The Irish Boy- Elizabeth St. Clair (Edin) c. 1770

The Irish Boy- Elizabeth St. Clair (Edin) c. 1770

[From: Clark, The Mansfield Manuscript (2015) p. 4-6. Steve Gardham's analysis of the text follows.

R. Matteson 2017]

Gardham's analysis of the St. Clair piece:

1. lines 1 & 2. The Irish Boy (broadside, GPB)
lines 3 & 4 probably St Clair.
2.Possibly St Clair.
3. lines 1 & 2 vaguely Brisk Young Sailor ideas.
lines 3 & 4 Rambling Boy (st6 Robertson)
4. From a well-known Valentine.
5. Roud 3195 Queen of Hearts
6. Ibid.
7. St4 in The Maid's Tragedy
8. Queen of Hearts
9. Rambling Boy
10 lines 1 & 2, Rambling Boy
lines 3 & 4 William McGonegal!!

The Irish Boy-
sung by Elizabeth St. Clair of Edinburgh, c.1770;

1. O what a foolish girl was I
To fall in love with an Irish Boy
Who could not speak good English to me
Which was the thing that did undo me.

2. My mother chide me for my kindness
She often said I was led in blindness
But she may go home and frown in leisure
For a sight of my love is all my pleasure.

3. You go by my door as you do not know me
You seem to me as you did not love me
I loved you once and I durst not show it
Do you the same and let no man know it.

4. The rose it is red and the violet's blue
The honey's sweet love and so art thou
Thou art mine love and I am thine
I drew thee to be my Valentine.

5. O meeting's pleasure but parting's sorrow
Have the night and away tomorrow
But as you leave me so you'll find me
I cannot live one hour behind thee.

6. O if I were on yon high mountain
Had gold and money for the counting
I could not count it for thinking on thee
Have pity on me my dear honey.

7. Well did he know I could bake and brew
Well did he know I could shape and sew
Could wash his linnens and dress them fine
But now he's gone and left me behind.

8. My love's away and he's long of coming
My heart is broken with thinking on him
He's over seas and there he's carried
Another woman I fear he's married.

9. Home her father dear came then
Asking for his daughter Jean
Up stairs he ran and the door he broke
He found her hanging on a rope.

10. Two long hours after she was dead
These lines were found beneath her hand
This is the way I must end my life
Cause my lodger won't make me his wife.

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