Berea Fiddle Contests 1919- 1928

 Berea Fiddle Contests 1919-1928

 [There are some articles about the 1919 Berea Fiddle Contest followed by a list of players and tunes from 1919- 1928]

Berea Fiddle Contest, 1919

Berea Citizen ~ July 31, 1919

On Friday night, August 15, an Old Time Fiddlers' meeting will be held at the College Tabernacle. The man who fiddles best will receive a prize of Fifty Dollars; the man who plays second best will receive Thirty Dollars; the man who plays third best will receive Twenty Dollars.

Number of contestants limited to fifteen.

If you wish to enter this contest, write for particulars to

Berea, Kentucky

Berea Citizen ~ August 14, 1919
Old Time Fiddlers' Meeting

Berea, Ky., August 15, 1919
College Tabernacle
8:00 p.m.


1. Hiram Botner (Travelers Rest, Owsley County, Ky)
a) Billy in the Low Ground
b) Sugar in the Gourd
c) Calahan

2. E. L. Cox (Panola, Estill County, Ky)
a) Jurang's Hornpipe
b) Fisher's Hornpipe
c) Hornpipe (name forgotten)

3. M. A. Moody (Big Hill, Ky)
a) Walk Along John
b) Man Eater
c) Irish Gallop

4. Alec Lunsford (Burning Springs, Clay County, Ky)
a) Ways of the World
b) Hog Skin
c) Sallie Ann

5. Millard Ramsey (Manchester, Clay County, Ky)
a) Adeline
b) Black Nancy
c) Waynesburg

6. Dude Freeman (Owsley County, Ky)
a) Forked Deer
b) Waynesburg
c) Natchez Under the Hill

7. "Monkey" Jno. Gadd (Disputanta, Rockcastle County, Ky)
a) Calahan
b) Big Eared Mule
c) Fisher's Hornpipe

8. John Will Johnson (Big Hill, Ky)
a) Forked Deer
b) Blackjack Grove
c) Run, Nigger, Run

9. Bev Baker (Chavis, Perry County, Ky)
a) Ways of the World
b) Glory in the Meetin' House
c) Nigger Inch Along

10. E. L. Cooper (Bledsoe, Harlan County, Ky)
a) Cackling Hen
b) Parting Friends
c) Buck Creek

11. James Daugherty (Sand Gap, Jackson County, Ky)
a) Calahan
b) Licker All Gone
c) Arkansas Traveler

12. S. F. Wright (Hazard, Perry County, Ky)
a) Ways of the World
b) Cumberland Gap
c) The Last of Sizemore

13. Big Hiram Begley (Hell-fer-sartain, Leslie County, Ky)
a) Bonaparte's Retreat
b) Ways of the World
c) Pretty Polly

14. Anderson Bowling (Teges, Clay County, Ky)
a) Rocky Mountain
b) Cumberland Gap
c) Lost Girl

15. H. F. Green (Bell County, Ky)
a) Nigger Inch Along
b) Lost Girl
c) Sourwood Mountain


Berea Citizen ~ August 21, 1919
Old Fiddlers Night

Under the auspices of [the] Progress Club the people of Berea were given the greatest treat last Friday night that they have had in many moons. It was the Old Fiddlers' Contest, given for the benefit of the citizens of Berea and the Graded School—the money to go to the school and the fun to the folks.

Fifteen royal fiddlers, the pick of the covey, were in the ring. They were culled from the whole tribe of worshippers of the horse hair, from Pine Mountain and Hell-fer-Sartain to Joe's Lick and Pilot Knob. Berea turned out en merry masse to hear the fiddling, and they were not disappointed. No one except those whose musical sense has been revolutionized by a course in a conservatory could have failed to see the fun.

While the Tabernacle was being filled, Mrs. F. M. Livingood, with recitations and an invisible musician with cornet, flute and piccolo, entertained the audience. After some rearrangement of the program the music began.

Hiram Botner, an artist of the first water from the Sturgeon and Wild Dog country, set all the toes a-wiggle with "Billy in the Low Grounds." After that for more than two hours scarcely a foot could be kept still. E. L. Cox, who knows more hornpipes than a highland piper, followed with "Jurang's Hornpipe." Then came M. A. Moody, our neighbor from Big Hill, the man with the delicate touch and exquisite tone, who did the "Irish Gallop" as few can. Alec Lunsford, from Hog Skin Creek, a prince among the old-timers, who never plays a piece badly, touched a responsive chord in everybody's heart with that fine old fiddleized Negro Melody, "The Ways of the World."

By this time feet had begun to slow down a little, but were all set a-wiggle again in high glee by Millard Ramsey with the crack dance tune, "Adeline," on his famous Black Nancy. When the people of Clay want a fiddler with pep—and some of them are the finest dancers and the merriest ever—Millard is usually their choice—either Millard or Alec Lunsford.  Millard is a bit recless with Black Nancy, but the old instrument is a queen among fiddles, and when she speaks, corns cease to ache and a merry thrill creeps into every toe.

Dude Freeman appeared next and gave us "Forked Deer"—did it well, too. Dude wants no "fotch-on" fiddle, thank you, but made his own instrument. And he made a good one. It sounds better in the parlour than in a large hall for the tone lacks carrying power, but only a first class man could master a fiddle as good as that. Chester Thomas, second to "Monkey" John Gadd followed with "Waynesburg." Then came another neighbour, John Will Johnson, who flung out on "Forked Deer" on Old Bill Cates' fiddle. The jolly old instrument has caused more people to dance into a merry old age than any other in many miles around.

