Bowes of London- Eliz St. Clair (Edin) c.1770

Bowes of London- Eliz St. Clair (Edin) c.1770

[This may be oldest version with the same chorus. Copied as written from Transactions and Journal of Proceedings - Page 76, 77; Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society - 1936.

The title is obviously not a good one for there are "three sisters." I'm assuming the title "The Twa Sisters" has been attached by an editor and the text is by Elizabeth St. Clair of Edinburgh about 1770 who compiled the Mansfield Manuscripts.

R. Matteson 2018]

Bowes of London (Twa Sisters)- compiled by Elizabeth St. Claire of Edinburgh around 1770. The second and fourth lines of the first verse are given in a contracted form in verses 2-21.

1 There lived three sisters in a Bower
Heigh & a gay & a grounding
There came a knight to court them there
At the bonny bowes of London

2 He eourted the Eldest with a knife
But he loved the youngest as his life

3 The Eldest to the Youngest said
Will Ye go our fathers ships to see

4. But when they came to the seaside
The Eldest she the youngest betray'd

5. O set your foot upon yon stone
And reach me up my gay gold ring

6. She's set her foot upon yon stone
And she gave her a shoot & she's faen in

7. O sister tak me by the hand
And ye's get a my fathers land

8. O sister tak me by the glove
And ye'se get William to be your love.

9. I will not tak ye by the hand
For I ken Ill be heir of my fathers land

10 I will not tak ye by the glove
For I ken Ill get William to be my love

11. O aye she sank & aye she swam
Untill she came to yon Mill Dam

12 The millar came out wi' his lang Cleek
He thought to gripe her by the feet

13. He could nae gripe her by the feet
Her silken shoes they were sae, weet

14. He gat her griped by & by
And he laid her on a Dyke to dry

15. Her fathers fidler coming by
She spake unto him & did say

16. Gie my service to my father King
And likewise to my mother Queen

17. Gie mv service to my Brother John
And likewise to my true love William

18. Gie my service to my sister Ann
And gar burn my sister Alison

19. When he to the gates did come
The fiddle began to play its lane

20. Gie my service to my father King
And likewise to my mother Queen

21. Gie my service to my brother John
And likewise to, my true love William

22 Gie my service to my sister Ann
Heigh & a gay & a grounding
But gar burn my sister Alison
At the bonny bowes of London

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