Bangum and the Boar- (KY) McGill c. 1914

Bangum and the Boar- (KY) McGill c. 1914

[From Folk-Songs of the Kentucky Mountains: Twenty traditional ballads and other English folk-songs notated from the singing of the Kentucky Mountain People and arranged with piano accompaniment by Josephine McGill. Introductory note by H. E. Krehbiel; published in 1917.

McGill traveled to Kentucky during the summers of 1914 and 1915 and collected folk songs and ballads.

R. Matteson 2014]

BANGUM AND THE BOAR- Collected and arranged McGill c. 1914

 There is a wild boar in these woods,
Dillom dom dillom.
He eats our flesh and drinks our blood,
Tum a qui quiddle quo qum.

How shall I this wild boar see
Dillom dom dillom.
"Blow your horn and he'll come to thee."
Tum a qui quiddle quo qum.

 Bangum blew his horn a blast,
Dillom dom dillom.
The wild boar came cutting oak and ash.
 Tum a qui quiddle quo qum.

 Bangum drew his wooden knife,
Dillom dom dillom.
And he worried the wild boar out of his life.
Tum a qui quiddle quo qum.

Bangum rode to the wild boar's den,
Dillom dom dillom.
And he found the bones of a thousand men.
Tum a qui quiddle quo qum.