Spirituals from the Bahamas- Parsons 1928

Spirituals from the Bahamas- Elsie Clews Parsons
The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 41, No. 162 (Oct. - Dec., 1928), pp. 453-524
[The music lyrics are included, not the "other folklore"]


Anthems ............... ........................ 457
Toasts and other verses ................................ 466

The summer and early autumn of 1926 brought three terrific hurricanes to the Bahamas, destroying fishing and sponging fleets, snapping off the tops of cocoanut trees or uprooting them, tearing off the roofs,
tipping or leveling the walls of the houses of the settlements. One day the following January, I went ashore on the beach at Devil's Point, Cat Island, and with a group of welcoming islanders walked up the dunes to look at the devastated settlement. "Mah sister house; she have no man to build it up again." This was a pile of coral rubble. Other houses had been more or less restored, if only with palm leaf thatch, but the usual warm invitations to visit failed, so I turned into the Zion chapel, part stone, part palm leaf, to sit down and lead away from the tale of hurricane to ol' time tale and riddle. But a chapel is not a proper place for riddling. "Wouldn' mistress cyare to hear anthum?" And then and there I learned that spirituals were as common in the Bahamas as, let us say, in the Carolinas, whence in post-revolutionary days they were probably introduced by the slaves of the United Loyalist immigrants.

The middle-aged woman who had asserted herself as hostess became the leader, carrying the tune and the new lines, the others coming in with the refrain. The leader remained seated, but she so swung the upper part of her body, gesticulating with her arms and tossing her head, as to produce virtually a dance accompaniment to the song. The other girls and women shared in some of these motions, but were far less vehement than the leader, particularly the younger ones. Later in my voyage, in Hayti, when I heard at a spirit dance (danse loi [1]) what sounded like very much the same harmonies sung to actual dancing, I wondered if in the South the spiritual had not also been a dance song until Anglo-Saxon influence subdued the bodily motions. Just as a shuffle came to substitute in the "shout" for crossing the feet, "which would be dancing," and just as at a later day when "rags" were introduced into the "shout," the "shout itself was frowned upon." [2]

In Rum Cay where only one White woman lives, dance steps are actually associated with the spiritual. On Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve a rushin' meetin' is held in the chapels, to raise a collection. The "money-man" sits behind the collection plate on the altar and the choir girls sing "anthum" and clap for those who strut or dance-step in antisunwise circuit around the chapel. The rule is that after two circuits a copper is to be deposited in the plate; "but some boys cheat." I attended the rushin' meetin' which was held on New Year's Eve of 1927 in the school house for the benefit of the chapel that had been destroyed by "dee gale." The two front rows of girls sang "Shine, Shine, Shine,'" "Honey in de Rock," and other "anthum." Both sexes, young and old, performed a strut or one step dance around the benches, the women holding out their petticoats and the men, the flaps of their coats. Some of the paraders joined in the singing.

This meeting was after midnight. Earlier a service had been held in Zion, the Baptist chapel. Moody and Sanchy hymns as well as spirituals were sung between addresses and testimonials. As midnight approached the minister announced, "Three minutes more!" The congregation became somewhat hysterical, weeping, sniveling or moaning. As the first bell rang out the minister exclaimed impressively, "Watchman, whey de night (what of the night)?" The bell rang on, and again and again the deep voice called out, "Watchman, whey de night?" At the last peal all began to sing, "Happy New Year," singing the three words over and over to the characteristic rhythms of the "anthum." Then with a great outburst by all, and the song leader gesticulating up and down the aisle, was sung the "anthum," "I want to be among de number when de saints come marching home." During this the minister and the elders descended from their platform to shake hands with everyone in the congregation.

[1] See Spirit Cult in Hayti, Journal des Americanistes, in proof.
[2] Parsons, E. C. Folk-Lore of the Sea Islands, South Carolina. MAFLS XVI (1923), 206.


