The House Carpenter- Bessie Green (NC) 1946 Abrams REC

The House Carpenter- Bessie Green (NC) 1946 Abrams REC

[My transcription. From a poor quality recording by Abrams in his collection. A similar, more complete, version was sung by (her mother?) Mrs. Beulah Green which was recorded on the same day;

R. Matteson 2016]

The House Carpenter- performed by Bessie Green. Recorded by Abrams on July 22, 1946.

"We've met, we've met, my own true love,
We've met, we've met," said she.
I'm just returning from [the] South, South sea,
It was all for the love of thee.

I could have married a king's daughter dear
And she would have married me.
But I have refused a crown of gold,
And it was all for the love of thee.

If you could have married a kings daughter fair,
And she would have married you
I'm sure that you are to blame[1].
For I am married to a house carpenter,
And I'm sure he's a fine young man.

I hadn't been on  sea not more than three weeks,
I am sure it was not four.
Until a leak [came] in the bottom of the ship,
It sank to rise no more.

1. she sings "be" the line before was added it seems by mistake.

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