Folk-Lore from Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida
By Portia Smiley
The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 32, No. 125 (Jul. - Sep., 1919), pp. 357-383
[This is an excerpt from a long article of folk-lore from southern states. The first song is a variant of Miss Liza Jane and Jawbone while the second has elements of Buck-Eyed Rabbit.]
FOLK-TALES (Two Songs)
[As a saving of time, this tale and the following tales, excepting Tales 3 and I9 and a variant of Tale 6, were dictated to the editor. - Compare Jamaica, P. C. Smith, Annancy Stories, No. 12 (New York, 1899); Grimm, Die Kluge Bauerstochter. - E. C. P.]
Den dey give a party for Brer Rabbit, an' Miss Meadows an' all de gals were dar. Brer Rabbit was in love with one of de Miss Meadows. Brer Nophy (Wolf) got his fiddle an' played dis tune:
Transcribed by Helen H. Roberts from a phonographic record.

Brer Rab-bit put on Brer Rab-bit's hat,
Brer Rab - bit took his coat an' spats,
Big eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, hoo!
Big eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, gal,
Pop eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, hoo!
O Miss Li - za Ja-ane!
I met Brer Rab - bit on de way,
I ask him where he gwine,
I t'ank your stars an' I bless my soul, I hunt fo' de musca-dine.'
Big eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, hoo!
Big eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, gal
Pop eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, hool
O Miss Li - za Ja - ane!
Jaw-bone walk-a, jaw-bone talk,
Jaw-bone ca-ter wid a knife an' fork.
Hang my jaw-bone on de fence,
I hab'n seen noth-in' of my jaw-bone sence.
Big eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, hoo!
Big eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, gal,
Big eye, Brer Rab-bit, hoo, hoo!
O Miss Li-za Ja-ane!
Recorded by Elizabeth D. Seymour. For bibliography see MAFLS 13 : 70 (note I).
I thought we'd serenade de girls to-night. I done told dem what a good bass-singer you is; we'll practise de song. I'll play de fiddle, and den we'll go under de window an' sing, an' den de ladies'll come out an' invite us in!" Brer Rabbit agreed, an' same night dey went up to Miss Kingdeer's house an' stood under de window. Brer Numphit (Wolf) chumin de fiddle, - plum, plum, plum! chan, chan, chan!

Brer Rab - bit is a trick - y man, and ev - ery - bod -y know.
Did you kill Miss King - deer's goat and ev - ery - bod -y know?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and ev - ery-bod -y know.
Rio Brer Rab - bit, Pop - eyed rab - bit, Buck - eye rab - bit, O!