Cat Island

1. An' de blin' man been on de road so long,
Dere's a blind man been on de road so long
Cryin', "Oh Lawd save me!"
An' de blin' man been on de road so long.

2. One day when I was walkin'
Down ter Heaven I go
My Savior's talkin' to me [spoke on]
An' he fill mah heart wid love.

3. Come by heah, Lawd.
Come by heah, Lawd.
Come by heah, Lawd.
Heh Lawd, stand by heah.

My fader talkin', "Stand by heah."
Somebody talkin', "Stand by heah." [
Somebody preachin', "Stand by heah."]
Heh Lawd, stand by me.
Somebody callin', "Stand by heah."
Halleluh! Stand by me.*

*"You can feel de sweetness of dem," was the comment on this anthem.

4. Some gwine ter bury in de graveyard,
Some gwine drown in de sea.
Get up in de mornin' shoutin'
Hallenluia my soul.

Mayew, Ma'k, oh Luke an' John,
Hallenluia, my soul,
All dem 'postle died an' gone,
Oh my soul.

5. I went to der rock,
Some time, some time,
For ter hide myself,
Some time, some time,
De rock cried out
Some time, some time,
No hidin' place time
Time gone, time gone.
Gwine to meet him in de glory
Time gone, time gone.
Yes, de rock cried out, time gone,
No hidin' place.
Yes, I had a moder [fader]
Some time
I gwine ter meet him in glory [Heaven]
Yes, I had a uncle
Some time
I gwine ter meet him in Heaven.
He gone to glory,
Time, time,
I gwine ter meet him in Heaven.

6. Jesus, spare me anoder year,
Oh Lawd, [time gone] Oh Lawd
For my Jesus love his chillun
An' he bless my soul, one mornin'.
Spare me anoder year, oh Lawd.

7. In mah name,
In mah name,
Go clean de leper sin
In mah name.
Luke an' John
Mathew, Ma'k, Luke an' John,
Go clean' de leper sin in mah name,

8.* De Lawd got his eyes on me,
My Lawd settin' in de Kingdom
Have [Got] his eyes on me.
An' he lookin' down on me,
An' he lookin' down on me.
I would not be a drunkard,
I would not be a liar,
An' I tell yer de reason why
Fah my Lawd settin' in de Kingdom
Have his eyes on me.

*To the tune of "Everybody works but fader."

9. I'll be deah,
Dontcher doubt me,
I'll be deah in de mornin',
When de rule (roll) is call, I'll be deah.
I don't mean when de sea-billows [t'under] rollin'
I don't mean when de Jordan rollin'
I'll be deah.
Whey over dere in de heavenly land
When de rule is call
I'll be deah.
When you get in de Heaven
I'll be deah.
I'll be deah wid mah golden slippers on mah feet.
Ver people, don't yer doubt me,
When yer get to Heaven,
I'll be dere
Wid a golden girdle roun' mah waist
An' a palm of victory in mah hand
I'll be deah.

10. Good bye, worl'*
I'm gwine ter leave dis worl' behin'
I'm gwine ter cross dat separated lan'
An' leave dis worl' behin'.
Good bye, church
I'm gwine ter leave dis worl' behin'.

*Repeat with moder, son, daughter, wife, sister, frien'.

11. I got [Oh I had] a daughter name' Nancy,
She couldn' read an' write.
She get a little book wid fifteen leave
An' I sent her off ter school.
Get on board, little chil'ren.
Let's get on board, little chil'ren,
Let's get on board.
Dere is room fah many an' more.
See dem people with a concubine
Dey live in de worl' like swine.
Dey can't go ter heaven,
Wid a villain mind.
An' you leave yer hat behin'.
Get on board, little chil'ren.