Bev Baker made all the old folks feel young again with that old favorite of our grandparents, "Nigger Inch Along." There came to my mind that splendid thought expressed in a homely way in one of the famous old Negro songs:

"Dar's an ole inch-worm des a-inchin' along,
'Des a inch at a time, but a inch at a time!
Dar's an ole inch-worm des a-inchin' along."

Chester Nolan, second to E. L. Cooper, from Big Splash Dam, on Buck Fork, sent all our thoughts to the barnyard with "Cacklin' Hen." James Daugherty made all the corns dream dreams of sweet peace with "Calahan." This is one of the famous shindig tunes of the countryside. Whenever a band of highland lads and lassies come together at a neighbor's house to go a-tripping it "Calahan" is most likely to be on the boards.

Doc Roberts, second to S. F. Wright, the man who wins, drove away the rheumatism with "Wagoner." This is one of the difficult old breakdowns and only trained fingers can execute it well. Big Hiram Begley, noted for his fiddling at house-warmings in the Hell-fer-Sartain country didn't arrive. His place was taken by C. H. Agee with "Billy in the Low Grounds." Nor did Anderson Bowling who fiddles for the Teges dance folk appear. John Hicks sat in his chair and played "Nigger Inch Along."

Then the last of the ring was reached, H. F. Green and his splendid violin, said to be a Stradivarius. "Nigger Inch Along" was his first number, and the audience never heard it done better. The instrument.... [INCOMPLETE]

...  "Black Jack Grove,""Shortnin' Bread,"  [and] other choice selections follwed fast. "Waynesburg"  rarely sounds so well as it did when Dude Freeman played it. If Dude were to play in some Grove of Daphne he would be certain to start all the satyrs a-dancing with the nymphs and dryads. "Sally Ann" at the touch of Alec Lunsford's fingers took us all to an old Negro plantation where ebony face, ivory teeth and flying heels drove away cares and brought respite to the sorrows of an overburdened race. "Liquor All Gone" bespoke the fact that we are living after July 1st, and that not even a drop of mountain dew was in the ring. Green and his superb instrument with "Sourwood Mountain" made all nimble heels fairly shriek for action. I heard a shuffling of leather throughout the audience in which event the preachers' soles joined.

Then the third round with its succession of thrills. Few of the old-timers ever did or ever will excel Botner in "Calahan," Ramsey in "Waynesburg," Roberts in "Turkey in the Straw," or Green in "Lost Girl." Every one of these pieces was a hum-dinger. So was Lunsford's "Hogskin." The audience never before heard "Turkey in the Straw" as it was done by Doc Roberts.

And that number of Doc's convinced the judges that he was entitled to the first prize of $50. The second prize was awarded to Dude Freeman and his "own make" and the third to the hornpipe man, E. L. Cox. The decision of the judges came as a surprise to the audience who would doubtless have voted for other favorites. But every player deserved a bouquet and a smile.

The night had approached the witching hour when the audience went away, happier and months younger because of the soulful melodies it had heard.

Thanks to you men whose skill and native musical ability keep the world about you young. You keep alive a class of music that is great and thrilling, and as native to the soil as the dogwood blossom and the wild rose. Your music makes up the foundation on which many of our greatest musical themes have been developed. Your message is a gospel of merriment, and we'd all be poorer in spirit without you.

Everybody is surprised and delighted with the financial success of the BIg Fiddlers' Meeting last Friday night.

Many improvements are needed at the Public School, and the teachers are delighted to note the interest of so many public spirited people of Berea in behalf of the school.

Berea Citizen ~ August 21? 1919
Berea, Kentucky, August 15, 1919

"Nae mair by Babel's stream we'll weep
To think upon our Zion
An' hing our fiddles up to sleep
Like baby clouts a dryin',
But screw the pegs wi' tunefu' cheep
An' o'er the thairms be tryin'
O, rare to see our elbucks wheep
An' a' like lamb tails flyin
     Fu' fast the day."

For old Berea's in the mood
To crack her heels together
And all her people, bad and good
Will want to shake their leather
Before they separate tonight,
For never since Creation
Did such a bunch of fiddlers light
On any town or nation
     As we have here.

There's Hiram Botner on the end
Who dwells where Little Sturgeon's
And Wild Dog's waters meet and blend
And where the laurel burgeons;
And L. E. Cox is next to him,
(His daddy couldn't whistle)
But his old mother had the vim
And made his daddy Hustle
   And scratch for fear.

Now M. A. Moody's local fame
Is like to be extended—
And Alec Lunsford—bless his name—
His music can't be mended.
And Millard Ramsey, (who but he
Should travel with "Black Nancy"?)
Will play some tunes, whate'er they be
To please the ladies' fancy,
     And that's all right.

And, O, Dude Freeman! — Throw your hats!
But ladies, keep your places,
And all you little squalling brats,
Please straighten up your faces
While heedful mothers dry your tears
For Dude will surely lead you
To Paradise by both your ears
Until your mamas need you
     To nurse tonight.

And John S. Gadd, "Old Monkey John,"
Is here to do his durndest,
At six years old he played upon
The fiddle till he learned it
And in the glory of his days
With all the fiddle's sweetness
He'll drown our sorrows while he plays
With wonderful completeness,
     I do believe.

