Wild Boar- Mrs. Broughton (KY) 1917 Sharp C
[My Title. From English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, 1932 edition Sharp/Karpeles Vol. I.
R. Matteson 2012, 2104]
C. [Wild Boar] Sir Lionel- sung by Mrs. Mollie Broughton, at Barbourville, Knox County, Kentucky, on May 10, 1917.
I went out a hunting one day,
Dellum down, dillum,
I went out a hunting one day,
And I found there where a wild boar lay,
Come a call, cut him down,
Quilly quo qua.
I hunted over hills and mountains,
And there I found him on his way.
The wild boar came in such a dash,
He cut his way through oak and ash.
I called up my army of men;
He killed one, two three score of them.
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