I2. When de cloud are hangin' low,
Shine, shine!
An' you know not whey ter go,
Shine fah Jesus.
Take yer burden to de Lawd
You can take it at his word
See an' praise him every day,
An' shine, shine, shine!
Keep yer eyes on Jesus
Shine, shine, shine!
Sing an' praise him eve'y day,
An' shine, shine, shine!
When frien' forsake you
All de way, every day,
Sing an' praise him eve'y day,
An' shine, shine, shine!

13. I have a moder* in de Beulah lan'
I want to go to see her
I want ter see her, in der Beulah Beulah Beulah land.
Le's go, le's go, le's go!
I want ter go to see him
In der Beulah land.
*Repeat with fader, sister, broder.

14. Oh too late, sinner,
My soul los'.
Too late, sinner,
Fah judgment day
Too late, too late.
Oh, sinner, why make yer head so ha'd?
Too late, too late.
Oh de bell was ringin'
An' you wouldn't come.
Too late, too late
Fah de minister preach,
You would not come.
Too late.
O Jesus call,
You would not come,
Too late, too late fah Judgment day.

15. Jubilee, jubilee, my Lawd.
Oh dis is de year of jubilee.
Ah jubilee.
Come my broder, come join me.
Ah jubilee.
Come my sister,* come join me.
Ah jubilee.
Dis is de year of jubilee.
Ah jubilee.
Jubilee is come again.

*Repeat with moder, fader, etc.

16. I am on a strange lan'
So far from home.
Stranger walkin' on strange lan'
So far from home.
I heard dat voice
I couldn't get deah.
Jesus call, an' would not go.
I heard dat voice
But I couldn't tell where.

17. I'm goin' to lay my burden down,
Burden down, burden down,
Lay mah burden at Jesus feet,
My burden down.
I get tired wid my burden
An' I lay him down,
Lay my burden at Jesus feet,
Lay my burden down.
I tired of my burden
Lay him down.

18. De same train goin' cyarry my moder,
De same train comin' back again.
Dat train is de gospel train.
Same train, same ol' train,
De same train cyarrin' my body,
Same train, same ol' train.

19. Sheep know shepherd voice.
Yes Lawd, I know.
Come along, I know de way,
Come along, I know de way.
Come along, king Jesus call yer,
Come along, I am de way.

20. Joe horse in de valley,
Joe horse in de low lan',
Joe horse in de valley,
Joe horse in de low lan',
In de low lan',
Fah he ride um wid a golden saddle
In de low lan'.
He ride um wid a golden bridle
In de low lan'.

21. Come in, my Lawd,
Come in, my Lawd, come in.
Come in, my Lawd, don't pass.
Oh de onliest t'ing dat worry me,
Worry me, worry me,
Dat is my po' soul.
Don't pass de door, my Lawd!

22. Hail Mary, shout for joy!
Hail Mary, shout for joy!
Mary is a wonder,
Mary is a wirgin.
Shout for joy,
Hail Mary, shout for joy!

23. I am in dis dark worl' of trouble
I have no need ter fear
I heard of dat city call' Heaven
I determine ter make it my home.
Home! home!

24. Oh gwine ter climb up Jacob ladder,
Soldier of de cross.
Oh when you get home, r'ember me,
Soldier of de jubilee.
Oh if yer reach home before I go,
Jus' tellin' my Lawd I'm on de way,
I am climbing Jacob ladder,
I am climbing higher an' higher,
Me Lawd, soldier of de cross.

Rum Cay

1. Jesus lover of my soul,
Shine, shine, shine!
Let me to dy bosom fly
Fah Jesus while de neares' water rule (roll),
While de tempes' still on high,
Leave me, leave me, not alone.
You gwine shine fah Jesus.
Some go ter meetin' ter show de dress,
Dey goin' ter shine.
When trouble taky you, shine!
When frien' forsaky you all de way,
Cyas' yer eyes on Jesus.
Shine, shine, shine!