Now John Will Johnson's "Black Jack Grove"
On old Bill Cates's fiddle
Will give the blues a mighty shove
And swat them in the middle.
And "Nigger Inch Along," I fear
Will prove some saints destruction
For Baker plays his tunes, I hear,
Without the least compunction;
     And I should grieve.

We've fiddlers here from far and near,
From June to Hell-for-Sartain,
And Kingdom Come, it does appear,
Has sent us one to start on.
And Big Pine Mountain sends a son—
You'll all be glad to meet him—
But Greasy Creek as sure's a gun
Will try her best to beat him
     And get the dough.

And there are some I do not know,
As worthy as the others,
Who touch the strings and draw the bow
As sweetly as their brothers,
And I would say to lads like you,
Who give your friends such pleasure,
"In all the world the souls are few
With stature to your measure."
     And now we'll go.



Berea Citizen ~ August 21, 1919
Old Fiddlers' Contest at Blue Grass Fair

It pays to advertise and then "make good" as was done at the Fiddlers' Concert DeLuxe held in berea last Friday. People came from far and near, among the visitors being Secretary Walker of the Lexington Fair Association.

He was so inspired by the occasion that he is arranging to have a similar contest at the Blue Grass Fair in Lexington during the week of September 1 to 6.

Here is a poor copy of the photo sent to Loyal Jones by Chester Nolan sometime around 1990. Nolan was from Eastern Kentucky and had once been roomates at Berea with Fiddlin' Doc Roberts.





