The Outlandish Knight- Kilburn (KY) 1917; Sharp MS; Bronson 113

The Outlandish Knight- Kilburn (KY) 1917; Sharp MS; Bronson 113

[From Sharp MS; Bronson 113; leaving the generic title for now, this version uses the Lord Lovel extended last line.

R. Matteson 2011, 2014]

Go bring to me your father's gold
And some of yr. brother's fee,
And the two best horses in your father's stable (stall)
Where now stands thirty and three, three, three,
Where now stands thirty and three.


T:The Outlandish Knight
T:Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight
O:Sharp MSS., 3774/. Sung by Mrs. Maud Kilburn, Berea,
O:Ky., May 3I, I9I7.
K:G % could also be Ador
G | A A d3 e | c A G3 G |
w:Go bring to me your fath-er's gold And
[M:2/2] A A/A/ d d | A3 A/A/ | [M:3/2] B B A2-A/A/ G/E/ |
w:some of yr. broth-er's fee, And the two best hors-*es in your
D E F3 B | A3 B A/A/ E |
w:fath-er's stable Where now stands thir-ty and
D E G3 B | A3 B A/A/ E | D2-D2 z |]
w:three, three, three, Where now stands thir-ty and three.
W:Go bring to me your father's gold
W:And some of yr. brother's fee,
W:And the two best horses in your father's stable (stall)
W:Where now stands thirty and three, three, three,
W:Where now stands thirty and three.

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