The Darling Rose- (Glas) Poet's Box broadside 1851

The Darling Rose- (Glas) Poet's Box broadside 1851

[Broadside from Glasgow Poet's Box and the date is 4th October, 1851.

Steve Gardham comments, "I think it is someone's attempt to turn it into a minstrel song or perhaps it's a burlesque. What it demonstrates to me is that even by 1851 the song was a hopeless mixture of many sources. The Poet used to advertise on his sheets for people to bring songs into the shop to be printed. There was a Poet's Box in Dundee also and the beauty of this is they were all precisely dated."

The title, chorus and the last stanza especially are written to imitate late minstrel lyrics. Stanza 2 is from Sheffield Park.

R. Matteson 2017]

The Darling Rose- broadside from  Glasgow Poet's Box, dated 4th October 1851.
Air- Beauty and the Beast

1. My love he is a false love
He is loved and like by everyone;
He has my heart and my free good will
And I must confess that I love him still.

CHORUS: For I'm the girl that will make them sing,
With the white wash teeth and the coal black chin,
With the red red lips and the turn up nose
For I'm the beauty darling Rose.

2. I went upstairs to make the bed,
The mistress followed and this she said
What ails you, what ails you, the mistress said
What ails you, what ails you, my pretty maid
    For I'm the girl &c

3. Oh mistress dear if you were to know
The killing pain that I do undergo;
It is the pain, the pain I do protest
It is the killing pain lies in my breast.
   For I'm the girl &c

4. When my apron it was low,
The rogue followed me through frost and snow
But now my apron is up to my chine,
He passes by and says nothing.
   For I'm the girl &c

5. My love he goes to yonder town,
He goes in an alehouse and there sits down;
He places another girl on his knee,
And is that not a grief to me.
   For I'm the girl &c

6. There are three eagles in yonder plain,
Two of them blind and the other lame;
I wish it was the case with me,
Before his face I ere did see.
   For I'm the girl &c

7. If you go down to town,
Do look around and you'll see your Brown;
He's as nice a man as ere you saw,
With his big big lips and black black jaw. 
   For I'm the girl &c

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