1919 Agee, C. H. Billy in the Low Grounds n/s [Madison?]
1919 Baker, Bev Ways of the World Chavis Perry
1919 Baker, Bev Glory in the Meetin' House Chavis Perry
1919 Baker, Bev Nigger Inch Along Chavis Perry
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Bonaparte's Retreat Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Ways of the World Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Pretty Polly  Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1919 Botner, Hiram Billy in the Low Ground Traveller's Rest Owsley
1919 Botner, Hiram Sugar in the Gourd Traveller's Rest Owsley
1919 Botner, Hiram Calahan Traveller's Rest Owsley
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Rocky Mountain  Teges Clay
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Cumberland Gap  Teges Clay
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Lost Girl  Teges Clay
1919 Cates, Old Bill [fiddle mentioned] n/a n/s n/s
1919 Cooper, E. L. Cackling Hen Bledsoe Harlan
1919 Cooper, E. L. Parting Friends Bledsoe Harlan
1919 Cooper, E. L. Buck Creek Bledsoe Harlan
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Jurang's Hornpipe [sic] Panola Estill
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Fisher's Hornpipe Panola Estill
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Hornpipe (name forgotten) Panola Estill
1919 Daugherty, James Calahan Sand Gap Jackson
1919 Daugherty, James [Liquor] All Gone Sand Gap Jackson
1919 Daugherty, James Arkansaw Traveler Sand Gap Jackson
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Forked Deer n/s Owsley
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Waynesburg n/s Owsley
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Natchez Under the Hill n/s Owsley
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Calahan Disputanta Rockcastle
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Big Eared Mule Disputanta Rockcastle
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Fisher's Hornpipe Disputanta Rockcastle
1919 Green, H. F. Nigger Inch Along n/s Bell
1919 Green, H. F. Lost Girl n/s Bell
1919 Green, H. F. Sourwood Mountain n/s Bell
1919 Hicks, John Nigger Inch Along n/s n/s
1919 Johnson, John Will Forked Deer Big Hill Madison
1919 Johnson, John Will Blackjack Grove Big Hill Madison
1919 Johnson, John Will Run, Nigger, Run Big Hill Madison
1919 Lunsford, Alec Ways of the World Burning Springs Clay
1919 Lunsford, Alec Hog Skin Burning Springs Clay
1919 Lunsford, Alec Sallie Ann Burning Springs Clay
1919 Moody, M. A. Walk Along John Big Hill Madison
1919 Moody, M. A. Man Eater Big Hill Madison
1919 Moody, M. A. Irish Gallop Big Hill Madison
1919 Nolan, Chester Cacklin' Hen "Big Splash Dam" [Harlan]
1919 Ramsey, Millard Adeline Manchester Clay
1919 Ramsey, Millard Black Nancy Manchester Clay
1919 Ramsey, Millard Waynesburg Manchester Clay
1919 Roberts, Doc [1st place] Wagoner [Kirksville?] [Madison]
1919 Roberts, Doc [1st place] Turkey in the Straw [Kirksville?] [Madison]
1919 Thomas, Chester Waynesburg [Disputanta?] Madison
1919 Wright, S. F. Ways of the World Hazard Perry
1919 Wright, S. F. Cumberland Gap Hazard Perry
1919 Wright, S. F. Last of Sizemore, The Hazard Perry
1920 Baker, B. P. Waynesburg Chavis [Perry]
1920 Baker, B. P. Deer Walk Chavis [Perry]
1920 Berryman, William Fisher's Hornpipe Winchester Clark
1920 Berryman, William Bonaparte's Retreat Winchester Clark
1920 Botner, Hiram Forked Deer Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1920 Botner, Hiram Calahan Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1920 Bowling, A. S. Hog Eyed Man Manchester [Clay]
1920 Bowling, A. S. Calahan Manchester [Clay]
1920 Bowling, Anderson Lost Girl Ammie [?]
1920 Bowling, Anderson Bonaparte's Retreat Ammie [?]
1920 Burns, Boy n/s Manchester [Clay]
1920 Burns, Boy n/s Manchester [Clay]
1920 Cloud, Alex Sourwood Mountain Dizney [Harlan]
1920 Cloud, Alex Hen Cackle Dizney [Harlan]
1920 Cooper, E. L. Buck Creek Bledsoe [Harlan]
1920 Cooper, E. L. Cackling Hen Bledsoe [Harlan]
1920 Cox, L. E. n/s Panola [Madison]
1920 Cox, L. E. n/s Panola [Madison]
1920 Freeman, "Dude" Great Western Winchester Clark
1920 Freeman, "Dude" Fiddlers' Winner Winchester Clark
1920 Freeman, David Wagoner Bell Point [?]
1920 Freeman, David Forked Deer Bell Point [?]
1920 Gill, Clint n/s East Bernstadt [Laurel?]
1920 Gill, Clint n/s East Bernstadt [Laurel?]
1920 Green, H. F. [Frank] Mr. Brad "All the world..." [Bell]