2. I went to de rock, Time,
Ter hide myself, Time.
De rock cried out, Time,
My Lawd, no hidin' place, Time.
I went to der mountain
Ter hide myself.
De mountain cried out, Time,
My Lawd, no hidin' place, Time.
I went to de sea, Time,
Ter hide myself.
De sea cried out, Time,
My Lawd, no hidin' place, Time.

3. John saw, John saw,
John saw John.
'Tisn' so!*
John saw de holy angels settin' on de holy altar.
'Tisn' so!
John saw de angels settin' on de golden altar.
'Tisn' so!
All de people sayin'
Love de Lawd! Love de Lawd!
'Tisn' so!
Wheder he love de Lawd or not,
'Tisn' so!
Love de Lawd! love de Lawd!
Behol' de lamb of Gawd.

*Spoken, with vehemence.

4. Gi' me dat ol' time religion (2X)
It is good enough fah me.
It is good fah when I'm dyin' (2X)
It is good enough fah me.
It was good fah all dem apostles. (2X)
Gi' me dat ol' time religion (2X)
It was good fah my dyin' moder [fader](2X)
It was good fah Simon Peter [Mary an' Marta] [John de Baptist] (2X)

5. Leader: Come, my sister, join me!
All: Dis is de year of jubilee
Halelu halelu haleluja.
Las' year of jubilee.
Leader: Come, my broder [my chil'run] join me!

6. Too late, sinner,
Fah de judgment day,
too late, too late.
I and you will hurry home,
Too late, too late.
De gate will shut
An' you would' get in.
Too late, too late.
Judgment day will surely come.
Too late, too late.

7.*When Moses smote de water,
De chil'run all passed over.
When Moses smote de water,
De sea gave way.
My chil'run, aren't you glad
To leave dis sinful army?
My chil'run, arent' you glad
De sea gave way?
My sister [broder] [mother] ain't you glad,
You left.

*Out of book.

8. What kind er shoes you goin' ter wear?
Golden slippers.
What kind er shoes you goin' ter wear?
Golden slippers.
Golden slippers I'm goin' to wear
An' outshine de glittering choir.
Yes, yes, yes, my Lawd.
I'm goin' to jine the heavenly choir,
I'm goin' to jine the heavenly choir,
I'm goin' to join the band.
What kind a robe you goin' ter wear?
White robe. (Repeat).
What kind er streets you goin' to walk?
Golden streets. (Repeat)
What kind er palms you goin' ter cyarry?
Golden palms.  (Repeat)

9. Mary weep an' Mart'a mourn.'
Jesus de man wid de dyed gyarment.*
Jesus died on Calvary
One of dese morning bright an' early'
Jesus died on Calvary.
Hitch on my wings an' I try de yair (air)
Mary weep and Mart'a mourn.

*Repeat twice.

Lignum Vitae Cay, Berry Islands.

Dere's many man
Swear he love his wife alone.
Dere's many man
Love anoder man wife
And swear he love his own.


Seal skin pertect me f'om de col'.
Ice cream fountain springin' at mah feet.
Sausage boun' to play while I eatin'.
An' I will be satiswy in life.
Oh if I only could own dat Soudern Union cable,
Ella Gran would surely be my wife,
An' I will be satiswy in life.
Woman is de lovelest' of wine,
Out of ten she bought once a nine.*
She roll t'rough an' fro' likes de ocean swell.
She brought glad tiding from England
Widout crackin' a shell.
On a dark an' squally wintry night,
When de dew fell on de ground,
A sailor boy was standin' by
Wid his sweetheart by his side.
He hugged her tight,
Embracin' her fast.
Yer partin' give me pain,
We will never never meet again.
Til in de countree bright an' fyair.

*She had a chil' in de nine months.


One day I was walkin' along the street
I met a fine, pretty looking boy.
I went up to him an' I ax him pardon.
My deah, my deah, would you marry me ?
How cyan I impose upon dis fair maiden
Who had a true love gone to sea.

