Careless Soul- James H. Stan­ley 1909

Careless Soul

"Prepare To Meet Thy God" James H. Stan­ley, 1909

Careless Soul/Prepare To Meet Thy God

Public Domain Old-Time, Bluegrass Gospel; Words & Music: James H. Stan­ley, 1909

ARTIST:  As sung by Ollie Gilbert, Mountain View, Arkansas on August 31, 1971
Missouri State University; Max Hunter Folk Song Collections;  


CATEGORY: Traditional Bluegrass Gospel;

DATE: Words & Music: James H. Stan­ley, 1909

RECORDING INFO: McClendon Brothers and Georgia Dell on Decca Label 1938;

"Prepare To Meet Thy God," 


SOURCES: Lusk Chapel Baptist Church on-line info; cyberhymnal

NOTES: "Careless Soul" or "Prepare To Meet Thy God" is a hymn written by James H. Stan­ley in 1909.  The song was collected from Ollie Gilbert, Mountain View, Arkansas on August 31, 1971 and appears in the Max Hunter Folk Song Collections.

The song was also sung at the Lusk Chapel Baptist Church in Madison County, NC during the tenure of preacher B.B. (Doc) Plemmons from 1919-1921 and 1923-1925:
"Doc Plemmons taught singing schools at Lusk Chapel, where a person would learn the old "Shape Note" type of singing. In the early years Lusk Chapel had no piano or organ and they would not allow string instruments of any kind in the church. They would give the pitch with a tuning fork, and would sing songs such as "Camp A Little While In The Wilderness", "Careless Soul", "Look Away Beyond The Blue", "In The Sweet Bye And Bye", "Wayfaring Stranger", "I Will Arise And Go To Jesus", "Beautiful Home Sweet Home", "Away Over In The Promised Land", and "I Am A Pilgram Of Sorrow". Songs were sung without accompaniment. Lusk Chapel like a lot of the other little country churches would have "All Day Singings" and dinner on the grounds."

Careless Soul- from Ollie Gilbert, Mountain View, Arkansas on August 31, 1971 
Max Hunter Folk Song Collections

Careless soul, why will you linger
Wanderin' from th fold of God
Hear you not the invitation
Come prepared to meet thy God

Careless soul, O heed thy warning
For you life will soon be gone
O, how sad to face th judgement
Unprepared to meet thy God

Why so thoughtless are you standin'
While th fleeting years go by
An' you see your sad condition
Unprepared to meet thy God

If you spurn th invotation
Till th spirit shall depart
Then you'll see your sad condition
Unprepared to meet thy God

PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD- Words & Music: James H. Stan­ley, 1909 
“Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12

Careless soul, why will you linger?
Wandering from the fold of God?
Hear you not the invitation?
O prepare to meet thy God.

Refrain: Careless soul, O heed the warning,
For your life will soon be gone;
O how sad to face the judgment
Unprepared to meet thy God.

Why so thoughtless are you standing
While the fleeting years go by,
And your life is spent in folly?
O prepare to meet thy God.


Hear you not the earnest pleadings
Of your friends that wish you well?
And perhaps before tomorrow
You’ll be called to meet your God.


If you spurn the invitation
Till the Spirit shall depart,
Then you’ll see your sad condition,
Unprepared to meet thy God.



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