1920 Green, H. F. [Frank] Old Aunt Pat and Uncle Davy "All the world..." [Bell]
1920 Hicks, ["Uncle"] Larkin  Arkansas Traveler Brodhead Rockcastle
1920 Hicks, ["Uncle"] Larkin  Leather Breeches Brodhead Rockcastle
1920 Johnson, John Will Wagoner Berea Madison
1920 Johnson, John Will Cumberland Gap Berea Madison
1920 Johnson, W. E. Buffalo Gals Berea Madison
1920 Johnson, W. E. Wild Irishman Berea Madison
1920 Lunsford, Alec Hog Skin Burning Springs [Clay]
1920 Lunsford, Alec Sallie Ann Burning Springs [Clay]
1920 Maupin, G. C. Billie in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1920 Maupin, G. C. Walk Along, John Richmond Madison
1920 Moody, M. A. Irish Gallop Berea Madison
1920 Moody, M. A. Deer Walk Berea Madison
1920 Owens, U. G. [alternate] Wild Goose Greenwood [?]
1920 Owens, U. G. [alternate] Shall I Meet You Up There Greenwood [?]
1920 Ramsey, Millard Natchez Manchester [Clay]
1920 Ramsey, Millard Chestnut Manchester [Clay]
1920 Roberts, Doc Turkey in the Straw Richmond Madison
1920 Roberts, Doc Billy in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1920 Roberts, L. R. Dixie Union City Madison
1920 Roberts, L. R. Waynesburg Union City Madison
1920 Van Winkle, Leslie Irish Washerwoman Clover Bottom [Jackson]
1920 Van Winkle, Leslie Man Eater Clover Bottom [Jackson]
1924 Botner, Hiram [1st place] Callahan Traveler's Rest Owsley
1924 Botner, Hiram [1st place] Billy in the Low Land Traveler's Rest Owsley
1924 Bowman, H. K. Buck Creek Richmond Madison
1924 Bowman, H. K. Lost Indian Richmond Madison
1924 Brinegar, Charles Black Eyed Susie Ravenna Estill
1924 Brinegar, Charles Negro Inch Along Ravenna Estill
1924 Cornett, Lola Birdie West Burg [?]
1924 Cornett, Lola Fat Goose West Burg [?]
1924 Cornett, Lola & Vola (gtr.) n/s [West Burg] [?]
1924 Daniel, V. M. Arkansaw Traveler n/s n/s
1924 Daniel, V. M. Mississippi Sawyer n/s n/s
1924 Freeman, David Wagoner Bell Point [?]
1924 Freeman, David Forest Deer Bell Point [?]
1924 Freeman, Moab [2nd place] Hog Eye Man Winchester Clark
1924 Freeman, Moab [2nd place] Glass in the Meeting House [sic] Winchester Clark
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Cumberland Gap Berea Madison
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Go Away with My Duck Berea Madison
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Go Away with My Chicken [sic] Berea Madison
1924 Maupin, G. C. Arkansaw Traveler Richmond Madison
1924 Maupin, G. C. Flat Rock Richmond Madison
1924 Maupin, L. A. [sic] & J. J. Suttle (gtr.) n/s [?] [?]
1924 Moody, M. A. Walk Along, John Berea Madison
1924 Moody, M. A. Water Melon on the Vine Berea Madison
1924 Roberts, Doc Billy in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1924 Roberts, Doc Turkey in the Straw Richmond Madison
1924 Roberts, John M. Old Kentucky Home Union City Madison
1924 Roberts, John M. Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground Union City Madison
1924 Roberts, L. R. Shortenin' Bread Union City Madison
1924 Roberts, L. R. Dixie Union City Madison
1924 Suttle, J. J.  Daniel Boone Bond Jackson
1924 Suttle, J. J.  Dancing Bow Bond Jackson
1924 Woverly, A. T. Nigger, Run! Richmond Madison
1924 Woverly, A. T. Wild Goose Richmond Madison
1925 Agee, Claude n/s [also dancer] n/s [?]
1925 Botner, Hiram n/s Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1925 Bowman, H. K. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1925 Brenniger [sic] [1st place] n/s Irvine [Estill]
1925 Freeman, Newt [3rd place] n/s Winchester [Clark]
1925 McClanahan, A. J. n/s [also dancer] [Richmond] [Madison]
1925 Oliver, Claude n/s [also dancer] n/s [?]
1925 Roberts, Doc [2nd place] n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1925 Suttles, J. J. [sic] n/s Olin [?]
1928 Gadd, John S. n/s Wildie [Rockcastle]
1928 Harris String Band [Colored] n/s Dreyfus [Madison]
1928 Harris, W. B. n/s Berea [Madison]
1928 James, Chas. J. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1928 Johnson, John W. [4th place] n/s Berea [Madison]
1928 Kidwell, Van B. [2nd place] n/s Brassfield [Madison]
1928 McNew's String Band n/s Kirksville [Madison]
1928 Moody, Matt n/s Berea [Madison]
1928 Roberts, Doc [1st place] n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1928 Roberts, L. R. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1928 Rose, Rayburn n/s Dreyfus [Madison]
1928 Strong's String Band n/s Berea [Madison]
1928 Whittaker, John [3rd place] n/s Kirksville [Madison]
1928 Witt, Roland n/s Willow Tree [?]

