Croodin Doo- Powell/Eskin (AZ) 1950 Bronson 101

Croodin Doo- Powell/Eskin (AZ) c.1950 Bronson 101

[From Bronson No. 101. Vol. 1, p. 225. This taken from a 78 disk by Sam Eskin, Sierra- Record FMI, 7. According to WorldCat, it's called "Sam Eskin; His Guitar," which has "Croodin Doo" backed by "Salt Horse."

It's hard to tell whether this is definitively traditional in the United Sates, for now I'll assume it is. Eskin traveled around the world recording folk material and could have recorded it anywhere. It was covered a cappella by Peggy Seeger, on Long Harvest, Vol. 1 (Child ballads) with the title: Croodin Doo (American), giving credence to the version being traditional (although not every ballad on Long Harvest is a cover of a traditional song).

R. Matteson 2014]

"Croodin Doo"- Sung by Desmond Powell, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. with Sam Eskin, guitar (?).

O where have you been all the livelong day
My little wee croodin doo?
I've been to see my grandmother,
Mammy, come make my bed soon.

And what did your grandmother give you to €at
My little wee croodin doo?
She gave to me a little fish,
Mammy, come make my bed soon.

And what did you do with the bones of the fish
My little wee croodin doo?
I gave them to my wee, wee dog,
Mammy, come mike my bed soon.

And what did your dog when he ate o'  the bones
My little wee croodin doo?
He laid his wee self down and died,
Mammy, come make my bed soon.


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