Christians Hold Your Light- EkinsPayne Singers

Christians, Hold Your Light
  Ekins-Payne Jubilee Singers

Christians Hold Your Light

SEE ALSO: Christians Hold Out Your Light

Traditional Spiritual

Ekins-Payne Jubilee Singers


DATE: Probably 1800s; 1923-1929

: Traditional and Public Domain Gospel

RECORDING INFO: Christians, Hold Your Light

OTHER NAMES: "Hold Your Light"

RELATED TO: "Christians, Hold Out Your Light"

SOURCES: Songs of Pentecostal Power- Robert Emmet Winsett; No. 33 
Kentucky Folklore Record, Volumes 21-22‎ - Page 16 Kentucky Folklore Society 1975

NOTES: "Christians Hold Your Light" is a traditional gospel song by the Ekins-Payne Jubilee Singers in the 1920s that is possibly based on the traditional folk hymn "Hold Out your Light of God" or "Hold Out Your Light." Winsett published a version in his 1908 Songs of Pentecostal Power. He probably wrote the verses to go along with the traditional chorus.


We read scribes and pharisees
who sit at Moses feet
who are partial in the word of God
But their works are not complete.

CHORUS: Christians hold out your light
Christians hold out your light
Christians hold out your light
Hold out the light of God

Hold Out Your Light of God- collected from Ebbert Wedding of the Concord community. Kentucky Folklore Record, Volumes 21-22‎ - Page 16 Kentucky Folklore Society 1975

Chorus: Hold out your light,
Christians, hold out your light.
Hold out your light of God.

Second Verse: (Dan) (Tate) prays a pretty prayer before he goes to bed
Because he stole (Bob) (Potter's) pretty buggy spread.
I'm going to live with God!

CHRISTIANS HOLD YOUR LIGHT- Ekins-Payne Jubilee Singers 1923-29

CHORUS: Christians hold your light
Christians hold your light.
Christians hold your light,
Let your light shine over the world.


I'm a- walkin' in the sun (let you light shine over)
I'm a- walkin' in the sun (let you light shine over)
I'm a- walkin' in the sun (let you light shine over)
Let your light shine over the world


I'm a- walkin' in the dark (let you light shine over)
I'm a- walkin' in the dark (let you light shine over)
I'm a- walkin' in the dark (let you light shine over)
Let your light shine over the world

CHORUS: Deacons hold your light
Deacons hold your light.
Deacons hold your light
Let your light shine over the world

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