1919 Agee, C. H. Billy in the Low Grounds n/s [Madison?]
1925 Agee, Claude n/s [also dancer] n/s [?]
1920 Baker, B. P. Deer Walk Chavis [Perry]
1920 Baker, B. P. Waynesburg Chavis [Perry]
1919 Baker, Bev Glory in the Meetin' House Chavis Perry
1919 Baker, Bev Nigger Inch Along Chavis Perry
1919 Baker, Bev Ways of the World Chavis Perry
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Bonaparte's Retreat Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Pretty Polly  Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Ways of the World Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1920 Berryman, William Bonaparte's Retreat Winchester Clark
1920 Berryman, William Fisher's Hornpipe Winchester Clark
1919 Botner, Hiram Billy in the Low Ground Traveller's Rest Owsley
1919 Botner, Hiram Calahan Traveller's Rest Owsley
1919 Botner, Hiram Sugar in the Gourd Traveller's Rest Owsley
1920 Botner, Hiram Calahan Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1920 Botner, Hiram Forked Deer Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1925 Botner, Hiram n/s Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1924 Botner, Hiram [1st place] Billy in the Low Land Traveler's Rest Owsley
1924 Botner, Hiram [1st place] Callahan Traveler's Rest Owsley
1920 Bowling, A. S. Calahan Manchester [Clay]
1920 Bowling, A. S. Hog Eyed Man Manchester [Clay]
1920 Bowling, Anderson Bonaparte's Retreat Ammie [?]
1920 Bowling, Anderson Lost Girl Ammie [?]
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Cumberland Gap  Teges Clay
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Lost Girl  Teges Clay
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Rocky Mountain  Teges Clay
1924 Bowman, H. K. Buck Creek Richmond Madison
1924 Bowman, H. K. Lost Indian Richmond Madison
1925 Bowman, H. K. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1925 Brenniger [sic] [1st place] n/s Irvine [Estill]
1924 Brinegar, Charles Black Eyed Susie Ravenna Estill
1924 Brinegar, Charles Negro Inch Along Ravenna Estill
1920 Burns, Boy n/s Manchester [Clay]
1920 Burns, Boy n/s Manchester [Clay]
1919 Cates, Old Bill [fiddle mentioned] n/a n/s n/s
1920 Cloud, Alex Hen Cackle Dizney [Harlan]
1920 Cloud, Alex Sourwood Mountain Dizney [Harlan]
1919 Cooper, E. L. Buck Creek Bledsoe Harlan
1919 Cooper, E. L. Cackling Hen Bledsoe Harlan
1919 Cooper, E. L. Parting Friends Bledsoe Harlan
1920 Cooper, E. L. Buck Creek Bledsoe [Harlan]
1920 Cooper, E. L. Cackling Hen Bledsoe [Harlan]
1924 Cornett, Lola Birdie West Burg [?]
1924 Cornett, Lola Fat Goose West Burg [?]
1924 Cornett, Lola & Vola (gtr.) n/s [West Burg] [?]
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Fisher's Hornpipe Panola Estill
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Hornpipe (name forgotten) Panola Estill
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Jurang's Hornpipe [sic] Panola Estill
1920 Cox, L. E. n/s Panola [Madison]
1920 Cox, L. E. n/s Panola [Madison]
1924 Daniel, V. M. Arkansaw Traveler n/s n/s
1924 Daniel, V. M. Mississippi Sawyer n/s n/s
1919 Daugherty, James Arkansaw Traveler Sand Gap Jackson
1919 Daugherty, James Calahan Sand Gap Jackson
1919 Daugherty, James [Liquor] All Gone Sand Gap Jackson
1920 Freeman, "Dude" Fiddlers' Winner Winchester Clark
1920 Freeman, "Dude" Great Western Winchester Clark
1920 Freeman, David Forked Deer Bell Point [?]
1920 Freeman, David Wagoner Bell Point [?]
1924 Freeman, David Forest Deer Bell Point [?]
1924 Freeman, David Wagoner Bell Point [?]
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Forked Deer n/s Owsley
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Natchez Under the Hill n/s Owsley
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Waynesburg n/s Owsley
1924 Freeman, Moab [2nd place] Glass in the Meeting House [sic] Winchester Clark
1924 Freeman, Moab [2nd place] Hog Eye Man Winchester Clark
1925 Freeman, Newt [3rd place] n/s Winchester [Clark]
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Big Eared Mule Disputanta Rockcastle
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Calahan Disputanta Rockcastle
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Fisher's Hornpipe Disputanta Rockcastle
1928 Gadd, John S. n/s Wildie [Rockcastle]
1920 Gill, Clint n/s East Bernstadt [Laurel?]
1920 Gill, Clint n/s East Bernstadt [Laurel?]
1919 Green, H. F. Lost Girl n/s Bell
1919 Green, H. F. Nigger Inch Along n/s Bell
1919 Green, H. F. Sourwood Mountain n/s Bell
1920 Green, H. F. [Frank] Mr. Brad "All the world..." [Bell]
1920 Green, H. F. [Frank] Old Aunt Pat and Uncle Davy "All the world..." [Bell]
1928 Harris String Band [Colored] n/s Dreyfus [Madison]
1928 Harris, W. B. n/s Berea [Madison]
1920 Hicks, ["Uncle"] Larkin  Arkansas Traveler Brodhead Rockcastle
1920 Hicks, ["Uncle"] Larkin  Leather Breeches Brodhead Rockcastle
1919 Hicks, John Nigger Inch Along n/s n/s
1928 James, Chas. J. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Cumberland Gap Berea Madison
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Go Away with My Chicken [sic] Berea Madison
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Go Away with My Duck Berea Madison
1928 Johnson, John W. [4th place] n/s Berea [Madison]
1919 Johnson, John Will Blackjack Grove Big Hill Madison
1919 Johnson, John Will Forked Deer Big Hill Madison
1919 Johnson, John Will Run, Nigger, Run Big Hill Madison
1920 Johnson, John Will Cumberland Gap Berea Madison
1920 Johnson, John Will Wagoner Berea Madison
1920 Johnson, W. E. Buffalo Gals Berea Madison
1920 Johnson, W. E. Wild Irishman Berea Madison
1928 Kidwell, Van B. [2nd place] n/s Brassfield [Madison]
1919 Lunsford, Alec Hog Skin Burning Springs Clay
1919 Lunsford, Alec Sallie Ann Burning Springs Clay
1919 Lunsford, Alec Ways of the World Burning Springs Clay
1920 Lunsford, Alec Hog Skin Burning Springs [Clay]
1920 Lunsford, Alec Sallie Ann Burning Springs [Clay]
1920 Maupin, G. C. Billie in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1920 Maupin, G. C. Walk Along, John Richmond Madison
1924 Maupin, G. C. Arkansaw Traveler Richmond Madison
1924 Maupin, G. C. Flat Rock Richmond Madison
1924 Maupin, L. A. [sic] & J. J. Suttle (gtr.) n/s [?] [?]
1925 McClanahan, A. J. n/s [also dancer] [Richmond] [Madison]
1928 McNew's String Band n/s Kirksville [Madison]
1919 Moody, M. A. Irish Gallop Big Hill Madison
1919 Moody, M. A. Man Eater Big Hill Madison
1919 Moody, M. A. Walk Along John Big Hill Madison
1920 Moody, M. A. Deer Walk Berea Madison
1920 Moody, M. A. Irish Gallop Berea Madison
1924 Moody, M. A. Walk Along, John Berea Madison
1924 Moody, M. A. Water Melon on the Vine Berea Madison
1928 Moody, Matt n/s Berea [Madison]
1919 Nolan, Chester Cacklin' Hen "Big Splash Dam" [Harlan]
1925 Oliver, Claude n/s [also dancer] n/s [?]
1920 Owens, U. G. [alternate] Shall I Meet You Up There Greenwood [?]
1920 Owens, U. G. [alternate] Wild Goose Greenwood [?]
1919 Ramsey, Millard Adeline Manchester Clay
1919 Ramsey, Millard Black Nancy Manchester Clay
1919 Ramsey, Millard Waynesburg Manchester Clay
1920 Ramsey, Millard Chestnut Manchester [Clay]
1920 Ramsey, Millard Natchez Manchester [Clay]
1920 Roberts, Doc Billy in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1920 Roberts, Doc Turkey in the Straw Richmond Madison
1924 Roberts, Doc Billy in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1924 Roberts, Doc Turkey in the Straw Richmond Madison
1919 Roberts, Doc [1st place] Turkey in the Straw [Kirksville?] [Madison]
1919 Roberts, Doc [1st place] Wagoner [Kirksville?] [Madison]
1928 Roberts, Doc [1st place] n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1925 Roberts, Doc [2nd place] n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1924 Roberts, John M. Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground Union City Madison
1924 Roberts, John M. Old Kentucky Home Union City Madison
1920 Roberts, L. R. Dixie Union City Madison
1920 Roberts, L. R. Waynesburg Union City Madison
1924 Roberts, L. R. Dixie Union City Madison
1924 Roberts, L. R. Shortenin' Bread Union City Madison
1928 Roberts, L. R. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1928 Rose, Rayburn n/s Dreyfus [Madison]
1928 Strong's String Band n/s Berea [Madison]
1924 Suttle, J. J.  Dancing Bow Bond Jackson
1924 Suttle, J. J.  Daniel Boone Bond Jackson
1925 Suttles, J. J. [sic] n/s Olin [?]
1919 Thomas, Chester Waynesburg [Disputanta?] Madison
1920 Van Winkle, Leslie Irish Washerwoman Clover Bottom [Jackson]
1920 Van Winkle, Leslie Man Eater Clover Bottom [Jackson]
1928 Whittaker, John [3rd place] n/s Kirksville [Madison]
1928 Witt, Roland n/s Willow Tree [?]
1924 Woverly, A. T. Nigger, Run! Richmond Madison
1924 Woverly, A. T. Wild Goose Richmond Madison
1919 Wright, S. F. Cumberland Gap Hazard Perry
1919 Wright, S. F. Last of Sizemore, The Hazard Perry
1919 Wright, S. F. Ways of the World Hazard Perry

