Binorie- Mary McWilliam (Aber) 1905 McDonald/Carpenter

Binorie- Mary McWilliam (Aber) 1905 McDonald/Carpenter

[From James Madison Carpenter Collection, JMC/1/4/Q, p. 07736. Inconsistent dialect. This is not a version found in the published Greig-Duncan Collection which has 17 versions A-Q.

R. Matteson 2018]

"Binorie" from Duncan's MSS sung by Mary McWilliam, Grange, 1905, taken down by Jeanie McDonald of Alford.

1    There lived two sisters in yonder ha',
      Binorie, O an' Binorie,
They hid bet a lad atween then twa,
   He's the bonnie mullert lad o Binorie.

2    It fell aince upon a day
      Binorie, O an' Binorie,
That the auldest ane to the youngest did say,
   At the bonnie milldam o Binorie:

3.   "Oh sister, oh sister will ye gang to the brooms,
       Binorie, O an' Binorie,
Till they thrice heard the black birdie changing its tune,
   An' see the mullert lad o Binorie?

4.   They hadna been half an hour at the brooms,
      Binorie, O an' Binorie,
Till they thrice heard the black birdie changin its tune,
At the boonie mulldams o Binorie?

5.   They hadna been an hour at the dams,
      Binorie, O an' Binorie,
Till they saw their father's fish boats on dry land,
   But they saw nae the bonnie mullert lad o Binorie.

6.   The youngest one stood on a stane,
      Binorie, O an' Binorie,
The auldest ane dang the youngest in,
To the bonnie mulldams o Binorie."

7.   She swam up, an' she swam down,
    Binorie, O an' Binorie,
Till she swam back to her sister again,
In the bonnie mulldams o Binorie."

8.   "Oh sister, Oh sister, will ye reach me yer glove,
       Binorie, O an' Binorie,
An' I'll make ye heir o my truelove,
The bonnie mullert lad o Binorie."

9.   "It wisna for that that I dang ye in,
      Binorie, O an' Binorie,
It's because ye are fair, an' I am din,
   An' ye'll droon in the dams o Binorie."

10.   Oot cam the auld mullert's daughter to the dams,
      Binorie, O an' Binorie,
For water to wash her father's hands,
Frae the bonnie mulldams o Binorie.

11.  "Oh father, Oh father, go a-fishing in your dams,
      Binorie, O an' Binorie,
For there's either a mermaid or a milk-white swan,
    In the bonnie mulldams o Binorie."

12.  They socht up, an' they socht down,
    Binorie, O an' Binorie,
But they got naething but a droon'd woman,
    In the bonnie mulldams o Binorie."

13.  Some o them kent her by her skin so fair,
      Binorie O an' Binorie,
Bet weel kent the mullert by her bonnie yellow hair,
She's the mullert's bonnie lass o Binorie.

14.  Some o them kent her by her goon o silk,
      Binorie O an' Binorie,
Bet the mullert laddie ken her by her middle so jimp,
'Twas his ane bonnie lass o Binorie.

15.  Mony a ane was at her oot-takin',
   Binorie, O an' Binorie,
An' mony ane muir at her grave makin';
    At the bonnie mulldams o Binorie.

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