Pass City Called Heaven    
Atlanta Boy Choir. Over Jordan; City Called Heaven      
Bryan, Courtney.  Quest for Freedom;  City Called Heaven   
Williams, Marion.  City Called Heaven    Remember Me  
Roscoe, Glenn. From The Heart City Called Heaven   
Thompson, Deborah.  Lift Every Voice And Sing City Called Heaven   
Debarge, Mama. On My Knees   City Called Heaven (Feat. Darrien Jordan) 
Kahane, Jeffrey. Jeffrey Kahane  Live From The Spoleto Festival 1987  City Called Heaven     
American Voices. American Voices Around the World City Called Heaven     
Johns, Stephen .  Seven Songs  City Called Heaven   
Porter, Cheryl .  Gospel   City Called Heaven    
Ruby, Elzy. City called Heaven  Ruby Elzy  (1935-1942)  
Braff, Ruby. Duets, Vol. 2  A City Called Heaven      
Price, Leontyne.  Spirituals, Hymns and Sacred Songs   A City Called Heaven  
Heston, Charlton.  Reads From The Life & Passion Of Jesus Christ  Heard Of A City Called Heaven    
Hall Johnson Choir  I've Heard Of A City Called Heaven   1940s Vocal Groups Vol. 2 (1940-1945)  
 Two Spirituals for Soprano and Orchestra: A City called Heaven  Moores School Symphony Orchestra  An American Voice 
Marian Anderson. Spirituals;   City Called Heaven         
Angela Brown.  Mosaic;  City Called Heaven   
Sledge, Aaron . Aaron Sledge; City Called Heaven     
Toronto Children's Chorus  A Song For All Seasons  City Called Heaven   
Price, Eudora. My Favorite Songs and Spirituals  City Called Heaven   
English-Robinson, Laura.  Let It Shine!  City Called Heaven   
Thompson, Billy.  From The Heart...  City Called Heaven  
Sykes, Jubilant.  Jubilant A City Called Heaven  
Malin, Touch. Somebody's Life A City Called Heaven    
RECORDING INFO: Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow/ Tossed and Driven [Me III-C 40]

At - Poor Pilgrim
Rm - Banks of the Lea/Lee
Beck, I. D.. Southern Journey. Vol. 4: Brethren, We Meet Again, Rounder 1704, CD (1997), trk# 21 [1959/09/06]
Bluestein Family. Sowing on the Mountain, Fretless 141, LP (1979), trk# B.04 (Poor Pilgrim)
Duvall, Leone. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume IV, Religous Songs and Others, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p 43/#610A [1926/11/04] (Tossed and Driven)
Reed, Mrs. Allie. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume IV, Religous Songs and Others, Univ. of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p 44/#610B [1930/01/17] (Tossed and Driven)
Ritchie, Jean. Sweet Rivers, June Appal JA 037, LP (1981), trk# A.01

RECORDING INFO: I'm a Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow

 Heavenly Gospel Singers. Birmingham Quartet Anthology. Jefferson County Alabama (1926-53), Clanka Lanka CL 144,001/002, LP (1980), trk# D.05 [1944ca]

Phillips Wonders. Art of Field Recording, Vol. 1, Dust to Digital DTD 08, CD( (2007), trk# 2.18b [1976/05] 

OTHER NAMES: "Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow," "Poor Pilgrim" "I'm a Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow"
"Tossed and Driven" "Tryin' To Make Heaven My Home"

RELATED TO: Man of Constant Sorrow; Banks of the Lea/Lee "Trampin', Trampin',"

SOURCES: Folk Songs of the American Negro John Work 1907

NOTES: "City Called Heaven" is one title of the widely known traditional spiritual, "Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow."  This version is Jessye Norman from the CD "Amazing Grace."
Marian Anderson (link above) and Mahalia Jackson (link above) do similar versions (only two verses) with piano/organ acccompaniment. The song, found in both white and black sources, has many variants and titles including these from the Roud Index (ROUD #5425):

POOR PILGRIM- Jackson, Down-East Spirituals (2nd edn., 1953) pp.70-72
"I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow . . . "

POOR PILGRIM OF SORROW- Beck, I.D. & Congregation / Rounder CD 1704 (`Southern Journey 4: Brethren We Meet Again')

TOSSED AND DRIVEN- Brown, North Carolina Folklore 3 (1952) p.676
"Father said to me when dying . . ."

PILGRIM OF SORROW- Gainer, Folk Songs from the West Virginia Hills pp.192-193
"I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow . . ."

POOR PILGRIM- Jackson, White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands pp.270-272
"I am a poor wayfaring stranger . . ."
(previous source: Dett, Religious Folk-Songs of the Negro

POOR PILGRIM OF SORROW- Mount Olivat Regular Baptist Church / New World NW 294 ('Gospel Ship') "I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow . . ."

TOSSED AND DRIVEN- Randolph, Ozark Folk Songs 4 pp.43-45 (version a)
"Sometimes I'm tossed an' driven . . ."

TOSSED AND DRIVEN- Randolph, Ozark Folk Songs 4 pp.43-45 (version b)
"I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow . . ."

