Rosemary and Thyme- Miss Annie Byers, Perryville, Ohio; from Mary O. Eddy, 1939, "Ballads and Songs from Ohio"; Bronson 39.
ROSEMARY AND THYME- Miss Annie Byers, Perryville, Ohio. The Elfin Knight, A, with music, in Mary O. Eddy, 1939, "Ballads and Songs from Ohio," pp. 3-4.

"When you go down to yonder town,
Rosemary and thyme,
Send my respects to that young man,
And he shall be a true lover of mine.
"Go tell him to buy six acres of land
Between salt water and sea sand.
"Go tell him to plant six acres of corn
And harrow it with a mooley cow's horn.
"Go tell him to cut it with a sickle of leather,
And haul it in with a pea fowl's feather.
"Go tell him to thresh it against the wall,
And do not let one grain of it fall.
"Go tell him to take it to yonder mill,
And each kernel of corn shall one bag fill.
"Go tell him that when his work is done
To come to me with the kernel of corn."
"When you go down to yonder town,
Rosemary and thymee,
Send my respects to that young maid,
And she shall be a true lover of mine.
"Go tell her to make me a cambric shirt
Without one stitch of needle work.
"Go tell her to wash it in yonder well
Where water never rose and rain never fell.
"Go tell her that when she has done her work,
To come to me with that cambric shirt."
T:Rosemary and Thyme
T:The Elfin Knight
O:Eddy, 1939, pp. 3-4. Sung by Annie Byers, Perrysville,
O:Ohio; learned from relatives.
N:Child 2
K:G % Hexatonic ( -4) Lydian/Ionian
d | def g2 e | d2 B G3 | g3 def |
w:(O) When you go down to yon-der town, Rose-ma-ry and
g3-g2 D | G2 G B2 A | G2 E G2 G | G2 e dBG | ABA G2 |]
w:thyme,* Send my res-pects to that young man, And he shall be a true lov-er of mine.
W:"When you go down to yonder town,
W:Rosemary and thyme,
W:Send my respects to that young man,
W:And he shall be a true lover of mine."
W:"Go tell him to buy six acres of land
W:Between salt water and sea sand.
W:"Go tell him to plant ten acres of corn
W:And harrow it with a mooley cow's horn.
W:"Go tell him to cut it with a sickle of leather,
W:And haul it in with a pea fowl's feather.
W:"Go tell him to thresh it against the wall,
W:And do not let one grain of it fall.
W:"Go tell him to take it to yonder mill,
W:And each kernel of corn shall one bag fill.
W:"Go tell him that when his work is done
W:To come to me with the kernel of corn."
W:"When you go down to yonder town,
W:Rosemary and thyme,
W:Send my respects to that young maid,
W:And she shall be a true lover of mine.
W:"Go tell her to make me a cambric shirt
W:Without one stitch of needle work.
W:"Go tell her to wash it in yonder well
W:Where water never rose and rain never fell.
W:"Go tell her that when she has done her work,
W:To come to me with that cambric shirt."
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