As I Walked Out in Yonder Dell- Decrow (MA) 1894

As I Walked Out in Yonder Dell- Decrow (MA) 1894

[From: American Versions of the Ballad of the Elfin Knight in The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 7, No. 26 (Jul. - Sep., 1894), pp. 228-232.

I've added the title using the standard first line. This article, not attributed, was surely written by the editor William Wells Newell (1839 - 1907), a folklorist and author of  Games and Songs of American Children (1883, Mineola, N. Y.).

R. Matteson 2011; 2104]

A. THE words and the music of this version are contributed by Miss Gertrude Decrow, of Boston, in whose family the song has been traditional: -

                                         [As I Walked Out in Yonder Dell]

As I walked out in yonder dell,
Let ev'ry rose grow merry in time;
I met a fair damsel, her name it was Nell;
I said, "Will you be a true lover of mine?

I want you to make me a cambric shirt,
Let ev'ry rose grow merry in time;
Without any seam or needlework,
And then you shall be a true lover of mine.

"I want you to wash it on yonder hill,
Let ev'ry rose grow merry in time;
Where dew never was nor rain never fell,
And then you shall be a true lover of mine.

"I want you to dry it on yonder thorn,
Let ev'ry rose grow merry in time;
Where tree never blossomed since Adam was born,
And then you shall be a true lover of mine."

"And since you have asked three questions of me,
Let ev'ry rose grow merry in time;
And now I will ask as many of thee,
And then I will be a true lover of thine.

"I want you to buy me an acre of land,
Let ev'ry rose grow merry in time;
Between the salt sea and the sea sand,
And then I will be a true lover of thine.

"I want you to plough it with an ox's horn,
Let ev'ry rose grow merry in time;
And plant it all over with one kernel of corn,
And then I will be a true lover of thine.

"I want you to hoe it with a peacock's feather,
Let ev'ry rose grow merry in time;
And thrash it all out with the sting of an adder,
And then I will be a true lover of thine."

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