Lord Randall- pupil (NC) pre1943 Vaught; Brown D
[Brown Collection of NC Folklore, 1952, Vol 2 and Vol. 4. Brown editor's notes follow. Same title as Child which is rare.
R. Matteson 2014]
6. Lord Randal (Child 12)
Though not old, at least in English, Lord Randal is very widely known and sung; see BSM 24-5, and add to the references there given Cumberland (ETSC 96-9), Massachusetts (FSONE 191-3), North Carolina (FSRA 14), Tennessee (SFLQ XI 120-1), Florida (FSF 247-8), Arkansas (OFS I 64), Missouri (OFS I 64-7), Indiana (BSI 51-2), and Michigan (BSSM 35-6). There are four texts in the present collection.
D. 'Lord Randal.' Contributed by Mrs. R. C. Vaught; in pencil in a child's hand, probably set down by one of her pupils in the school at Taylorsville, Alexander county. The last four stanzas only.
1 'What do you will your father, Lord Randal, my son?
What do you will your father, my own dear one?'
'My land and my living; mother, make my bed soon.
For I am sick-hearted and fain would lie down.'
2 'What do you will your mother '
'Ten thousand gold guineas."
3 'What do you will your brother?'
'My coach and six horses.'
4 'What do you will your true love?'
'The rope and the galleries.'*
*For "gallows," of course. Probably a child's confusion of the two words.
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