1919 Ramsey, Millard Adeline Manchester Clay
1920 Hicks, ["Uncle"] Larkin  Arkansas Traveler Brodhead Rockcastle
1919 Daugherty, James Arkansaw Traveler Sand Gap Jackson
1924 Daniel, V. M. Arkansaw Traveler n/s n/s
1924 Maupin, G. C. Arkansaw Traveler Richmond Madison
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Big Eared Mule Disputanta Rockcastle
1920 Maupin, G. C. Billie in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1919 Botner, Hiram Billy in the Low Ground Traveller's Rest Owsley
1920 Roberts, Doc Billy in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1924 Roberts, Doc Billy in the Low Ground Richmond Madison
1919 Agee, C. H. Billy in the Low Grounds n/s [Madison?]
1924 Botner, Hiram [1st place] Billy in the Low Land Traveler's Rest Owsley
1924 Cornett, Lola Birdie West Burg [?]
1924 Brinegar, Charles Black Eyed Susie Ravenna Estill
1919 Ramsey, Millard Black Nancy Manchester Clay
1919 Johnson, John Will Blackjack Grove Big Hill Madison
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Bonaparte's Retreat Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1920 Berryman, William Bonaparte's Retreat Winchester Clark
1920 Bowling, Anderson Bonaparte's Retreat Ammie [?]
1919 Cooper, E. L. Buck Creek Bledsoe Harlan
1920 Cooper, E. L. Buck Creek Bledsoe [Harlan]
1924 Bowman, H. K. Buck Creek Richmond Madison
1920 Johnson, W. E. Buffalo Gals Berea Madison
1919 Nolan, Chester Cacklin' Hen "Big Splash Dam" [Harlan]
1919 Cooper, E. L. Cackling Hen Bledsoe Harlan
1920 Cooper, E. L. Cackling Hen Bledsoe [Harlan]
1919 Botner, Hiram Calahan Traveller's Rest Owsley
1919 Daugherty, James Calahan Sand Gap Jackson
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Calahan Disputanta Rockcastle
1920 Botner, Hiram Calahan Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1920 Bowling, A. S. Calahan Manchester [Clay]
1924 Botner, Hiram [1st place] Callahan Traveler's Rest Owsley
1920 Ramsey, Millard Chestnut Manchester [Clay]
1919 Wright, S. F. Cumberland Gap Hazard Perry
1920 Johnson, John Will Cumberland Gap Berea Madison
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Cumberland Gap Berea Madison
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Cumberland Gap  Teges Clay
1924 Suttle, J. J.  Dancing Bow Bond Jackson
1924 Suttle, J. J.  Daniel Boone Bond Jackson
1920 Baker, B. P. Deer Walk Chavis [Perry]
1920 Moody, M. A. Deer Walk Berea Madison
1920 Roberts, L. R. Dixie Union City Madison
1924 Roberts, L. R. Dixie Union City Madison
1924 Cornett, Lola Fat Goose West Burg [?]
1920 Freeman, "Dude" Fiddlers' Winner Winchester Clark
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Fisher's Hornpipe Panola Estill
1919 Gadd, "Monkey" Jno. Fisher's Hornpipe Disputanta Rockcastle
1920 Berryman, William Fisher's Hornpipe Winchester Clark
1924 Maupin, G. C. Flat Rock Richmond Madison
1924 Freeman, David Forest Deer Bell Point [?]
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Forked Deer n/s Owsley
1919 Johnson, John Will Forked Deer Big Hill Madison
1920 Botner, Hiram Forked Deer Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1920 Freeman, David Forked Deer Bell Point [?]
1924 Freeman, Moab [2nd place] Glass in the Meeting House [sic] Winchester Clark
1919 Baker, Bev Glory in the Meetin' House Chavis Perry
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Go Away with My Chicken [sic] Berea Madison
1924 Johnson, J. W. [3rd place] Go Away with My Duck Berea Madison
1920 Freeman, "Dude" Great Western Winchester Clark
1920 Cloud, Alex Hen Cackle Dizney [Harlan]
1924 Freeman, Moab [2nd place] Hog Eye Man Winchester Clark
1920 Bowling, A. S. Hog Eyed Man Manchester [Clay]
1919 Lunsford, Alec Hog Skin Burning Springs Clay
1920 Lunsford, Alec Hog Skin Burning Springs [Clay]
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Hornpipe (name forgotten) Panola Estill
1919 Moody, M. A. Irish Gallop Big Hill Madison
1920 Moody, M. A. Irish Gallop Berea Madison
1920 Van Winkle, Leslie Irish Washerwoman Clover Bottom [Jackson]
1919 Cox, E. L. [3rd place] Jurang's Hornpipe [sic] Panola Estill
1919 Wright, S. F. Last of Sizemore, The Hazard Perry
1920 Hicks, ["Uncle"] Larkin  Leather Breeches Brodhead Rockcastle
1919 Daugherty, James [Liquor] All Gone Sand Gap Jackson
1919 Green, H. F. Lost Girl n/s Bell
1920 Bowling, Anderson Lost Girl Ammie [?]
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Lost Girl  Teges Clay