Suppose yer lover he get drowned,
Suppose yer lover in some foreign port,
Suppose yer lover some pretty fair marry him.
I love de gyirl dat marry him.
He shove he hand right into he pawket.
His finger wa' long an slimified
An' shine de ring dat part between dem.
Never mind gyirl, never mind.

*Heard in Andros.


Keep yer head down you Fritzi boy,
Keep yer head down you Fritzi boy.
Last night in the star twilight
I saw you, I saw you,
You were mending yer broken words,
You were opening yer rapid fire.
If you want ter see yer daddy
In yer daddy land,
Keep yer head down, Fritzi boy.
Jack and Gill went up de hill
Jack fell down an' break his neck
Jack swear by Gawd he win de race.
I had a little pony,
His name is Dample Grey.
Dey whip him, dey lash him.
I would not let my little pony go.

Nassau, New Providence.

0l' England
De lan's of de sea
She rounded wid water
An' dat we all know.
Only a penny that I may buy
A small loaves of bread
For de baby and I.

I pint my rifles in de sky,
I shoot de pigeons as they flies.
I bid farewell f'om ev'y fear
An' I'll wipe my weeping eyes.
Dere is home, dere is home
To my own countree.
Heah comes a sailor
Which I have never seen before.
De sailor fel' drowsy,
He hangs down his head,
He call fur a cyandle
To light himself to bed.
Come along you fair maids,
Come along too.
Early in dee mornin'
He rose f'om his bed.
He called fah Maree
To square up the bill.
Mind, Mary,
How do you let it out.
Don' you let yer fader know
Whatsh you wuz about.
If is a boy, send him to sea
Wid his high heel boots
An' his bonnet, jacket blue,
For I will make him reeve de topsail
As his fader used to do.

John steal my Jimmie John
An' I bid de bugger not ter run.
An 'as he run
I shot de bugger in de -
When I was a young girl in my prime,
I asked ter kiss every young boy I meet.
But now I'm so old an' so cold
I cyant get one kiss to save mah soul.

When I was a young girl
My moder keep me in,
Now I was an ol' girl
My moder let me out.

I went to Jim Brown
I set myself down
An' I call fah a glass of Jim Toddy.
De toddy was so warm
An' I was so ol'
It filled up my hon hon hon.*

*Yer got me?

Cat Island

Snake take de hoe cake,
Lizard come an' steal it.
Yer long tail nanny,
Bring back mah hoe cake.


Dere's a ball in from London town
Mus' be on de groun'.
Take all de ladies in de town
Ter roll de ball all around.
Didn't it ramble,
Didn't it ramble,
Til de butcher cut him round.

Hecter perteker,
King of de Jews,
Walk in mah stockin',
Step in mah shoe.

Jennie, my darlin',
I love you so well,
I'll stick ter yer side
Like a lime to an ol' stone wall.


Dere is many fine ladies
Dere is many putty yellow girl
I was cou'tin' my time.
Ladies, ladies, gentle and all,
I will sing you a fine song
Of a noble school boy.

One day one day I war camin' from school,
I bounced my ball so high,
I bounced my ball in de queen own yard,
No one could hear when it fall.
Come in, come in, my brave young boy,
Come in come get yer ball.

Oh no, oh no, I cyant come in
Except my shipmate follow.
She showed me an apple was green as grass,
She showed me an' ol' gold ring,
She showed me a cherry red as a rose.
Dat did entice me in.

She sat me down on t'ree ol' chairs.
She pas' me down wid pas'.
With a basin of water rubbed my feet
Ter ketch my blood when it spill.
Oh, do, young woman, spare my life,
Do spare my life little longer.

If I ever live ter grow a man,
I would marry to Barbary Ellen.
Oh no, oh no, said she,
I wouldn' spare your life no longer.
If you only live to grow a man,
You will marry to some one oder.

Do put a bible at mah feet,
A prayer book at mah head.
If any my schoolmates you do meet,
Do tell him I've gone ter sleep.
Ditto to my big toe
You know where grass grow.

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