I INTEND TO MAKE HEAVEN MY HOME- Macon, Songs & Stories of Uncle Dave Macon (1938) No.8 "I've been thinking today of my old home . . ."

I STARTED TO MAKE HEAVEN MY HOME- Solomon, Honey in the Rock (1991) p.30
"Sometime I'm boasted, tosst, en driven . . ."

I STARTED TO MAKE HEAVEN MY HOME- Ruby Pickens Tartt Collection (Univ. West Alabama, Livingston) Series 9 Box 4 folder K-8 item 51
"Sometime I'm boasted, toasted en driven . . ."

POOR PILGRIM- Meade, Country Music Sources (2002) p.590

I AM A POOR PILGRIM OF SORROW- Williams, Mrs. Martha / Library of Congress recording 1024 A1

The song has been traced back to 1890 by Randolph and seems to have originated as a white gospel song in the mid-1800s. The first African-American version is "I'm striving to make it my home" in 1927 edition by Dett.

Poor Pilgrim- Sung by Mrs. Eva Evans, coll. by R. N. Dett, p. 169, "Religious Folk-Songs of the Negro, 1927 ed. (not in previous editions).

I am a poor wayfaring stranger
I sometimes know not where to roam
I heard of a city called heaven
I'm striving to make it my home.

Sometimes I'm both tossed and driven,
I sometimes know not where to roam,
I heard of a ciy called heaven,
I'm striving to make it my home.

My friends and relations forsake me,
And troubles roll round me so high,
I thought of the kind voice of Jesus
Saying, "Poor pilgrim, I'm always nigh."

TOSSED AND DRIVEN- (Randolph 610B, c. 1890)- Coll. from Arkansas, 1930; The contributor, Mrs. Reed, says that her parents sang it in church about 1890. Randolph, Vance, 1946-1950 reprinted 1980, "Ozark Folksongs," vol. 4, 610B, pp. 44-45. A partial score is given for version A, from Pineville, MO, c. 1895

1. I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow,
I am left in this wide world to roam,
I have no hope of tomorrow,
I've started to make Heaven my home.

2. Sometimes I'm so tossed an' driven,
Sometimes I know not where to roam,
I've heard of a city called Heaven,
I've started to make it my home.

3. I've left my wife and dear children,
To preach wherever I'm called,
To work for my dear Savior,
He has promised to take me in.

4. My mother has reached that bright city,
My father's still walkin' in sin,
My brothers and sisters won't own me,
Because I am tryin' to get in.

5. The old ship is now fast approachin',
The captain is calling my name,
I'm lookin' for my dear Savior,
Who promised to take me in.

Traditional Ballad Index: Tossed and Driven (The Poor Pilgrim)
DESCRIPTION: "I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow, I am left in this wide world to roam... I've started to make Heaven my home." "Sometimes I'm so tossed and driven. Sometimes I know not where to roam." The singer has left his family; after death he hopes to see them again
AUTHOR: unknown
KEYWORDS: religious death travel
REFERENCES (1 citation): Randolph 610, "Tossed and Driven" (2 texts, 1 tune)
cf. "I Am a Pilgrim"
Notes: This song instantly made me think of "Man of Constant Sorrow," and also of "Wayfaring Stranger," but I cannot tell if there is any connection. And "pilgrim" songs all sound alike somehow. - RBW

George Pullen Jackson, who collected a version titled "Poor Pilrgrim" compares it to the folk song "The Banks of the Lera" which begins:

When first in this country a stranger,
Curiosity caused me to roam;
Over Europe I resolved to be a ranger,
When I left Philadelphia my home."

Tryin' to Make Heaven My Home- Jean Ritchie: "Has an Old Regular Baptist tune, sung slowly and decorated. Very beautiful!"

I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow,
Cast out in this wide world to roam;
I have no hope for the morrow,
I'm trying to make Heaven my home.

Cho: Sometime I'm tossed and driven-
    I know not where to roam.
    I've heard of a city called Heaven, and
    I've started to make it my home.

A CITY CALLED HEAVEN- Marian Anderson 1941

slowly- very adlib in minor key; Vocal with piano accompaniment

I am a poor pilgrim...., of sorrow
And I'm left in, this whole wide world, I'm left in this wide world alone.
I..., have, no hope for tomorrow,
But I...,  I've started..... to make heaven... my.... home.

Well..., sometimes..., I am tossed, and sometimes, I am driven Lord...,
Sometimes, oh... I don't know where I can roam I can roam
But I've heard, of a city called heaven...,
And I..., I've started, to make heaven, my home, my home.

CITY CALLED HEAVEN- Jessye Norman from the CD "Amazing Grace"

I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow
I've come to this great land alone
I've heard of a city called heaven
And I've started to make heaven my home.

Sometimes I'm tossed and driven
Sometimes I don't know where to roam
But I've heard of a cith called heaven
And I've started to make heaven my home.

My mother has reached that pure glory
My father still walkin' in sin
My brothers and sisters don't own me
'Cause I'm tryin' to make it on in.

Sometimes I'm tossed and driven
Sometimes I don't know where to roam
But I've heard of a city called heaven
And I've started to make heaven my home.

Sometimes I'm tossed and driven
Sometimes I don't know where to roam
But I've heard of a city called heaven
And I've started to make heaven my home.


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