1924 Bowman, H. K. Lost Indian Richmond Madison
1919 Moody, M. A. Man Eater Big Hill Madison
1920 Van Winkle, Leslie Man Eater Clover Bottom [Jackson]
1924 Roberts, John M. Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground Union City Madison
1924 Daniel, V. M. Mississippi Sawyer n/s n/s
1920 Green, H. F. [Frank] Mr. Brad "All the world..." [Bell]
1919 Cates, Old Bill [fiddle mentioned] n/a n/s n/s
1920 Burns, Boy n/s Manchester [Clay]
1920 Burns, Boy n/s Manchester [Clay]
1920 Cox, L. E. n/s Panola [Madison]
1920 Cox, L. E. n/s Panola [Madison]
1920 Gill, Clint n/s East Bernstadt [Laurel?]
1920 Gill, Clint n/s East Bernstadt [Laurel?]
1924 Cornett, Lola & Vola (gtr.) n/s [West Burg] [?]
1924 Maupin, L. A. [sic] & J. J. Suttle (gtr.) n/s [?] [?]
1925 Botner, Hiram n/s Traveler's Rest [Owsley]
1925 Bowman, H. K. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1925 Brenniger [sic] [1st place] n/s Irvine [Estill]
1925 Freeman, Newt [3rd place] n/s Winchester [Clark]
1925 Roberts, Doc [2nd place] n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1925 Suttles, J. J. [sic] n/s Olin [?]
1928 Gadd, John S. n/s Wildie [Rockcastle]
1928 Harris String Band [Colored] n/s Dreyfus [Madison]
1928 Harris, W. B. n/s Berea [Madison]
1928 James, Chas. J. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1928 Johnson, John W. [4th place] n/s Berea [Madison]
1928 Kidwell, Van B. [2nd place] n/s Brassfield [Madison]
1928 McNew's String Band n/s Kirksville [Madison]
1928 Moody, Matt n/s Berea [Madison]
1928 Roberts, Doc [1st place] n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1928 Roberts, L. R. n/s [Richmond] [Madison]
1928 Rose, Rayburn n/s Dreyfus [Madison]
1928 Strong's String Band n/s Berea [Madison]
1928 Whittaker, John [3rd place] n/s Kirksville [Madison]
1928 Witt, Roland n/s Willow Tree [?]
1925 Agee, Claude n/s [also dancer] n/s [?]
1925 McClanahan, A. J. n/s [also dancer] [Richmond] [Madison]
1925 Oliver, Claude n/s [also dancer] n/s [?]
1920 Ramsey, Millard Natchez Manchester [Clay]
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Natchez Under the Hill n/s Owsley
1924 Brinegar, Charles Negro Inch Along Ravenna Estill
1919 Baker, Bev Nigger Inch Along Chavis Perry
1919 Green, H. F. Nigger Inch Along n/s Bell
1919 Hicks, John Nigger Inch Along n/s n/s
1924 Woverly, A. T. Nigger, Run! Richmond Madison
1920 Green, H. F. [Frank] Old Aunt Pat and Uncle Davy "All the world..." [Bell]
1924 Roberts, John M. Old Kentucky Home Union City Madison
1919 Cooper, E. L. Parting Friends Bledsoe Harlan
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Pretty Polly  Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1919 Bowling, Anderson [didn't arrive] Rocky Mountain  Teges Clay
1919 Johnson, John Will Run, Nigger, Run Big Hill Madison
1919 Lunsford, Alec Sallie Ann Burning Springs Clay
1920 Lunsford, Alec Sallie Ann Burning Springs [Clay]
1920 Owens, U. G. [alternate] Shall I Meet You Up There Greenwood [?]
1924 Roberts, L. R. Shortenin' Bread Union City Madison
1919 Green, H. F. Sourwood Mountain n/s Bell
1920 Cloud, Alex Sourwood Mountain Dizney [Harlan]
1919 Botner, Hiram Sugar in the Gourd Traveller's Rest Owsley
1919 Roberts, Doc [1st place] Turkey in the Straw [Kirksville?] [Madison]
1920 Roberts, Doc Turkey in the Straw Richmond Madison
1924 Roberts, Doc Turkey in the Straw Richmond Madison
1919 Roberts, Doc [1st place] Wagoner [Kirksville?] [Madison]
1920 Freeman, David Wagoner Bell Point [?]
1920 Johnson, John Will Wagoner Berea Madison
1924 Freeman, David Wagoner Bell Point [?]
1919 Moody, M. A. Walk Along John Big Hill Madison
1920 Maupin, G. C. Walk Along, John Richmond Madison
1924 Moody, M. A. Walk Along, John Berea Madison
1924 Moody, M. A. Water Melon on the Vine Berea Madison
1919 Freeman, Dude [2nd place] Waynesburg n/s Owsley
1919 Ramsey, Millard Waynesburg Manchester Clay
1919 Thomas, Chester Waynesburg [Disputanta?] Madison
1920 Baker, B. P. Waynesburg Chavis [Perry]
1920 Roberts, L. R. Waynesburg Union City Madison
1919 Baker, Bev Ways of the World Chavis Perry
1919 Begley, Big Hiram [didn't arrive] Ways of the World Hell-fer-sartain Leslie
1919 Lunsford, Alec Ways of the World Burning Springs Clay
1919 Wright, S. F. Ways of the World Hazard Perry
1920 Owens, U. G. [alternate] Wild Goose Greenwood [?]
1924 Woverly, A. T. Wild Goose Richmond Madison
1920 Johnson, W. E. Wild Irishman Berea Madison


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